Hyperchloremia may be associated with higher hemodynamicunstable changes and need for vasopressors, in addition to hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis (e.g., following majorsurgeries). Nonetheless, the direct or indirect mediation of these effects is still uncertain. Additionally, new researchsuggests that individuals with advanced hyperchloremia have a higher risk of acute renal damage and require renalreplacement treatment. Objective: The purpose of this study was to describe significant chloride-related outcomes incritical illness and to evaluate their relevance for everyday clinical practice and therapeutic alternatives. Conclusion:One may conclude that the concern about understanding the impact of chloride disorders on negative outcomes is rising;there seems to be a link between chloride disorders and negative outcomes, particularly death, in the ICU setting; onecould theorize the need to rationalize the use of solutions with electrolyte components separate from the physiologicalsolutions; and consider the presence or the development of hyperchloremia as a prognostic factor, without taking intoconsideration the severity of the critical patient