Neoadjuvant chemotherapy
- Should be limited to those for whom
- Complete resection is judged impossible
- Are not candidates for extended surgery due to comorbidities
- Data suggest this approach should be used as much as possible, and in particular in patients with no residual disease after surgery.
- BRCA1 mutations
- Were less likely to achieve no residual disease status than patients without the mutation (Gynecol Oncol 2015)
- Patients harbouring tumours with decreased BRCA1 levels
- Obtain greater benefit from intraperitoneal chemotherapy (Br J Cancer 2013, 108:1231–37)
- Synergy seems to exist between intraperitoneal chemotherapy and no residual disease
- Offering the highest chance of leaving no cancer cells behind.
- Patients who achieve a status of no residual disease through primary debulking surgery have the best long-term survival rates (25–50%, or higher) of all patients with advanced-stage ovarian cancer
- Irrespective of stage at diagnosis, initial disease burden, surgical complexity, or mutation status.
- SCORPION trial, 45.5% of patients judged unresectable by staging laparoscopy
- Were subsequently resected to have no residual disease (Gynecol Oncol 2015, 138 Suppl. 1:1–4)
- Chemotherapy decreases re-cur–rence and death
- Does not reduce the eventual likelihood of death from ovarian cancer per se
- Once surgery is completed
- Patients seem fated to survive or die
- Regardless of the best efforts of oncologists, who can delay recurrence, but not prevent it.
- BRCA1 and BRACA2 status
- Predict short-term, but not long-term survival
- Ratios of CD8+ T cells to CD4+CD25+ FOXP3+ and FOXP3- T cells correlate with
- Poor clinical outcome in human serous ovarian cancer
- Preston CC. Plos 1, 2013
Skupina 52 pacientek s pokročilým stádiem serózního ovariálního karcinomu
- 31 pacientek mělo dobrou dobu přežití ( > 60 měsíců)
- 21 pacientek mělo krátkou dobu přežití (< 18 měsíců)
- Poměr efektorů/supresorů může být mnohem důležitější faktor než samotné počty lmfocytárních buněk
- U ovariálního karcinomu by tím pádem mohly být úspěšné imunoterapeutické strategie modifikující poměry CD4(+) / CD25(+) / FOXP3(+) T-reg buněk nebo CD4(+) / CD25(+) / FOXP3(-) T- buněk oproti efektorových CD8(+) buňkám.
Serous EOC patient samples to healthy tissues
- ER stress-related proteins ATF6, GRP78, and PERK
- Are signi?cantly expressed
- Suggesting that ER stress pathways play a role in EOC.
- Expression correlated with the tumor stage
- Play a role in EOC development
- Increasing levels of GRP78 and PDI
- Lower survival rates in patients with elevated serous type EOC
- Combination of GRP78 and PDI
- Is an independent predictive factor for EOC (Qu et al., 2013; Samanta et al., 2020)
Rozhodoující prognostické faktory:
- Stádium onemocnění,
- Histologický typ nádoru,
- Stupeň diferenciace,
- Věk pacientky,
- Celkový stav,
- Radikalita primární operace
- Velikost ponechaného rezidua
- Operační výkon, chemoterapii event. radioterapii
- se volí individuálně podle přesně stanovených kritérií
Komplexní onkologické centrum FN Hradec Králové, standardní léčebný postup Verze: 2020.1, Protokol pro léčbu karcinomu vaječníku, vejcovodu a peritonea
- Overall survival (OS)
- More favourable in LGSC compared to HGSC
- LGSC, overall survival and clinical outcome
- Excellent with surgical excision alone, if the disease is confined to the ovary (stage 1).
- Extraovarian spread at diagnosis, the most common presentation
- Associated with poor outcome (Ali et al. 2013)
1174 patients in the current analysis
- Median follow-up was 141 months.
- Long-term overall survival (LTOS) lasting at least 10 years was 26%
- Younger age for LTOS (HR, 1.097; 95% CI, 1.042-1.155; P <.001).
- Long-term disease-free survival (LTDFS) lasting at least 10 years was 18%.
- Only younger age was an independent predictor of LTDFS
- Hazard ratio [HR], 1.076; 95% CI, 1.03-1.12; P <.001
- Patients who had survived at least 10 years
- Linked to a lower risk of death (HR, 0.225; 95% CI, 0.118-0.429; P <.001)
- Older patients
- Had a higher risk of relapse or death (HR, 1.047; 95% CI, 1.017-1.077; P =.002).
- 18% of patients with LTDFS lasting at least 10 years are “likely cured.”
Pitiyarachchi O, Friedlander M, Java JJ, et al. What proportion of patients with stage 3 ovarian cancer are potentially cured following intraperitoneal chemotherapy? Analysis of the long term (?10 years) survivors in NRG/GOG randomized clinical trials of intraperitoneal and intravenous chemotherapy in stage III ovarian cancer. Gynecol Oncol. Published online July 11, 2022. doi:10.1016/j.ygyno.2022.07.004
- Only 1/4 patients are diagnosed at an early stage
- Worldwide five-year survival rate of patients with advanced ovarian cancer is 20–25%
- If chemotherapy fails to eradicate all cancer cells and some remain post-treatment (even if microscopic)
- These ultimately flourish and lead to death within 12 years of diagnosis.
- Under the proposed model, the proportion of women who are alive at 12 years is precisely the proportion with no residual cancer cells after treatment.