- 1898 objeveny - Nocard and Roux
- First isolate a mycoplasma species in culture from bovine pleuropneumonia [5]
- 1937 Dienes and Edsall - isolated the first pathogenic human mycoplasma, M. hominis, from a Bartholin's gland abscess
- 1943 - Peterson - cold agglutinin
- High titers of cold agglutinins in patients with primary atypical pneumonia [6]
- 1944 - Eaton's agent
- Isolated another Mycoplasma from a patient with atypical pneumonia [5]
- Could be grown in chicken embryos and passed through a filter that excluded normal bacteria
- Agent did not grow on the standard pleuropneumonia-like organism (PPLO) media of the time [5]
- 1962 named M. pneumoniae by Chanock et al [7]
- 1963 determined that Eaton’s agent was a bacterium [5]