- Evaluated for bacteriotherapy of APAP-induced uremia
- Lactobacillus strains
- Fermented food based common strains
- Lactobacillus fermentum,
- Lactobacillus planturum
- Lactobacillus rhamnosus
- Could be apparently effective in this context, hither to unreported in literature
- www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2210523914000233
Six hypochlorhydric patients
- Had 10 strains of urease-positive non-H. pylori bacteria
- Among which Staphylococcus capitis urealiticum showed the strongest urease activity.
- Hypochlorhydric patients present many urease-positive bacteria other than H. pylori.
- The strong urease activity may be responsible for false positive results at RUT or UBT test in patients with suspected H. pylori infection.
- journals.lww.com/ajg/Abstract/2006/08000/Urease_Positive_Bacteria_Other_than_Helicobacter.11.aspx
Helicobacter pylori
- urease activity key factor in
- Infection
- Acid acclimation in the human stomach
- Emerging pathogenic factor during fungal infection
- Use of urease as a therapeutic target to counteract microbial infections should be carefully evaluated
Orla bacteria
- urease produced by the oral bacteria community counteract caries
- Caries-free subjects have high levels of urease activity in plaque samples
Lactic acid bacteria
- With documented probiotic behavior are urease-positive
- Widely used in yogurt production and other fermented dairy products
Several species belonging to the human gut microbiota
- Able to hydrolyze 15%–30% of the urea synthesized in normal subjects
- urease was proposed to serve as a microbial biomarker
- To distinguish microbiomes based on age and geography
- In nitrogen recycling when dietary nitrogen is limiting
- www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4263730/
Streptococcus thermophilus
- urease is metabolically related to the biosynthetic pathways involved in
- Aspartate, glutamine, arginine, and carbon dioxide metabolism
- urea hydrolysis increases the catabolic efficiency of S. thermophilus
- By modulating the intracellular pH
- Increasing the activity of beta-galactosidase, glycolytic enzymes, and lactate dehydrogenase
- Rapid diffusion of ammonia outside of the cell
- urease-negative microorganisms share the environmental benefit
- www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4263730/
- CAVE: zátěž jater a CNS amoniakem
- Podávání ATB k redukci toxického vlivu amoniaku na mozek u jaterní cirhozy
A recent study [14] focused on the characterization of gut microbial communities in two human populations revealed that urease gene frequency was significantly higher in Malawian and Amerindian infant microbiomes and that it decreased with age in these two populations, unlike in the United States, where it remains low from infancy to adulthood. Considering that urease has a crucial involvement in nitrogen recycling, particularly when diets are deficient in protein, the ability of the microbiome to use urea would presumably be advantageous to both microbes and host.
Urea is secreted into all parts of the digestive tract starting from the oral cavity. In saliva, urea is present at a concentration of 3–10 mM, and it represents a relevant nitrogen source for several species belonging to the oral microbiota, including S. salivarius, S. vestibularis and Actinomyces naeslundii. A substantial body of evidence is beginning to accumulate that indicates a direct contribution of alkali generation in dental biofilms to the inhibition of dental caries [23]. The development of dental caries is favored by tooth demineralization that happens as a consequence of the frequent acidification of dental biofilms and the subsequent emergence of acidogenic and acid-tolerant microorganisms, including mutans streptococci and Lactobacillus spp., which ferment dietary carbohydrates rapidly and lower the pH. The increasing number of acid-tolerant microorganisms results in a simultaneous decrease in the less acid-tolerant species that are often associated with dental health [24]. Notably, bacteria associated with dental health are able to use urea and/or arginine to generate ammonia. Alkali production by these microorganisms positively affects the balance between the remineralization and demineralization of the tooth and may help prevent the emergence of cariogenic microorganisms [25]. The real scenario is actually more complex than it might appear. In fact, while the urease activity associated with plaque seems to correlate with a decrease in the incidence of caries, the urease activity associated with the saliva had a significant effect on the risk of developing caries, and this effect was not protective but instead promoted the development of caries [26]. It therefore appears that the oral localization of urease activity is fundamental in preventing caries. Interestingly, in mice, the carcinogenicity of the plaque bacterium S. mutans (naturally urease-negative) was dramatically reduced in a derivative recombinant strain of S. mutans that was able to produce an active urease, thus suggesting that recombinant ureolytic bacteria may be useful in promoting dental health [27].Go to:Microbial Urease As a General “Virulence Factor”
In addition to the positive aspects of microbial ureases in human health, a consistent body of evidence has identified urease as a virulence factor for several microbial pathogens (Fig. 1). In fact, ureolytic activity has a key role in the pathogenesis of bacteria such as Clostridium perfringens, Helicobacter pylori, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis, Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Ureoplasma urealyticum, and Yersinia enterocolitica, and such activity has been reported in diseases such as urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, ammonia encephalopathy, HE, hepatic coma, and gastroduodenal infections [4], [28]. The role of urease in microbial infection has been well established in H. pylori. Hydrolysis of urea in the human stomach provides NH3 that is essential for acid neutralization, enabling H. pylori to raise the pH in its microenvironment and periplasm, thus maintaining the proton motive force [28]. Moreover, the urea-dependent ammonia production appears to be partially responsible for the gastric mucosal injury found in association with H. pylori infection [29]. A proton-gated channel, UreI, which regulates the uptake of urea [4], is only active at acidic pH and therefore does not allow for the transport of urea into the bacterial cell at neutral pH, thus preventing lethal alkalinization of the cytoplasm [4]. Without this mechanism, H. pylori is unable to develop the infection process in the stomach [30], [31]. Similarly, the urease activity allows the survival to the gastric transit of Y. enterocolitica [32].
The role of urease activity in urinary tract infections and struvite and carbonate apatite stones formation was described for P. mirabilis and Sta. saprophyticus. The urease-dependent invasive property of P. mirabilis was supported by in vitro observation and by the use of urease-negative mutants. P. mirabilis defective in urease exhibited in a mouse model an ID50 more than 1,000-fold higher than the wild-type strain, and only the wild-type strain was able to persist significantly [33]. Likewise, the contribution of urease to the cytopathogenicity of Sta. saprophyticus has been demonstrated in a rat model using a chemically mutagenized urease-deficient strain, and by the heterologous expression of an active urease in the nonureolytic Staphylococcus carnosus strain [34], [35].
More recently [36], the role of urease as a general microbial virulence factor was proposed, highlighting the emerging pathogenic roles of urease during infection of the fungal species Cryptococcus neoformans (a basidiomycete) and Coccidioides posadasii (an ascomycete). During fungal lung infection, the urea present in the epithelial lining fluid of the lungs is hydrolyzed by fungal urease, and the generated ammonia inhibits immune function and contributes to lung tissue damage [36].
Other human pathogens are urease-positive, and in many cases, urea hydrolysis is thought to have a role in the infectivity or persistence of the microorganisms. In this context, although largely unexplored, the positive role of urease in microbial physiology (Fig. 1) can be an advantage for a pathogen during the various stages of the infection process in terms of competition with commensal microorganisms associated with the human body.Go to:Perspectives
Because of the facts that the human genome does not contain urease-encoding genes and that no human nickel-containing enzymes are known, urease was proposed as a potential therapeutic target [36] without taking into consideration all the positive aspects linked to the microbial ureases of the human microbiota. In this context, the use of the term “virulence factor” for microbial ureases should be carefully evaluated. Microbiologists working on infectious organisms routinely define any gene product that contribute to the virulence potential of a pathogen as a “virulence factor.” Recently, the increasing interest in the human microbiota raises questions about the terminology we use to describe the molecular and metabolic strategies that pathogenic microbes use to compete in these complex biological systems [37]. In the GIT, many pathogens and commensals use similar strategies to overcome the challenges associated with this particular environment. It would therefore be misleading to describe the same strategies and structures found in harmless or beneficial commensals as “virulence factors” simply because they were acquired or evolved to survive in the GIT. The term “niche factors” was therefore proposed [37] to describe the molecular and metabolic strategies evolved by beneficial gut microbes to colonize this complex environment.Go to:Funding Statementhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4263730/