Epidemiologie obezity
Federal Republic of Germany
- 1960
- Average BMI in the
- Was 21 kg per m2
- 50% of Germans had a BMI of 21 kg per m2 [2]
- 2000
- Average BMI 26 kg per m2
- Average German citizen is overweight
WHO calculations
- Average BMI will continue to rise [2]
- 2007
- International Association for the Study of Obesity
- Germany leads Europe
- 75.4% of German men BMI over 25
- 58.9% Germany’s women BMI above 25
- Every 4 German men
- Three out of five German women are overweight
- Italy and France
- Come in the very lowest
- 31.1% of men have a BMI over 30
- 32.2% of women have a BMI over 30
- One out of three women is not merely overweight but actually obese [2]
Heritability of body weight
- Total body fat mass are ~50%
- Human Obesity Gene Map
- Generated and updated during several years
- 135 candidate genes had been identified as linked and/or associated with obesity-related phenotypes
- 253 quantitative trait loci [13]
- Genetic variants
- Performed in close to 250,000 individuals
- ~2.8 million single-nucleotide polymorphisms were genotyped
- 18 new loci that were related to BMI
- Genetic variants on obesity
- Modest
- ~6–11% of the genetic variation in BMI [13]
- Factors other than DNA sequence variants alone
- Likely to explain the high heritability rates of obesity
- Gene-gene interactions
- Gene-environment interactions
- Epigenetics [13]
- Familial transmission
- Reaches 50% of the age-, sex- and total body fat-adjusted variance
- Segregation analyses
- Major gene effect accounting for 51% of the variance in visceral adipose tissue accumulation
- Seminal twin studies
- Weight gain was induced by overfeeding
- Variance in visceral adipose tissue gain
- Between pairs of twins was approximately six times higher
- Than within twin pairs [13]
Federal Republic of Germany
- 1960
- Average BMI in the
- Was 21 kg per m2
- 50% of Germans had a BMI of 21 kg per m2 [2]
- 2000
- Average BMI 26 kg per m2
- Average German citizen is overweight
WHO calculations
- Average BMI will continue to rise [2]
- 2007
- International Association for the Study of Obesity
- Germany leads Europe
- 75.4% of German men BMI over 25
- 58.9% Germany’s women BMI above 25
- Every 4 German men
- Three out of five German women are overweight
- Italy and France
- Come in the very lowest
- 31.1% of men have a BMI over 30
- 32.2% of women have a BMI over 30
- One out of three women is not merely overweight but actually obese [2]