Norepinefrin - noradrenalin
- In the lung, approximately 25%-50% is extracted and degraded during a single pass through the pulmonary circulation
- The primary site for removal of norepinephrine is pulmonary capillary endothelial cells
- Inactivation of norepinephrine in the lung affects systemic arterial blood concentration of norepinephrine
- Lung can be regarded as a biochemical filtration system in regulating the effects of norepinephrine
- Sympathetic nerves are present in the walls of 30- to 300- am pulmonary arteries and of larger pulmonary veins
- Stimulation of the sympathetic nerves causes
- Pulmonary vasoconstriction
- Increased transcapillary lymph and protein flow in the lung
- Pulmonary vascular resistance and transcapillary fluid exchange
- MIBG is taken up in the lung by the same mechanism as norepinephrine