Borreliové koinfekce ve vztahu k roztroušené skleroze a ATB terapii
- Makes sense to use a schedule of antimicrobial agents which is effective against other potential pathogens of the CNS
- Including Borrelia garini and B burgdorferi
- Cause a serologically negative MS-like illness with white-matter MRI changes
- Generally difficult to detect serologically
- EIA test is particularly prone to giving false negative results
- Chronic borreliosis
- May be much more prevalent than is now believed
- B. burgdorferi
- Identified in avian ticks infesting songbirds
- Posited as a reservoir of borrelial infection in Europe
- Chronic C pneumoniae infection causing a decreased efficiency of host systems
- May prevent resolution of borreliosis
Další možné chronické patogeny v CNS při MS
- Make sense ATB to cover for
- Rickettsiae
- Mycoplasma sp.
- Cell-wall deficient forms
- MS and other initially relapsing-remitting but ultimately progressive diseases
- May have a polymicrobial phase
- Punctured vasculitis caused by Chl pneumoniae
- Provide an easy portal of tissue-entry for blood-borne organisms
- Many chronic infections
- Provides a niche for a host of secondary organisms
- Chronic HIV disease etc.
- The earlier that treatment is begun the better the result and the more complete the resolution [43]