Benefity pití kávy
Cirhoza jater mírnější průběh
- Coffee consumption was inversely associated with
- The risk of cirrhosis in several case-control studies
- With mortality from alcoholic cirrhosis in two prospective cohort studies [12]
- An 8-year study of more than 120,000 US men and women
- Risk of death from alcoholic cirrhosis was 22% lower per cup of coffee consumed daily [12]
- A 17-year study of more than 51,000 men and women in Norway
- Who consumed at least 2 cups of coffee daily
- Had a 40% lower risk of death from cirrhosis than those who never consumed coffee [12]
Hepatocellular Carcinoma nižší výskyt
- Coffee consumption reduces the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma independently of its aetiology: A case-control study.
- Two prospective cohort studies in Japan
- Coffee consumption and the risk of primary liver cancer: Pooled analysis of two prospective studies in Japan
- Significant inverse associations between coffee consumption and the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma.
- A prospective cohort study that followed more than 90,000 Japanese men and women for 10 years
- Risk of hepatocellular carcinoma decreased dose-dependently with increasing coffee consumption
- At least 5 cups daily had a 76% lower risk of hepatocellular carcinoma [12]
- Than those who never drank coffee [12]
- Strongest inverse association was observed in people infected with the hepatitis C virus
- Prospective cohort studies in Japan that followed more than 50,000 men and women for 7–9 years
- Found no significant association between coffee consumption and the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in people who did not report a history of liver disease
- People with a history of liver disease at baseline
- Who consumed at least one cup of coffee daily
- Risk of hepatocellular carcinoma was 48% lower than the risk for those who did not drink coffee [12]
Možná vysvětlení
- Cafestol and kahweol
- Increase serum ALT and AST
- Induce phase II enzyme activity
- Enhance hepatic glutathione levels
- Decrease liver DNA adducts caused by chemical carcinogens in animal models [12]
- Enhancement of the chemoprotective enzymes glucuronosyl transferase and glutathione transferase
- In specific organs of the rat
- By the coffee components kahweol and cafestol [12]
- Kahweol and cafestol
- Induce gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase
- Rate limiting enzyme of chemoprotective glutathione synthesis, in several organs of the rat [12]
- Inverse associations between coffee consumption and the risk of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma
- In populations that drink mainly filtered and instant coffee with negligible concentrations of these diterpenes
- Other compounds in coffee, including caffeine and chlorogenic acid
- Found to inhibit chemically induced hepatic carcinogenesis in animal models [12]
- Inhibitory effects of chlorogenic acid, reserpine, polyprenoic acid (E-5166), or coffee
- On hepatocarcinogenesis in rats and hamsters [12]
Nižší riziko vzniku kolorektálního karciomu
- Coffee consumption has been inversely associated with the risk of colon cancer in case-control studies
- But not in prospective cohort studies
- A meta-analysis that combined the results of 12 case-control studies and five prospective cohort studies
- People who drank 4 or more cups of coffee daily had a risk of colorectal cancer 24% lower than nondrinkers
- Coffee consumption was not associated with colorectal cancer risk when the results of only the prospective cohort studies
- Case-control studies usually include more cancer cases than prospective cohort studies
- May be subject to bias
- Coffee consumption
- Selection of control group [12]
- Two largest prospective cohort studies to examine the relationship between coffee and colorectal cancer to date
- American men and women who regularly consumed 2 or more cups of decaffeinated coffee daily
- Had a risk of rectal cancer that was 48% lower than those who never consumed caffeinated coffee [12]
- Consumption of caffeinated coffee, tea, and caffeine were not associated with either colon or rectal cancer risk.
- Coffee consumption was not associated with the risk of recurrent colorectal adenomas over a 4-year period
- Diterpenes
- Could decrease the synthesis and secretion of bile acids, which may promote colon carcinogenesis ?
- Ale 2 human intervention trials do not support the idea that coffee consumption decreases bile acid synthesis or secretion
- 1 liter of unfiltered coffee for 2 weeks
- Did not decrease fecal soluble bile acids [12]
- Daily consumption of coffee oil containing 69 mg of cafestol for 5 weeks
- Did not appear to decrease the activity of cholesterol 7alpha -hydroxylase
- Rate-limiting enzyme in the classical pathway of bile acid synthesis [12]
- Coffee oil consumption increases plasma levels of 7alpha-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one in humans [12]
- Coffee consumption may increase colonic motility
- Decreasing the exposure of colonic epithelial cells to potential carcinogens
- Infrequent bowel movements were not associated with increased risk of colorectal cancer or adenomas in the Nurses' Health Study cohort [12]
- Animal studies, diterpenes found in unfiltered coffee
- Decrease the formation of DNA-adducts by several genotoxic carcinogens
- Including 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP)
- Heterocyclic amine
- Found in cooked meat
- Implicated in colon carcinogenesis [12] [12]
- Diterpenes in coffee may promote the elimination of carcinogens and improve antioxidant status
- By enhancing phase II enzyme activity and glutathione synthesis [12]
- Enhancement of the chemoprotective enzymes glucuronosyl transferase and glutathione transferase
- In specific organs of the rat by the coffee components kahweol and cafestol [12] [12]
- Kahweol and cafestol
- Induce gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase
- Rate limiting enzyme of chemoprotective glutathione synthesis, in several organs of the rat. [12]
- 1 liter of unfiltered coffee daily for 2 weeks did not increase
- Colorectal glutathione-S-transferase activity in human volunteers
- Glutathione concentrations significantly increased in colorectal mucosa and plasma by 8% and 15% [12]
Takže působí jako hormetin - stimuluje naše detoxikační cesty - pokud to nebudeme přehánět, můžeme z toho v něčem profitovat podobně jako je tomu s J křivkou u alkoholu aj. toxinů
Nižší riziko vzniku některých typů nádorů
- Coffee drinking may even have a protective effect [7]
- Colorectal
- Liver
- Breast cancers [7]
Mortalita snad mírně nižší při mírné konzumaci
Association of Coffee Consumption With Overall and Cause-Specific Mortality in a Large US Prospective Cohort Study.
- Lower hazard ratios for overall mortality
- <1 cup/day:
- Hazard ratio (HR) = 0.99 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.92, 1.07)
- 1 cup/day:
- HR = 0.94 (95% CI: 0.87, 1.02)
- 2-3 cups/day:
- HR = 0.82 (95% CI: 0.77, 0.88)
- 4-5 cups/day:
- HR = 0.79 (95% CI: 0.72, 0.86)
- ?6 cups/day:
- HR = 0.84 (95% CI: 0.75, 0.95))
- Similar findings were observed for decaffeinated coffee and coffee additives
- Inverse associations were observed for deaths from
- Heart disease
- Chronic respiratory diseases
- Diabetes
- Pneumonia
- Influenza
- Intentional self-harm
- But not cancer
- Coffee may reduce mortality risk by favorably affecting
- Inflammation
- Lung function
- Insulin sensitivity
- Depression
Zajímavá otázka by byla, kdo to platil
Parkinskonova choroba
- 1 šálek kávy denne ´dajně snižuje riziko vzniku Parkinsonovy choroby
- Kofein ovlivnuje asi oblasti mozku, které produkují dopamin
- Kofein a teobromin blokací adenosinových receptorů
- Možná blokuje dopaminergní neurodegeneraci [1]
- Overall, the results of case-control studies suggest that
- Coffee and caffeine intakes are inversely associated with the risk of Parkinson's disease [12]
- Several large prospective cohort studies
- Also found inverse associations between coffee and caffeine intakes and Parkinson's disease risk in men [12]
- A study of more than 8,000 Japanese-American men
- Those who did not drink coffee were 3–5 times more likely to develop Parkinson's disease over the next 24–30 years
- Than those who drank at least 28 oz daily [12]
- Caffeine intakes from coffee and other sources
- Inversely associated with Parkinson's disease risk [12]
- Health Professionals Follow-up Study
- Men who regularly consumed at least one cup of coffee daily
- Risk of developing Parkinson's disease over the next 10 years about half [12]
- Consumption of tea and other caffeinated beverages
- Was also inversely associated with Parkinson's disease risk [12]
- Inverse associations between coffee and caffeine consumption and Parkinson's disease risk over a 16-year period
- Were not observed in the Nurses' Health Study [12]
- Similarly, in the Cancer Prevention Study (CPS) II cohort of more than 500,000 men and women in the US
- Coffee consumption was inversely associated with Parkinson's disease mortality in men but not women [12]
- Failure of prospective studies to find an inverse relationship between coffee consumption and Parkinson's disease in women
- Modifying effect of estrogen replacement therapy ?
- Further analysis of the Nurses' Health Study cohort
- It is not clear how estrogen use modifies the effect of caffeine on Parkinson's disease risk [12]
- Prospective cohort studies have observed strong inverse associations between Parkinson's disease risk and caffeine consumption more than a decade before diagnosis [12]
Možná vysvětlení
- Subtle changes in mood, sleep patterns, and the sense of smell
- Symptoms of preclinical Parkinson's disease
- Could lead to decreased caffeine consumption
- Decreased propensity for addictive behavior, e.g., cigarette smoking and caffeine consumption
- Same underlying cause as an increased risk of Parkinson's disease
- Degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra
- Animal models suggest that caffeine protects against dopaminergic neurotoxicity
- Expression of A2A-receptors in the brain
- Restricted almost entirely to the striatum
- Target of the dopaminergic neurons that degenerate in Parkinson's disease [12]
- Acute toxicity with 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)
- Can induce Parkinsonism in humans [12]
- Animal model of Parkinson's disease uses MPTP to induce dopaminergic neurotoxicity in mice
- Caffeine, at doses comparable to typical human exposures
- Attenuate MPTP-induced losses of striatal dopamine and dopamine transporter binding sites in mice [12]
- Specific A2A-receptor antagonists
- Mimicked the effect of caffeine
- Did the absence of functional A2A-receptors in A2A-receptor knockout mice [12]
- V.s. caffeine may reduce the risk of developing Parkinson's disease
- But noti in women taking exogenous estrogens [12]
Co když kofein chrání mozek před Parkinsonem právě díky tomu, že nastimulováním jaterních CYP dojde k rychlejšímu metabolismu estrogenu a k poklesu jeho hladin.
To je jenda z cest jak se tlusté ženy propijí k ochranným účinkům před vznikem ovariálních a prsních nádorů, a jak se hubené ženy kávou propijí k předčasné menoapuze a osteoporoze.
Takže dokud neužívají estrogeny na menopauzu (HRT) a pijí kávu, mají spíše nižší hladiny estrogenu než by jinak měli.
Pokud začnou užívat HRT a ještě k tomu pijí více kávy než 6 šálků denně, mohou se projevit nežádoucí účinky v podobě zhoršeného odbourávání kofeinu, popřípadě pak možná i samotných estrogenů (soutěž o jeden enzym).
Káva není jenom kofein, ale spousta dalších látek i toxinů, jejichž metabolismus může být estrogenně modifikován
Snižuje GGT a ALT v krvi
- Serum GGT activity - index of hepatic injury and a marker of alcohol intake
- Number of cross-sectional studies
- Coffee consumption to be inversely associated with serum GGT activity [12]
- Coffee consumption and decreased serum gamma-glutamyltransferase: a study of middle-aged Japanese men.
- Distribution and population determinants of gamma-glutamyltransferase in a random sample of Sardinian inhabitants
- Positive interaction with alcohol and body mass index, negative association with coffee
- Coffee consumption and decreased serum gamma-glutamyltransferase and aminotransferase activities among male alcohol drinkers.
- Elevated serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activity is a more specific marker of hepatic injury than GGT
- An inverse association between coffee consumption and serum ALT activity in several cross-sectional studies [12]
- Coffee consumption and serum aminotransferases in middle-aged Japanese men.
- Coffee and caffeine consumption reduce the risk of elevated serum alanine aminotransferase activity in the United States.
- Large cross-sectional study in the US
- Coffee and caffeine consumption inversely associated with abnormally elevated serum ALT level (> 43 U/L)
- In almost 6000 adults at high risk of hepatic injury from many different causes:
- Including excessive alcohol consumption
- Viral hepatitis
- Iron overload
- Overweight
- Impaired glucose metabolism [12]
- Liver damage and cirrhosis inhibit caffeine metabolism
- Does people with liver disease consume less coffee ?
- Because they are more likely to experience adverse effects from caffeine ?
- One study, the inverse relationship between coffee consumption and serum ALT
- Did not change when the analysis was limited to those without impaired liver function [12]
- The potential for liver disease to impair caffeine clearance [12]
Pohyblivost spermií vyšší
Lifestyles Associated With Human Semen Quality: Results From MARHCS Cohort Study in Chongqing, China.
- Coffee consumption was found to be associated with
- Increased progressive
- Increased nonprogressive motility
- Of 8.9% or 15.4% for subjects consuming 1-2 cups/wk or ?3 cups/wk of coffee
Svalová síla
- Kofein zmenšuje svalovou únavu
- Vzbuzuje schopnost vyššího výkonu
- 3 mg/kg kofeinu telesné hmotnosti príznive pusobí pri cvicení
- Napomáhá k mobilizaci tělesného tuku jako paliva [1]