Měření a testy
Serum paraxanthine
- Useful for distinguishing varying caffeine intakes [12]
- Pearson correlation coefficients between self-reported caffeine intake and serum paraxanthine concentrations (0.50–0.53)
- Were comparable to reported correlations between cigarette smoking and serum cotinine concentrations
Urinary caffeine metabolites
- 1-methylxanthine
- 1,7-dimethyluric acid
- May also be useful for assessing dietary caffeine intake
Chlorogenic acid or its metabolites
- May also contribute to the health effects of coffee
- Reliable biomarker for coffee-derived polyphenol intake would be useful [12]
Isoferulic acid
- Specific metabolite of dietary caffeic acid derivatives
- Less than 7% of the variance in coffee intake was explained by urinary isoferulic acid excretion
- Limited usefulness as a biomarker for coffee-derived polyphenol exposure [12]