BH4 responsiveness
- Decrease of 20% in serum phenylalanine levels in the single-dose BH4 loading test (10 mg/kg)
- A decrease of 30% in serum phenylalanine levels in the four-dose BH4 loading test (total; 30 mg/kg)
- And/or two times increase in in vivo PAH activity after the four-dose of BH4 (total; 30 mg/kg) in phenylalanine breath test
Monitorace TYR
- Blood TYR levels can be low in untreated PKU
- If TYR is low (less than 0.9 mg/dl)
- A TYR supplement can be started before making any diet changes
- TYR supplement of 500 mg twice daily is an appropriate starting dose
- Absorption can be poor
- Crushing the tablets before giving them may help
- Supplementation may need to be continued for some period of time
- Even though the PKU medical formula product also contains TYR
- All PKU medical formula products now contain tyrosine in varying amounts
- In a normal person, 90% of ingested PHE is converted to TYR
- In PKU, the PHE cannot be converted to TYR
- Normal level of TYR is approximately 1 mg/dl (55 micromol/L)
- Supplementation may be necessary when the diet treatment is more intensive.
- This is especially important during pregnancy.
Urinary biopterin and neopterin excretion
- Biosynthetic precusor of tetrahydrobiopterin
- Appear in urine
Isoxanthopterin in urine
- Derived from biopterin and neopterin in the rat and in some patients
- Proposed as an indicator of the levels of tetrahydrobiopterin turnover
In normal subjects
- Urinary neopterin to biopterin ratio cca 1.00
Alzheimer's disease, Down's syndrome and depression
- Urinary neopterin to biopterin ratio has been found to be elevated
- Some Alzheimer's and depressed patients
- Increased urinary neopterin to biopterin ratio is proportional to the severity of the disease
47 PKU patients (aged 6 days to 37 years)
- Affected by age
- Concomitant blood Phe concentration
- Influence blood Phe on both biopterin and neopterin levels was greater in patients younger than 4 months
- Interindividual variability was higher than intraindividual variability for both biopterin and neopterin
48 patients depression before and after placebo, antidepressants, or electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), 26 healthy control s
- Urinary excretion of neopterins (N) and biopterins (B)
- Patients prior to and after treatment
- Significantly greater neopterin/biopterin (N:B) ratio than controls
- Significant correlation between NB: ratios and severity of depression and plasma cortisol
Raised N:B ratio
- Implies failure to convert neopterin to biopterin
- Reduced availability of tetrahydrobiopterin
- The essential cofactor for the formation of noradrenaline, serotonin and dopamine
- May exert rate-limiting control over the synthesis of monoamines implicated in the pathogenesis of depressive illness
Urinary neopterin:biopterin ratios
- Elevated in senile dementia of the Alzheimer type (SDAT) x age matched controls
- Reduced conversion of dihydroneopterin triphosphate to tetra-hydrobiopterin
- Similar elevated neopterin:biopterin ratio in Down's syn-drome - condition producing a similar dementia to SDAT.
Morning urines were collected into ascor-bic acid (2% final concentration) from a group of 53 Downs sufferers 1 to 70 years
- Neopterin and biopterin levels x group of 35 healthy controls 23 to 93 years
- Neopterin:biopterin ratio was significantly elevated 3.44, 1.73 vs 1.12, 0.55 (mean, SD) p < 0.2%
- Against a creatinine baseline biopterin levels were unaffected
- But the urinary neopterin levels were significantly increased
Phe and Tyr in heterozygotes for PKU
- High frequency of heterozygotes in the population (1:50-1:70)
Liver biopsy
Krevní testy
- During fasting
- After oral overload of Phe (25 mg/kg)
- 23 heterozygotes for PKU (10 men and 13 women) + control group of 27 healthy individuals (13 men and 14 women)
- Diagnosis of PAH-deficient patients is still a challenge
- The levels of Phe - highest peak at 30 minutes after overload administration
- Statistical differences for Tyr levels were detected after 30 min.
- Largest difference between heteorzygots and controls at 60 min.
- Tyr in the heterozygote group were 2-fold increased compared to control
Zdravé matky
- Obsah FA v kolostru (prvních 5 dní) činí 70 mg FA/100 ml
Screeningová vyšetření hladiny FA v krvi
- se provádějí rutinně
- U PKU přesahuje hladina FA v krvi 480 mcmol/l
- Poškození mozku dochází při hladině FA vyšší než 900 µmol/l
- During our 29 year experience with neonatal PKU screening (3.9 million infants tested)-
- Cutoff blood phenylalanine of 240 mumol/l in blood spots obtained at 24 h of age +
- Sensitivity of the screening test was 99.2% for infants with classical and mild PKU
- Ascertainment of patients with MHP is unknown and is very likely incomplete
- Over a 3-year period (1992-4) the specificity of the test was 99.9% for those screened after 24 h
- Positive predictive value was 12.8%
- Early discharge would probably increase the number of infants with MHP missed using the BIA and a cutoff level of 240 mumol/l
- Recommend that neonates be at least 12 h of age before initial BIA PKU screening be carried out
Urinary metabolites derived from biopterin synthesis and metabolism include
- D-threo-biopterin
- L-threo-biopterin (Fukushima and Shiota, 1972)
- Neopterin,
- Isoxanthopterin,
- 7-biopterin (primapterin),
- N2-(3-aminopropyl)biopterin (oncopterin)
- Primapterin
- Low activity of pterin-4a-carbinolamine dehydratase (EC4.2.1.96)
- Increases the excretion as 7-biopterin (primapterin).
Irán screening novorozenců
- If urine tyrosine and tetrahydrobiopterin levels are normal and Phe levels are above
- 20 mg/dl - severe or classical PKU
- Between 10 and 20 mg/dl - mild PKU
- Between 2 and 10 mg/dl - hyperphenylalaninemia (HPA)
Novorozenecký screenign v ČR
- Tandemová hmotnostní spektrometrie (MS/MS) v jedné suché kapce krve
- 1. října 2009 ve Věstníku Ministerstva zdravotnictví č.6/2009, zavedena do novorozeneckého screeningu PKU a jiných DMP v ČR.
- Cystické fibrózy (CF)
- Leucinóza (MSUD)
- Deficit MCAD,
- Deficit LCHAD,
- Deficit VLCAD,
- Deficit CPT I,
- Deficit CPT II,
- Deficit CACT,
- Glutarová acidurie typ I (GA I)
- Izovalerová acidurie (IVA)
- Kongenitální hypotyreóza (CH)
- Screening vrozeného selhání funkce nadledvin (kongenitální adrenální hyperplazie (CAH)
- Doba odběru kapky z patičky novorozence na období mezi 48. – 72.h života
- Ústav dědičných metabolických poruch ve VFN Praha, Olomouc
Přechodové MM
Zdravé ženy
- 6. až 10. den po porodu - mg/100 ml
Therapeutic range
- Serum PHE of 2-10 mg/dl
- Tighter control 2-6 or 8 mg/dl
- Serum TYR
- 0.9-1.8 mg/dl
- Avoid blood PHE levels below 2 mg/dl
- Adding as little as 30-50 mg PHE may be sufficient
- Avoid blood TYR levels below 0.9mg/dl