Vylučování kyseliny močové
- 20–25 % eliminována gastrointestinálním traktem
- Může být dále degradována bakteriemi na
- NH3
- CO2 [4]
- Drug research for inhibiting intestinal excretion has been rare [10]
- ABCG2 in intestinal handing of urate
- ABCG2 knockout mice
- Reduced intestinal urate excretion
- Higher serum urate levels
- Lacking ABCG2 in the kidneys
- Renal urate excretion in this situation is still higher than normal
- Other transporters in the kidney can partially compensate [13]
- Metabolized by gut bacteria in a process termed intestinal uricolysis [26]
- 75–80 % ledviny [4]
1. Glomerulární filtrace
- Volně filtrována glomerulem ( minimálně vázána na bílkoviny)
- Do primární moči
2. reabsobce v proximálním tubulu
- Většina k. močové
From renal tubular cavity to renal tubular epithelial cells
- Mainly by URAT1
Across the tubular epithelial basement membrane Into blood
- Mainly by GLUT9
3. Sekrece v distální části proximálního tubulu
Tubulární sekrece kyseliny močové
- Může být inhibována
- Při současné zvýšené exkreci jiných organických kyselin
- Kyselina acetoctová
- Beta-hydroxymáselná
- Mléčná
- Některé léky
4. Postsekreční reabsorpce
- Occurs at the S3 segment of the proximal tubule (80% of the excreted urate)
- Approximately 10% of the filtered uric acid appears to be excreted in the urine [26]
- 2% left as a percentage filtered to be excreted in the final urine [26]
Zvýšená sekrece k. močové ledvinami
- Rizikový faktor
- Pro vývodné močové cesty
- Pro ledvinný parenchym
- Urátová urolitiáza
- Zvýšené riziko jedinci s trvale kyselejší a koncentrovanější močí
ABCG2 gene encodes a uric acid efflux transporter
- Proximal renal tubule
- Apical brush border membrane in polarized renal epithelial cells
- Secretory urate transporter in the proximal tubule
- Mutations in the ABCG2 gene - loss-of-function mutations
- Increase serum urate concentrations
- ABCG2 is a high-capacity, low-affinity exporter of uric acid [18]
- 2 cholesterol molecules bound in the multidrug-binding pocket located in
- A central, hydrophobic, inward-facing translocation pathway
- Between the transmembrane domains
Glucose transporter 9 (GLUT9/SLC2A9)
- Play important roles in uric acid reabsorption [10]
- Li et al. first reported that GLUT9 (SLC2A9) is a gene correlated with SUA level
- Similar results have been reported by several other studies
- Human GLUT9 has two isoforms depending on the splicing of the intracellular part of the N-terminal region
- Short form expressed at the apical side
- Transports uric acid from renal tubular cavity into epithelial cells
Glucose transporter 9 (GLUT9/SLC2A9) - URAT1v
- Play important roles in uric acid reabsorption [10]
- Li et al. first reported that GLUT9 (SLC2A9) is a gene correlated with SUA level
- Similar results have been reported by several other studies
- Basolateral entry of urate into the renal proximal tubule cells
- Voltage-dependent urate transport (URAT1v) known as GLUT9
- SLC2A9 gene on chromosome 4
- Reported initially as a hexose transporter (glucose and fructose) [26]
- Considered the principal regulators of uric acid in humans
- Human GLUT9 has two isoforms depending on the splicing of the intracellular part of the N-terminal region
- Short form expressed at the apical side
- Transports uric acid from renal tubular cavity into epithelial cells [10]
OAT1 (SLC22A6) and OAT3 (SLC22A8)
- Urate/dicarboxylate exchangers
- Found on the basolateral side of the same cells that express OAT4
- Gene knockout studies in vivo
- Absence of OAT1 or OAT3
- Slightly decreased uricosuria
- Suggesting that their principal function is in urate excretion [10]
Human organic anion transporter (hOAT1) - stimulation / up-regulation
Inhibited by
- Antiuricosuric drugs [8]
- Commonly used uricosuric drugs too :-( [8]
OAT3 (SLC22A8)
Human organic anion transporter 4 (hOAT4)
- Role in urate re-absorption in proximal tubules
- Dietary treatment of hyperuricemia
- Increased urine pH facilitate uric acid excretion [17]
Sodium-coupled transporters (gene SLC5A8)
- Favor renal reabsorption of uric acid
- Cotransporter
- Independent and sinergical pathway in URAT1 for carboxylic acids
- Lactate
- Butyrate
- Nicotinate
- Beta-hydroxibutyrate
- Acetoacetate [26]
Urate/anion exchanger (URAT1)
Urate anion exchanger 1 (URAT1/SLC22A12)
- Kidney specific urate transporter URAT1
- SLC22A12 gene on the chromosome 11q13
- A member of the OAT branch
- Apical brush border membrane of the renal proximal tubule
- Apical (luminal) uptake of urate from the primary urine to the proximal tubule cell
- Thus affecting reabsorption
- Favours urate ion exchange by anions
- Through the tubule for maintaining electrical balance
- First identified by Enomoto et al.
- Drug target that alters serum uric acid levels
- Causes idiopathic renal hypouricemia
- Some uricosuric drugs:
- Probenecid
- Indomethacin (analgetikum)
- 6-hydroxybenzbromarone
- Salicylate [10]
- Angiotensin II receptor blocker, losartan [8]
Urate transporter (UAT)
- Facilitate urate efflux out of the cells [8]