Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Persistence of micro-organisms in the respiratory tract
- May facilitate access of different pathogens to the lower airways
- Longstanding infection
- Might trigger what is traditionally described as the vicious circle of chronic bronchitis [25]
- Chronic C. pneumoniae infection
- Found to be common in chronic bronchitis
- Contribute to disease progression
- Toxic effect on bronchial epithelial cells [25]
- Impairing ciliary function
- Increasing chronic inflammation via proinflammatory cytokine [25]
- Chronic colonization with C. pneumoniae in patients with COPD is suggested by
- Serology
- Electron microscopy
- Immunohistochemistry [25]
- Chronic colonization with C. pneumoniae
- Significantly associated with more severe functional impairment
- Greater propensity to develop acute exacerbations [25]
- Long-term antibiotic treatment over a 6 week period is insufficient to eradicate the organism [25]
- Many chronic respiratory infections are associated with an acute or chronic C.pneumoniae infection.
- Chronic pharyngitis [99]
- Higher rate of exacerbationsof chronic bronchitis [99]
- Asthma [99]
- Chronic obstructive pulmonarydisease (COPD) [99]
- Risk factorin ngcancer [99]