Histamin v CNS
- G-protein-coupled receptors H1R-H4R
- Ubiquitous in the CNS
- Histaminergic signalling
- histamine regulates motor circuits
- Neuro-immune functions
- Neuroprotective agent
- Beneficial effects on microglia under in vitro/in vivo inflammatory conditions
- Histamine signalling also promotes remyelination
- Protects skeletal muscles against exercise-induced fatigue
- Reduces muscle injury by improving motor performance in Duchenne dystrophic mice
- Bolesti hlavy, migrény, závratě
Multiple sclerosis
- Histamine therapy for treatment of multiple sclerosis is currently being studied
- Different H receptors have been known to have different effects on the treatment of this disease
- H1 and H4 receptors
- Counterproductive in the treatment of MS
- H1 and H4 receptors are thought to increase permeability in the blood-brain barrier
- Thus increasing infiltration of unwanted cells in the central nervous system
- Can cause inflammation, and MS symptom worsening
- H2 and H3 receptors helpful when treating MS patients
- Help with T-cell differentiation
- By helping T cells to differentiate, the T cells will be less likely to attack the body's own cells, and instead attack invaders
- Metabolites of histamine
- Increased in the cerebrospinal fluid of people with schizophrenia
- Efficiency of H1 receptor binding sites is decreased
- Atypical antipsychotic medications
- Increasing histamine production [1]
- Major role in stimulating the release of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine from the hypothalamus
- Counteract the effects of dopamine and filter sensory data going to the brain.
- Neurotransmitter for the brain, spinal cord, and uterus
- Minoritní neurotransmiter v mozku
- Stimulatory effects upon neurons
- Suppressive protect against the susceptibility to convulsion, drug sensitization, denervation supersensitivity, ischemic lesions and stress
- Controls the mechanisms by which memories and learning are forgotten
- Histamin může hrát roli rozšiřováním cév, což způsobuje migrénové bolesti
- Studie často identifikovali nízké DAO koncentrace v krvi lidí, kteří trpěli migrénami
- Mnoho lidí s migrénami vypozorovalo souvislost mezi konzumací potravin obsahujících histamin a migrénovými záchvaty
- Nízká hladina DAO může způsobit únavu, neustálou ospalost nebo nedostatek energie.
- Migrény: Některé osoby s nízkou hladinou DAO mohou mít migrény nebo silné bolesti hlavy.
- Nespavost: Nízká hladina DAO může vést k nespavosti nebo narušení spánkového cyklu.
- Úzkost: Některé osoby s nízkou hladinou DAO mohou mít zvýšenou úzkost, podrážděnost nebo deprese.
Inability to maintain vigilance
- Can occur from the inhibition of histamine biosynthesis or the loss (i.e., degeneration or destruction) of histamine-releasing neurons in the TMN [1]
- Bolesti hlavy, migrény a mozková mlha, únava
- histamin je budivý amin
- Poruchy spánku - nespavost (antihistaminika 1. generace navozují sedaci)
Sleep-wake regulation
- Ascending reticular activating system
- Released from histaminergic neurons
- Which project out of the mammalian hypothalamus
- Posterior hypothalamus known as the tuberomammillary nucleus (TMN)
- histamine neurons in this region comprise the brain's histamine system
- Projects widely throughout the brain
- Includes axonal projections to the cortex, medial forebrain bundle, and elsewhere
- Involved in regulating the sleep-wake cycle
- Promote arousal when activated
- Neural firing rate of histamine neurons in the TMN
- strongly positively correlated with an individual's state of arousal
- Fire rapidly during periods of wakefulness
- More slowly during periods of relaxation/tiredness
- Stop firing altogether during REM and NREM (non-REM) sleep [1]
- Major role in stimulating the release of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine from the hypothalamus
- Counteract the effects of dopamine and filter sensory data going to the brain.
- Headaches, insomnia, anxiety, dizziness, depression, panic disorders