Gynoidní - androidní obezita
Androidní - “apple” type
- Visceral fat +
- High risk for cardiovascular illnesses
- Visceral fat is easier to mobilize
- Men are able to lose weight more quickly than women
- Men had the tasks of running and hunting, and they needed more mobile thighs for this purpose
Body fat distribution and genetics
- High heritability rates have been reported
- Familial transmission reaches ~50% of the age-, sex- and total body fat-adjusted variance
- Segregation analyses
- Major gene effect accounting for 51% of the variance in visceral adipose tissue accumulation
- Seminal twin studies
- Weight gain was induced by overfeeding
- Variance in visceral adipose tissue gain
- Cca 6x higher than within twin pairs
- Major genetic effect on visceral fat distribution
- Family studies have shown
- Clear clustering of visceral adiposity
- Genome-wide scans for measures of body fat distribution
- Waist circumference, or CT-measured visceral adipose tissue area
- Identification of several loci and candidate genes
- Genetic variants that may be related to
- Preferential accumulation of visceral adipose tissue
- Genetic variants that are associated with
- Increased susceptibility to the metabolic complications of visceral obesity
- Complex nature of the genetic contribution to obesity [13]
Gynoid distribution pattern - “pear” shape
- Women primarily store fat in their hips and thighs
- Women had the task of bearing children
- Required more room in the abdominal cavity
- Stored their fat in their thighs [2]
Mammary adipose tissue
- Actively secretes factors including chemokines and cytokines
- Paracrine effects on neighboring epithelial cells
- Positive association between BMI and breast adipocyte size
- Breast tissues of obese women
- Display subclinical inflammation
- Increased P450 aromatase activity
- Enhanced NF-kB activity [70]
- Inflammation is a hallmark of cancer
- Correlation of obesity with ‘local’ mammary adipocyte dysfunction [70]
White visceral depot (the omentum)
- Normally contains only unilocular UCP1-negative (white) adipocytes
- Showed multilocular UCP1-positive (brown) adipocytes in 6 of 12 patients with pheochromocytoma
- + several UCP1-positive paucilocular adipocytes
- Intermediate phenotype preceding white-to-brown transdifferentiation [77]
Gynoidní x androidní
Visceral fat - “apple” type
- High risk for cardiovascular illnesses
- Visceral fat is easier to mobilize
- Men are able to lose weight more quickly than women
- Men had the tasks of running and hunting, and they needed more mobile thighs for this purpose