5-hydroxyindoloctová kyselina - 5-OH-indolacetát - 5 HIAA
- Metabolite of serotonin [2]
Serotonin sérový
- Stimulant hladké svaloviny
- Red blood cells, or possibly the white cells, are factors in the conversion of serotonin to 5-HIAA. [8]
- Can vary depending on...
- Tumors
- Renal malfunction
- Small bowel resection etc. [2]
Low levels of 5-HIAA
Cerebrospinal fluid
- Associated with aggressive behavior [2]
- Ass. suicide by violent means [2]
Interakcemi nižší 5-HIAA v moči
- Aspirin
- Ethyl alcohol
- Imipramine
- Levodopa
- MAO inhibitors
- Heparin
- Isoniazid
- Methyldopa
- Tricyclic antidepressants [3]
- Rapid depletion of serum tryptophan, brain tryptophan, serotonin and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid by a tryptophan-free diet
Elevated serotonin (hyperserotonemia)
- One of the most common biological findings in autism [2]
- In patients with autistic spectrum disorders [2]
- Serotonin, and consequently 5-HIAA, are produced in excess by most carcinoid tumors
- Carcinoid syndrome:
- Flushing
- Hepatomegaly (enlarged liver)
- Diarrhea
- Bronchospasm, wheezing
- Heart disease [2]
- Abdominal cramping [4]
- Peripheral edema (the swelling of tissue usually in the lower limbs) [4]
- Right heart valve disease [6]
- Fibrosis of endocardium, blood vessels, and skin [6]
- Usually by midgut tumors - more serotonine
- Drain into the portal circulation
- Symptoms do not usually occur until the tumor metastasizes to the liver
- Releases humoral factors directly into the systemic circulation [6]
- First pass through the liver 30 - 80% of 5-HT is metabolized [6]
- 90% of the remainder is metabolized in the lungs (to 5-HIAA) [6]
- Remaining 10%, almost all is taken up by platelets
- Remains until it is released during clotting, promoting further platelet aggregation [6]
- Serotonin production by disseminated carcinoid tumors can sometimes be so substantial that body tryptophan stores become depleted
- Clinical tryptophan deficiency, resembling pellagra
- Diarrhea, dementia, and dermatitis [6]
- Carcinoid tumors of the enterochromaffin (Kultschitzsky) cells of the small intestine
- Release large amounts of serotonin [2]
- Greater than 25 mg / 24 hours (higher if the patient has malabsorption)
- Strong evidence for carcinoid [2]
- Carcinoid tumors may cause increased excretion of
- tryptophan
- 5-hydroxytryptophan
- histamine
- serotonin [2]
- 75% had above normal urinary 5-HIAA excretion
- 64% had above normal serotonin excretion
5-HIAA may be normal !!!
- Even with the carcinoid syndrome [2]
- In subjects without diarrhea [2]
- some patients excrete nonhydroxylated indolic acids [2]
- Midgut carcinoids
- Most apt to 5-HIAA elevation
- renal disease may have falsely low 5-HIAA levels in the urine [2]
Poor correlation between 5-HIAA level and the clinical severity of the carcinoid syndrome [2]
- 5-HIAA is increased in untreated patients with malabsorption
- Increased urinary tryptophan metabolites
- Celiac disease
- Tropical sprue
- Whipple disease
- Stasis syndrome
- Cystic fibrosis [2]
- Chronic intestinal obstruction.
- Midgut tumors - ileal carcinoid
- Usually contain and release large quantities of serotonin
- Amounts may not be fully reflected in the amount of 5-HIAA in urine
- Little is metabolized
- Foregut tumors
- Lack the decarboxylase enzyme necessary to convert 5-hydroxytryptophan to serotonin
- Minimal to no elevation in urinary 5-HIAA levels
- Hindgut tumors - rectal carcinoid
- Rarely produce excess serotonin or 5-HIAA
- Vzestup v séru jako odpověď na podání chemoterapie
Anxieta - úzkost
- Urinary levels of 5-HIAA and VMA [7]
- In 46 patients with generalized anxiety disorder [7]
- Significant association [7]
Lékovými interakcemi vyšší 5-HIAA v moči
- Acetaminophen
- Caffeine
- Ephedrine
- Diazepam (Valium)
- Nicotine
- Glyceryl guaiacolate (an ingredient found in some cough medicines)
- Phenobarbital [3]
- 5-hydroxytryptophan [4]
- probencid
- salicyláty
- Klofibrát
Lékovými interakcemi vyšší sérový serotonin
Observed levels are usually <400 ng/mL [6]
- lithium [6]
- MAO-inhibitors
- Methyldopa
- Morphine
- Reserpine [6]
- Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (e.g., fluoxetine)
- Can lead to depletion of platelet serotonin [6]
Potravinami s obsahem serotoninu vyšší 5-HIAA v moči
- Do not contribute significantly to blood 5-HT measurements [6]
- no change in platelet serotonin concentration. [5]
- Can elevate urinary 5-HT and urinary 5-HIAA levels up to 10-fold [6]
- Should be avoided for 48 hours prior to the start of the collection [6]
- Pineapples [2]
- Eggplant [2]
- Avocadoes [2]
- Plantain 30.3 +/- 7.5 mg/g weight; [5]
- Pineapple 17.0 +/- 5.1 mg/g weight; ; [5]
- Banana 15.0 +/- 2.4 mg/g weight; ; [5]
- Kiwi fruit 5.8 +/- 0.9 mg/g weight; ; [5]
- Plums 4.7 +/- 0.8 mg/g weight; ; [5]
- Tomatoes 3.2 +/- 0.6 mg/g weight; [5]
- Walnut mg/g weight; [5]
- Hickory family mg/g weight; [5]
- Butternuts 398 +/- 90 mg/g weight; [5]
- Black walnuts 304 +/- 46 mg/g weight; [5]
- English walnuts 87 +/- 20 mg/g weight;[5]
- Shagbark hickory nuts 143 +/- 23 mg/g weight; [5]
- Mockernut hickory nuts 67 +/- 13 mg/g weight; [5]
- Pecans 29 +/- 4 mg/g weight; [5]
- Sweet pignuts 25 +/- 8 mg/g weight; [5]
- Dates [6]
- Grapefruit [6]
- Cantaloupe [6]
- Honeydew melon [6]
- Foods and drugs are known to interfere with the measurement [2]
- National Institute of Health: 2 - 6 mg is the normal range [2]
- 24-hour urine samples combined with an acidic additive to maintain pH below 3 [2]
- 24-hour urine 5-HIAA[1] - 2-7 mg/24 h or 10.5-36.6 µmol/24 h [4]
- Urine spot 5-HIAA[2] - 0-14 mg/g creatinine [4]
- Serum serotonin assay may detect some carcinoids missed by 5-HIAA assay.[2]
- Excess 5-HIAA is released intermittently [3]
- Plasma 5-HIAA: 0-22 np/mL [4]
- In a symptomatic patient, a serum serotonin value of >400 ng/mL is suggestive of a carcinoid tumor [6]
- Metastatic carcinoid tumors show very high levels of serum serotonin, usually exceeding 1000 ng/mL. [6]
[1] 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid and substance P profiles in patients receiving emetogenic chemotherapy [Internet]. [citován 30. duben 2013]. Získáno od: opp.sagepub.com/content/12/4/201.short
[2] 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [Internet]. [citován 4. červen 2013]. Dostupné od: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5-Hydroxyindoleacetic_acid
[3] 5-HIAA: The Test | 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid [Internet]. [citován 5. červen 2013]. Dostupné od: labtestsonline.org/understanding/analytes/5hiaa/tab/test
[4] Carcinoid Syndrome and the Benefits of the 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid Test - Yahoo! Voices - voices.yahoo.com [Internet]. [citován 5. červen 2013]. Dostupné od: voices.yahoo.com/carcinoid-syndrome-benefits-5-hydroxyindoleacetic-859069.html?cat=68
[5] Serotonin content of foods: effect on urinary... [Am J Clin Nutr. 1985] - PubMed - NCBI [Internet]. [citován 5. červen 2013]. Dostupné od: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2413754
[6] Carcinoid Syndrome, Neuroendocrine carcinoma [Internet]. [citován 5. červen 2013]. Dostupné od: www.clinlabnavigator.com/carcinoid-syndrome.html
[7] Neuropsychobiology 1995, Vol. 31, No. 1 - The Association of Urinary 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid and Vanillylmandelic Acid in Patients with Generalized Anxiety - Abstract - Karger Publishers [Internet]. [citován 11. červen 2013]. Dostupné od: www.karger.com/Article/Abstract/119165syndrome.html==
[8] 1. Conversion of Serotonin (5-Hydroxytryptamine) to 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid by Rabbit Blood [Internet]. [citován 11. červen 2013]. Dostupné od: ebm.sagepub.com/content/99/3/742.abstract