Aminoglycoside antibiotics
- Can suppress premature termination codons by disrupting translational fidelity
- Allowing the incorporation of an amino acid
- Thus permitting translation to continue to the normal termination of the transcript [8]
- Allows the read through of premature stop codons, and studies in patients with CF with nonsense mutations show an increase in chloride transportation.
- Ataluren requires 3 times a day dosing and is currently in a Phase 3 placebo-controlled study. [10]
Topická aplikace gentamycinu
- A recent double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study
- Restoration of CFTR function by topical application of gentamicin to the nasal epithelium of cystic fibrosis patients carrying stop mutations
- 21% of the patients - complete normalization of all the electrophysiologic abnormalities caused by the CFTR defect
- 68% there was restoration of either chloride or sodium transport
- Immunohistochemical staining to the C-terminal part of the CFTR
- Peripheral staining for CFTR in scraped nasal epithelial cells [9]
- Achieving CFTR activity of 10 to 35%
- Might be needed to prevent significant pulmonary morbidity. [9]
I.v. podání gentamycinu
- Suppression of stop mutations in the CFTR gene with parenteral gentamicin can be predicted in vitro and is associated with clinical benefit and significant modification of the CFTR-mediated Cl- transport in nasal and sweat gland epithelium.
Class I mutations
- Nonsense mutations
- Result in the presence of a premature stop codon
- Production of unstable mRNA / release from the ribosome of a short, truncated protein that is not functional
- 5 to 10% of the total mutant alleles in cystic fibrosis patients
- Certain subpopulations the incidence is much higher [9]