- Přirozeně se vyskytují
- Zvířata
- Rostliny
- Půda
- Lidi [1]
- 16 druhů, z toho nemoci působí:
- M. fermentans
- M.hominis
- M.genitalium
- M.pneumoniae
- Ureoplasma urealyticum
- U. parvum [8]
Mycoplasma hominis
- Běžně nacházený patogen
- Převážně v urogenitálním systému u žen a sexuálně aktivních mužů [1]
- M. hominis is present in about 20% of healthy people [7]
Mycoplasma genitalium
- 1 z 15 mykoplazem, které se nacházejí u lidí [8]
- Animal mycoplasms have been detected occasionally in humans, particularly in immunodeficient patients [8]
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
- Na všech kontinentech kromě Antarktidy
- Obvykle younger than 40 [3]
- Only 5-10% of infected patients actually develop pneumonia [6]
Inkubační doba
- 1-2-3 týdny [6]
- Influenza and other viral pneumonias - generally average a few days [6]
- Does not appear be related to season or geography
- More frequently during the late summer and fall months [5,6]
- When other respiratory pathogens are less prevalent [5]
- In summer, this organism may cause as many as 50% of all pneumonias [6]
- Reinfection and epidemic cycling [5]
- Result of P1 adhesin subtype variation
- Every 4-8 years in the general population [6]
- Cca 40% of community-acquired pneumonia
- Due to M. pneumoniae infections [5]
- Children and elderly most susceptible [5]
Transmission of M. pneumoniae
- Close contact
- Exchange of aerosols by coughing
- Citlivost na vyschnutí [5]
- Outbreaks of M. pneumoniae infections
- Groups of people in close and prolonged proximity
- Schools
- Institutions
- Military bases
- Households [5]
- Can be excreted from the respiratory tract for several weeks after the acute infection [6]
- Isolation of the organism may not indicate acute infection [6]
- Transmission difficult to limit
- Several day period of infection before symptoms appear
- Lack of proper diagnostic tools and effective treatment
- Long incubation period
- The best method of prevention
- Limit caregiver-patient interactions [5]
- Reduce the movement of caregivers to multiple wards [5]
- Estimated as 20%-40% in outpatients [8]
- Cca 10-20% in hospitalized children with pneumonia [8]
- M. pneumoniae is the most common agent in children over five years
- Found in up to 50% of all pneumonia cases in schoolchildren [8]
- Children are an important M. pneumoniae reservoir [8]