Cévní prosak
Alergické (Quinckeho) otoky
- Vyvolané působením nejrůznějších alergenů
- Také léků (např. ACE inhibitory) na vnímavé osoby
- Vznikají náhle na libovolném místě těla
- Nejčastěji v obličeji na očních víčkách a na rtech
- Mohou se objevovat také na dolních končetinách kolem kotníků
- Nebezpečný je tento otok, pokud postihne sliznici dýchacích cest
- Může být provázen svěděním kůže, bolestmi hlavy, nevolností a zvracením (břišní koliky)
- Známky jsou projevem postižení vnitřních orgánů
- Charakteristickým rysem je
- Rychlý vznik
- Spontánní ústup během minut nebo několika hodin
- časté recidivy při opakované expozici alergenu
- Dilatace arteriol a prekapilárních svěračů + venokonstrikce + zvýšení kapilární propustnosti působením alergenu (antigenu)
- Deplece vitaminu B1, hořčíku ev. i B6
Angioedem - Quinckeho edém
- Aktivace tkáňových mastocytů s uvolněním vazoaktivních mediátorů
- histamin - časné projevy otoku
- Tryptáza
- Chymáza
- Zesílení reakce:
- Sekundární metabolity
- cytokiny
- Deriváty kyseliny arachidonové
- Aktivace přemostěním 2 vysokoafinních receptorů IgE
- Neimunologicky stimulací látkami:
- Morfin
- Kodein
- Substance P
- Neznámé...
Angioneurotický edém
- Zvýšení permeability kapilár účinkem různých toxinů (bodnutí hmyzem, atp.), při sepsi, šoku, inhalaci dráždivých látek v plicích apod.
3 typy:
- Edém na podkladě IgE zprostředkované reakce u alergií [31]
- Angioedémy [31]
- Defekt inhibitoru C1 proteinu [31]
- The swelling can last for several hours or days
- Swelling finally resolves, the skin will usually appear normal
- no flaking, peeling, scarring, or bruising.
- Swelling of the hands and feet
- Swelling of the throat
- Abdominal pain
- A rash that is not itchy
Angiopoietin 2
Apoptosis of microvascular endothelial cells
Kyselina palmitová
- Palmitate increased ROS generation in microvascular EC
- Palmitate significantly inhibited DNA synthesis and induced apoptotic cell death in EC
- Completely prevented by an antioxidant, N-acetylcysteine
- Palmitate up-regulated pericyte mRNA levels of a receptor for advanced glycation end products
- Potentiated the apoptotic effects of AGE on pericytes.
- Results suggest that palmitate could induce apoptotic cell death in microvascular EC and pericytes through the overgeneration of intracellular ROS,
- Thus be involved in the development of diabetic retinopathy.
- citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
High Glucose
- Induced Downregulation of Connexin 43 Expression
- Promotes Apoptosis in Microvascular Endothelial Cells
- Inhibition of connexin (Cx43) expression and reduced gap junction intercellular communication (GJIC) promote microvascular endothelial cell loss.
- iovs.arvojournals.org/article.aspx?articleid=2125630
- Induced Apoptosis of Human Microvascular Endothelial Cells
- jasn.asnjournals.org/content/12/4/767
- Induced apoptosis in microvascular endothelial cells
- www.nature.com/articles/bjc1997119
Arteriolární vazodilatace
Nedostatek bílkovin
- Chybí jejich tzv. onkotický tlak
- Nedostatečný přísun v potravě
- Poruchy vstřebávání živin (a tedy i bílkovin) z trávicího traktu
C-X-C motif chemokine 10
Chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 - CCL2
CD4+T cells
- Help regulate humoral immunity to herpes simplex virus by controlling vascular permeability in an IFN-?-dependent manner that
- Allowed for suf?cient antibody availability within the tissue [51]
CXCL10 (chemokine [C-X-C motif]) ligand 10
Capillary leak syndrome
- Sepsis
- Idiopathic systemic capillary leak syndrome - Clarkson’s disease
- Engraftment syndrome
- Differentiation syndrome
- Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
- Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
- Viral hemorrhagic fevers
- Autoimmune diseases
- Snakebite envenomation
- Ricin poisoning
- Interleukins
- Monoclonal antibodies
- Gemcitabine can also cause capillary leak syndrome [14]
- Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) [15]
- Severe Dengue fever
- Malaria [15]
- Hematological malignancies
- Blood cancer medications [17]
- Severe trauma
- Cardiopulmonary bypass
- Burns [17]
- Recombinant IL-2 [17]
- Docetaxel [17]
- Acute kidney injury
- Commonly seen in all of these diseases
- Cytokines
- Likely to be important in the pathophysiology of acute kidney injury in capillary leak syndrome [14]
- Increased capillary permeability by exudating materials of molecular weight less than 20 × 103 Da
- Even molecular weight of 90 × 103 Da in serious condition [17]
- Cells and platelets are generally retained within the vasculature
- Resulting in elevations in white blood cell, red blood cell, and platelet counts [19]
Connective tissue disease (CTD)
- Anti-SSA antibody might be associated with pathology of SCLS [27]
- Combination therapy with GC and IVIG should be taken into consideration [27]
Polymyositis (PM)
Juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM)
- IVIG is needed for JDM [27]
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
- Glukokortikoidy seems effective for SCLS with SLE [27]
Sjögren’s syndrome (SS)
- SCLS with SS
- Efficacy of GC or IVIG seems different in each case [27]
Systemic sclerosis (SSc)
Defekt C1 proteinu
Differentiation syndrome
Retinoic acid syndrome (RAS)
- In people with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APML) and tretinoin treatment or
- arsenic trioxide
- Did not appear in patients treated with tretinoin for other disorders
- RAS depends on the presence of the malignant promyelocytes [20]
- Cytokine release from the differentiating myeloid cells [20]
- Dyspnea, fever, weight gain, hypotension, and pulmonary infiltrates [20]
- Treated by giving dexamethasone [20]
Disruption of endothelial junctions
EPC Increase - Endothelial Progenitor Cells
- Can promote injury repair and regeneration of capillaries
Vascular endothelial growth factor
- Increasing the gene expression of vascular endothelial growth factor
- Can specificly increase the concentration of EPC in peripheral blood
- Promote EPC mobilization and repair of vascular endothelial
Erythropoietin - EPO
- Can promote EPC proliferation and differentiation
- EPO treatment can increase the number of EPC in peripheral blood [17]
Endothelial cell injury
- Manifests as
- Hypertension,
- Proteinuria,
- Thrombotic microangiopathy [18]
After hydrogen peroxide treatment
- Irreversible and develops over a longer period of time [18]
Receiving anti-VEGF therapy
- May develop endothelial injury [18]
Endothelial cadherin internalization
- Systemic capillary leak syndrome as a complication
- Arises from
- Unstable psoriasis
- Drug eruptions
- Malignancies [31]
- Psoritiac erythroderma increases 30% the daily loss of proteins
- May generate edema
- Muscular weekness
- Hypoalbuminaemia
- Compensatory hypermetabolism
- Increased basal metabolic rate
- Accelerated blood flow
- Hypothermia which is intensified by heat evaporation through the dilated permeable cappilaries
- Inability to respond with vasoconstriction and/or vasodilation [31]
- Can be fatal, especially in the elderly and in people who suffer from heart diseases.
- Skin manifestations are diverse
- Purpuric lesions
- Subcutaneous infiltration
- Livedo
- Rash in sunexposed areas
- Erythematous papules and they occur during the attacks in the idiopathic form [31]
F-actin interakce
- Critical component of the cytoskeleton
- Rearrange into stress fibers that enable retraction of cell boundaries after cellular exposure to diverse permeability mediators
- Episodic serum of SCLS patients
- Induced prominent actin stress fibers [18]
Hereditární angioedém
- Snížená funkce / koncentrace inaktivátorů C1 složky komplementu
- Otok vznikne vaskulárními změnami vlivem aktivovaných složek komplementové kaskády s funkcí podobnou kininu
- často postihuje:
- Obličej, víčka, rty, jazyk, končetiny, genitál
- Projevy:
- Asymetrické, prchavé, často přítomna urtika
- histamine levels are elevated only in a few patients with early bacteremia and did not predict outcome
- Increased D-dimer levels on the first day of positive blood culture are predictive of in-hospital mortality.
- histamine levels in sepsis were shown to be significantly higher in non-survivors
- None of our patients had combined liver–kidney impairment, which could potentially lead to insufficient clearance of histamine levels in patients with advanced sepsis, because both organs clear histamine very efficiently
- histamine levels may only become elevated in systemic infection when multiple organ failure occurs, which may be addressed in future studies
- Sauna i horké koupele [12]
Ne uplně vždy a ne u každého - záleží na mnoha dalších okolnostech
- Nedostatek draslíku v organizmu následkem
- Průjmů
- Nadměrného močení
- Vyšší hladiny kortikoidů
- Vlivem diuretik chron. užívaných
- Po korekci déle trvající acidózy (ev. hypoxie)
- Může vyvolat otok dolních končetin
Idiopathic edema
- Twenty-seven patients
- Easy occurrence of subcutaneous bleeding
- Positive Rumpel-Leede phenomenon were observed in the majority of the patients
- ADH, plasma renin activity and plasma aldosterone concentration
- Did not show abnormalities following water loading in the supine position
- Might contribute to water and sodium retention in the upright position
- Plasma prolactin levels were rather increased
- Urinary excretion of kallikrein and kinin
- Was reduced significantly after water loading in the upright position
- Prolactin and urinary kallikrein-kinin system
- Might also contribute to water and sodium retention in idiopathic edema
- Directly or indirectly through the augmentation of the action of ADH and of aldosterone
Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1980, 130, 71-78, Role of Endocrinological Factors in the Pathogenesis of Idiopathic Edema
Jet leg syndrome
- častěji u žen
- Otoky nohou po delším letu v letadle
Kapilární prosak
- Mezi tepenným a žilním systémem
- Stěna je tvořena pouze jednou vrstvou endotelových buněk
- Póry o velikosti 6 až 8 nm - přesně tak, aby se do nich vešel jeden erytrocyt
- Celkově:
- 96 000 km
- Plocha 500 až 1 000 m2 jsou široké
- Tlak se v kapilárách mění podle Starlingova zákona filtrace a resorpce
- V krvi obsažené plazmatické bílkoviny se za normálních okolností přes póry nedostanou
- Slouží tak k udržení stabilního onkotického tlaku
- Na venózním konci kapiláry nasávají odpadní látky metabolismu zpět do žilního systému
- 90 % krevní kapiláry
- 10% lymfatické kapiláry [12]
- Jakákoli dysbalance vede k otoku
Kawasakiho nemoc (KD) - mukokutánní lymfonodulární syndrom
- Děti s horečkou, vyrážkou,
- Konjunktivitidou (zarudnutí očí),
- Enantemem (zarudnutím sliznic úst a hrdla)
- Otoky rukou a nohou
- Zvětšením lymfatických uzlin na krku
- Srdeční komplikace
- Aneuryzmata koronárních tepen (výdutě krevních cév).
- Akutní systemová vaskulitida
- Zánět stěny krevních cév
- Může způsobit rozšíření (aneurysma) kterékoliv středně velké tepny v těle
- Zejména koronární
- Vzácná nemoc
- S Henoch-Schönleinovou pupurou patří k nejčastějším vaskulitidám dětského věku
- 85% pacientů s tímto onemocněním je mladší 5 let
- Horečkou bez zřejmé příčiny
- Dítě je obvykle velmi dráždivé
- Doprovázena nebo následovaná zánětem spojivek (zarudnutí očí), bez hnisavé sekrece
- Může mít vyrážku charakteru spalniček, spály, kopřivky, papulek apod
- Vyrážka nejčastěji postihuje trup, končetiny a často plenkovou oblast
- Vede k zarudnutí a později olupování kůže.
- Postižení dutiny ústní může zahrnovat jasně červené popraskané rty, červený (tzv. malinový) jazyk a zarudnutí hltanu
- Ruce a nohy mohou být oteklé a zarudlé nejčastěji na dlaních a chodidlech
- Prsty na rukou a nohou mohou otékat
- Charakteristické olupování kůže okolo špiček prstů (většinou v průběhu 2.-3.týdne)
- Více než polovina dětí má zvětšené krční mízní uzliny
- často se jedná o jedinou uzlinu vel. přes 1,5cm
- Mohou být přítomny bolesti a/nebo otoky kloubů, bolesti břicha, průjem, dráždivost nebo bolesti hlavy
- U menších dětí očkovaných BCG vakcínou proti tuberkulóze může zduřet a zarudnout jizva po očkování.
- Mohou se objevit srdeční šelesty, poruchy rytmu a odchylky při vyšetření ultrazvukem.
- Všechny srdeční vrstvy mohou být postiženy určitým stupněm zánětu
- Perikarditida (zánět blány obalující srdce)
- Myokarditida (zánět srdečního svalu)
- Postižení chlopní
- Vznik aneuryzmat věnčitých tepen (CAA)
- Jen výjimečně byly popsány případy KD u dospělých.
- Diagnóza KD je stanovena na základě
- Klinického vyšetření lékařem, obvykle během pobytu dítěte v nemocnici.
- Přítomnosti horečky bez zjevné příčiny trvající déle než 5 dní spolu s 4 z 5 následujících projevů:
- Oboustranná konjunktivitida (zánět spojivek)
- Zvětšení mízních uzlin
- Kožní vyrážka
- Postižení dutiny ústní a jazyka
- Změny na končetinách
- Některé děti mají tzv. nekompletní formu onemocnění
- Stanovení diagnózy obtížnější.
- KD probíhá ve 3 fázích:
- Akutní
- První 2 týdny
- Teplota a další symptomy
- Subakutní
- 2-4 týdne
- Stoupá počet trombocytů (krevních destiček) a mohou vznikat aneuryzmata
- Fáze rekonvalescence
- Neléčená KD zpravidla ustoupí samovolně zhruba za 2 týdny, jejím následkem však může být trvalé poškození věnčitých tepen.
- Terapie
- Jedna dávka vysokodávkovaných, nitrožilně podaných imunoglobulinů (IVIG)
- U velké části pacientů zabraňují postižení věnčitých tepen
- Aspirin -Do normalizace hodnot destiček
- Pacientům, u kterých obtíže neustoupí po 1-2 dávkách IVIG, se podávají kortikosteroidy ve vysokých dávkách nebo tzv. biologická léčba.
Kipple Trenaury syndrom
- I tromboflebitidy
- Někdy i zn. hypopl. typu prim. lymfedemu
- Hypetrofie kostí
- Hemangiomy
- A/V aneurysma - Parkesův Weberův syndrom
Kompartment syndrom
Nikotin - kouření cigaret
Lipopolysaccharide exposure
Lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells engagement
Leukotriene B4
- Might be related to increased vascular permeability
- Plasma extravasaton and others [17]
- Leukotriene B4 plays a central role in capillary permeability and, in vitro, its increase was detected [31]
Systemic Capillary Leak Syndrome - Clarkson's Syndrome - SCLS
- Rare acquired disorder, not hereditary, cause of SCLS is not yet known
- Acute and severe recurrent attacks associated with a rapid fall in blood pressure
- Often last several days and require emergency care, sometimes fatal
- Most often in adults and the disease is very rare in children [13]
- Idiopathic SCLS has been reported preceding hematologic malignancy [25]
- často s: IgG kappa or gamma monoclonal gammopathy [25]
Symptoms of acute form and treatment
Prodromal phase
- Until the 48th hour with weight gain, fatigue, faintness, low-grade fever, and head and neck or gastrointestinal symptoms related to mucosal edema.
- Brief warning, which can include nasal congestion and cough
- Can be mistaken for a viral upper respiratory infection
- Develop malaise, nausea, lightheadedness, a faint feeling, abdominal pain, headache and swelling of the extremities
- Mucocutaneous and visceral edema [16]
- Characteristic absence of fever, chills, rash, or signs of infection
- Overt prostration and fainting may occur.
- Disappearance of the syndrome is rare.
- Remissions may be spontaneous or they may follow treatment.
- May be more common in children than adults [13]
First phase Attack
- Often lasts several days is called the resuscitation phase
- Controlling the capillary leak and maintaining blood pressure
- Albumin and fluid leak from the capillaries into the tissue spaces causes swelling
- Similar effects on the circulation as dehydration, slowing the flow of oxygen carrying blood to tissues
- Blood pressure falls and the red cells concentrate [13]
- Intravenous fluid replacement is usually required immediately and in high-volume in order to prevent excessive drops in blood pressure
- Intravenous albumin and colloid may be used
- May have temporary benefit to increase blood flow to vital organs like the kidneys
- Colloid hydroxyethyl starch as the generation of plasma is still the effective and available drug in clinical for CLS treatment
- Hydroxyethyl starch of 130 × 103 Da and 200 × 103 Da molecular weight, polygeline of (27.5 - 39.5) × 103 Da molecular weight and so on
- In theory, they may have better expansion effect
- Macromolecular plasma substitutes seems to be better
- Don’t advocate adding FFP and/or human serum albumin for emergency treatment of CLS [17]
- Goal is NOT to attempt to maintain absolutely normal blood pressure or urine flow
- But to maintain the blood pressure at just sufficiently high enough levels to avoid permanent damage to vital organs
- Acute renal ischemia and failure [17]
- Spare the patient from the risks of excess fluid administration [13]
- Vasoactive amines are recommended in case of early signs of hypoperfusion
- If possible with norepinephrine
- Is less arrhythmogenic and if necessary extrarenal purging in case of acute renal failure [16]
- Large amount of liquid leaks from the capillary wall - cause
- Ascites under abdominal wall, gastrointestinal wall and peritoneal edema, then anorexia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal distension, and luminal expansion.
- Pancreatic tissue edema and trypsin penetrates into the abdominal cavity
- Will make damage increased [17]
- Liver cell congestion, edema, degeneration
- Other pathological changes will impaire liver function and acute liver injury appears [17]
- Increased pulmonary capillary permeability
- To pulmonary interstitial rapidly - pulmonary effusion changes and leads to hypoxemia and pleural effusion [17]
Second phase - recruitment phase
- Fluids and albumin are reabsorbed from the tissues
- Capillary leak has abated
- Main threat is fluid overload
- Even though the blood pressure may still be low, it is important to avoid overly aggressive intravenous fluid administration
- Massive swelling of the extremities requiring surgical decompression
- Skin of the arm or leg is incised to release the compressive pressure the retained fluid is having on blood flow to and from the extremities [13]
- Excessive intravenous fluids may also cause accumulation of fluid in the lungs and around other vital organs
- Many of the deaths happen during this recruitment phase
- Measurement of central venous or arterial pressure in an intensive care unit is often necessary
- Diuretics
- May be required for excess fluid overload [13]
- Glucocorticoids
- Often used during the acute attack especially early in the recruitment phase
- In an attempt to reduce the capillary leak [13]
Maintenance therapy
- Attempt to reduce the frequency and severity of the acute attacks
- Aimed at decreasing capillary leakage
- Interfering with hormone like cytokines that induce the leakage
- Most commonly used medications are
- Theophylline and terbutaline by mouth [13]
- Antihistamines and beta 2 agonists with terbutaline and theophylline [17]
- Level of theophylline must be maintained in the therapeutic range
- Means of regular blood tests
- Who do not tolerate these drugs may benefit by
- Leukotriene inhibitors - Singulair [13]
- ACE inhibitor such as lisinopril may be of benefit [13]
- Role of glucocorticoids, chemotherapy, thalidomide, and intravenous immunoglobulin is as yet unproven [13]
Hojivý Detralex a spol. do kombinace nikoho nenapadl ?
- Glukokortikoidy
- It should not be used as a preventive treatment
- Because of the side effects of steroid restrictions [17]
- Indomethacin, spironolactone, cyclosporine (our choice when the etiology is unstable psoriasis ) [31]
Unproven effect
- Theophylline,
- Diuretics,
- Terbutaline,
- Steroids,
- calcium antagonist,
- Ginkgo biloba extracts
- Plasmapheresis as medication for SCLS [23]
- Vascular endothelial cell growth factor (VEGF) inhibitor
- Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha inhibitor
- Thalidomide
- Prostacyclin [31]
- Pentastarch [31]
- Inhibition of apoptosis by anticaspases or antioxidants
- Inhibitory action on the vascular factor of endothelial growth or on pathways it mediates [31]
Mayo clinic
- Beta agonists such as terbutaline
- Phosphodiesterase-inhibitor theophylline
- Leukotriene-receptor antagonists montelukast sodium [22]
- Because of:
- Ability to increase intracellular cyclic AMP (adenosine monophosphate) levels
- Might counteract inflammatory signaling pathways that induce endothelial permeability
- It was the standard of care until the early 2000s
- Patients frequently experienced renewed episodes of SCLS
- Drugs were poorly tolerated due to their unpleasant side effects [22]
- More recent approach in France early 2000s
- Monthly intravenous infusions of immunoglobulins (IVIG)
- Initial dose of 2 gr/kg/month of body weight
- Proven very successful as per abundant case-report evidence from around the world [22]
- Used for the treatment of autoimmune and MGUS-associated syndromes
- Immunomodulatory and anticytokine properties
- It is likely that it neutralizes their proinflammatory cytokines that provoke endothelial dysfunction
- In 69 mostly European SCLS patients found that preventive treatment with IVIG was the strongest factor associated with their survival
- IVIG prophylaxis is associated with a dramatic reduction in the occurrence of SCLS episodes in most patients, with minimal side effects [22]
- During 1996-2016, the 5- and 10-year survival rates for SCLS patients were 78% and 69% [22]
- Five- and 10-year survival rates in patients treated with IVIG
- 91% and 77%
- Patients not treated with IVIG
- 47% and 37% [22]
Children 2015
- High dose immunoglobulins or theophylline plus verapamil, appears to be safe and efficacious [29]
- Classic combination of
- Hypotension or shock
- Hemoconcentration
- Hypoalbuminemia
- Sudden and profound capillary leak causes a sharp decrease in serum albumin level (hypoalbuminemia)
- Similarly sharp increase in the level of hemoglobin and hematocrit
- Red blood cells which contribute to measurements of hemoglobin and hematocrit are not actually increased
- Blood becomes concentrated due to the loss of fluid
- Proof is essential for the diagnosis [13]
- Diagnosis of SCLS should rule out
- Infection
- C-1 esterase inhibitor deficiency
- Search for an M protein should be undertaken
- But the absence of an M protein does not exclude the diagnosis [13]
- Significance, if any, of the paraprotein (MGUS) present in most patients with SCLS is unknown [19]
- Other than it has been a precursor to multiple myeloma in a minority (7% in the largest reported cohort) of SCLS patients [19]
Chronic form of SCLS
- Manifest by swelling of the extremities and sometimes fluid accumulation around the heart and lungs.
- The characteristic occur due to loss of fluid in the tissues
- Increase in hemoglobin and hematocrit
- Decrease in albumin
- Low blood volume with decrease in blood pressure or shock are uncommon in the chronic form
- These patients may respond to
- glucocorticoids
- diuretics
- aminophylline [13]
Další nálezy
- More than one half of patients have a monoclonal or M protein detected in the blood.
- Level of M protein is usually low
- Produced by what usually amount to small numbers of plasma cells in the marrow
- Itself does not appear to cause the attacks
- Capillary lining cells may be damaged by a factor in the blood, which is produced during the acute attack [13]
- Less than 100 patients reported in the world literature since its first description in 1960 by Clarkson
- Seems to occur more often in males and older adults
- May be more frequent than the literature suggests
- Diagnosis is often missed or delayed.
- May be mistaken for a severe infection such as septic shock or toxic shock syndrome
- Features often lead to misdiagnosis:
- Heart failure or kidney disease
- C-1 esterase inhibitor deficiency syndrome in angioedema
- Hemoconcentration and resulting high hematocrit and hemoglobin level have been mistaken for polycythemia [13]
- Well-defined events that occurred before attacks could be identified in only 22% of patients
- Seropositive influenza
- Seropositive West Nile virus infection
- Chronic SCLS
- Noncyclical peripheral edema and hypoalbuminemia in the absence of secondary causes of edema [18]
- Cohort and 8 of 15 reported cases overall (53%) had a documented infectious trigger
- None of the pediatric patients tested to date had a monoclonal gammopathy (n = 10)
- 75% to 95% of adults with classic acute SCLS have monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance [29]
- Can accelerate the occurrence of CLS [17]
- Nevhodná je
- Horká koupel
- Saunování
- Přehřívání organizmu dlouhým opalováním
- Zbytečným pobytem v teplém prostředí
VE-cadherin narušení
- Vascular endothelial-specific transmembrane proteins
- calcium-mediated homotypic interactions between adjacent cells are indispensable for endothelial barrier function
- Episodic serum of SCLS patients
- Attenuated the junctional localization of VE-cadherin [18]
ZO-1 narušení
- Vascular endothelial-specific transmembrane proteins
- calcium-mediated homotypic interactions between adjacent cells are indispensable for endothelial barrier function
- Episodic serum of SCLS patients
- Disrupted paracellular junctions [18]
Expression of anti-lymphangiogenic cytokines
TGF-B1, interferon gamma, IL4, IL13
- Decrease lymphatic endothelial proliferation
- Increase lymphatic leakiness.
Kataru et al., 2011; Gardenier et al., 2017; Gousopoulos et al., 2017; Park et al., 2018
- Can directly decrease responsiveness of lymphatic endothelial cells to VEGF-C
- Thus decreasing the efficacy of exogenous VEGF-C delivery for the treatment of lymphedema.
Savetsky et al., 2015; Shin et al., 2015; Ogata et al., 2016
- Bimodal effect on lymphangiogenesis:
- Low doses of LTB4 increased lymphangiogenesis
- High concentrations - as found in lymphedema —inhibited lymphangiogenesis
- www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphar.2022.828513/full
Markers of inflammation
- In 1-2 patients being associated SLCE episodes with elevated markers of inflammation
- Modestly increased TNFalpha levels in acute SCLS serum samples
- Relative to the basal and control groups
- Neither IL-2 nor IL-8 was elevated in patients with SCLS compared with controls [18]
Neurogenní edém
- Může vzniknout i po několika letech od radioterapie
NK cells
- In mice study prooved to be involved in the pathological process of CLS [17]
Nitric oxide
- Could lead to vascular endothelial cell injury and increase capillary permeability [17]
p190BRhoGAP mutation
- Prolonged RhoB activation in fatal systemic capillary leak syndrome [24]
- TNF transiently activates RhoB in ECs
- Developing leak
- Inactivation of RhoB
- Correlates with barrier recovery
- Mutation in p190BRhoGAP impairs RhoB inactivation
- Mutant phenotype may also be important in acquired systemic capillary leak associated with critical illness in humans [24]
- SNV, adenosine 2,285 to thymidine, in one copy of the ARHGAP5 gene on chromosome 14 (position 32,562,160 of genome build 37) [24]
- Single amino acid change, changing aspartic acid 762 to valine
- Predicted to be very deleterious to protein function by PolyPhen2 (0.55, P), SIFT (0.04, D), LRT (0, D), and MutationTaster (1, D) scores
- Occurs at a site that is highly conserved among humans and other species [24]
- Rho GTPase activating proteins (RhoGAPs) stimulate GTP hydrolysis
- By and inactivation of one or more of the three Ras homologue gene family members expressed in humans (RhoA, RhoB, and RhoC)
- RhoA has been implicated in alterations of barrier function by thrombin
- Abundance of RhoB transcript and activation of RhoB protein
- Increased by TNF treatment
- Unique C-terminal region - may have specialized functions not shared by RhoA or RhoC
- Inhibitor of EC barrier recovery
- By sequestering Rac1 away from intercellular junctions in human umbilical vein ECs stimulated by thrombin (Marcos-Ramiro et al., 2016)
- Increased active RhoB and prolonged activation of RhoB in response to TNF in SCLS x control
- Correlates with the defective recovery of barrier function [24]
Parézy se stázou krevního toku
- se stejnostrannou angioparézou
- Nebývají postiženy šlachy
- U roztroušené sklerózy
- Stavy po poliomyelitidě
- Hemiparézy končetiny po cévní mozkové příhodě [8]
- Stavy s poškozením autonomníno nervstva, které reguluje tonus kapilár
- Takže i některé neuropatie
Povrchní dýchání
- Příliš nízký krátký nasávací podtlak v hrudníku při nádechu
Psychological stressors
- Also influence VEGF and Ang2 levels [18]
Selektiny sP a sL zvýšené koncentrace
- Adhezivní molekuly přítomné na všech leukocytech
- Při jejich zvýšených koncentracích dochází ke snadnější adhezi leukocytů na kapilární endotel [12]
Shear stress
- Also influence VEGF and Ang2 levels [18]
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome - SIRS
Infekce / trauma
- Excessive activation of mononuclear macrophage system
- Release of inflammatory mediator
- Endothelial cell and capillary walls damage
- Cell junction separation
- Cracks appear
- Capillary transport channel diameter and vascular permeability increase
- Small protein in the blood leaks into the interstitial space
- Interstitial colloid osmotic pressure
- Interstitial edema [17]
Operation after Cardiopulmonary Bypass
- Systemic inflammatory response
- Blood surface contact with the pump pipe
- Non-physiological perfusion
- Surgical trauma
- Ischemia reperfusion injury
- Changes in body temperature [17]
- Related to perioperative capillary leak
- Independent factors of CLS in 310 cases were:
- Infection cycle time
- Type of cardiac malformation
- Lowest temperature of operation
- Age [17]
- Renal injury
- Pancreatitis
- Brain oedema, intracranial hypertension, herniation
- Hepatic edema and injury
- GIT toxin translocation
- Hearth arrytmiha and filure (ion dysbalance, ...)
Dlouhodobé stání, sezení, či chůze
- I u zcela zdravých lidí mohou nohy otéci, pokud jsou namáhány dlouhodobým stáním nebo dlouhou chůzí u netrénovaného jedince
- Kombinuje se zde více faktorů
- Otlačení nohou v botách
- Horší odtok žilní krve z nohou ve vertikální poloze apod.
Statické otoky
- U osob s oslabením svalově-žilní pumpy lýtek
- U starších nepohyblivých osob s artrózami kloubů dolních končetin
- Někdy se tyto otoky označují jako otoky geriatrické nebo artrotické
- U lidí se sedavým zaměstnáním
- Po delší cestě autobusem či letadlem apod. [8]
- Všechny otoky dolních končetin se zhoršují nedostatkem pohybu, dlouhodobým stáním a sezením
- Naopak ustupují při chůzi a zvednutí dolních končetin
Aktivace sympatiku
- Perimaleolární otoky
- Souvisí s aktivací sympatického nervového systému cestou
- Baroreceptorů,
- Konstrikcí postkapilárních venul,
- Tím zvýraznění tlakového gradientu na kapilární úrovni
- Vzniká z prekapilární arteriolodilatace a postkapilární venokonstrikce
- Hydrostatický tlak zhoršuje fenomén kapilární transudace