Pomoc dietou
- no universally recommended diet for patients with AD [4]
- Restrictions only in cases of an established diagnosis of food hypersensitivity [4]
- International guidelines for the diagnosis of food hypersensitivity have been published [4]
- Predictive value of a positive case history is lower than that for food-induced immediate reactions [4]
Snížení střevní propustnosti
Zlepšeno - vhodné
Zhoršeno - nevhodné
Potraviny s lepkem
Potraviny obsahující lektiny
- Rajče
- Tomatin
- Brambory
- Solanin
- Černý bez
Některé saponiny
Kontaminanty životního prostředí / potravin
Přídatné látky - E-čka v potravinách
Jiné látky v potravinách se schopností narušit střevní bariéru
- Rucolla ve vyšším množství
- 3x v kapslích [9]
- Bacterial products may induce an immune response of the Th 1 series instead of Th 2
- Therefore inhibit the development of allergic IgE antibody production [9]
- Limited benefit in preventive and therapeutic roles [9]
- Prenatal and postnatal administration of probiotics
- Reduced IgE levels in infants
- May protect against sensitization to hereditary allergies [9]
- But may not protect against asthma or wheezing [9]
- January 2015, the World Allergy Organization
- Recommend the use of probiotics by pregnant and lactating women and their breastfed infants to prevent the development of AD [9]
- Based on a meta-analysis of 29 studies [9]
- Probiotic use by pregnant women reduced the incidence of eczema by 9% during a 1- to 5-year follow-up [9]
- Use by lactating women was associated with a 16% reduction in eczema during a 6-month follow-up period [9]
- Probiotic consumption by breastfeeding infants was associated with a 5% reduction in eczema during the 6-month to 6-year follow-up period [9]
- Administration of heat-killed L-92
- Effective for AD symptoms in japanese adults
- May contribute to the suppression of Th2-dominant inflammation [14]
Protizánětlivě ev. "antimikrobně" působící potraviny
Vyšší poměr omega-3 MK
- Konopná semínka [9]
- Lněná semínka
- Fish oil [10]
- Evening primrose oil [10]
- Ryby high in EPA and DHA and lower in mercury
- Salmon
- Anchovies [11]
- Herring [11]
- Sardines [11]
- Pacific oysters [11]
- Trout [11]
- Atlantic mackerel [11]
- Pacific mackerel [11]
- Pohanka aj. mnohé rostliny, byliny a ovoce
Antihistaminová dieta
Eliminace alergenu
Assess for sensitization to a food
Measurement of specific IgE
- Diagnostic sensitivity and specificity varies considerably
- Among different foods
- Reading systems
- Age groups
- Discriminating between clinical relevance of sensitization
Lymphocyte cytotoxicity tests
- Nepouziva se [4]
Basophil degranulation test
- Nepouziva se [4]
Measurement of serum IgG (or subclasses)
- Nepouziva se [4]
- An elimination diet should not be recommended solely on the basis of a positive APT response to a food [4]
Physician-supervised food challenges
- Most accurate diagnostic tool
- Patients can present with reactions at least 24 hours after a food challenge
- In case of a negative challenge response
- The skin of the patient should be examined the following day [4]
- After a diagnosis has been established, a tailor-made education program for the patient should be initiated [4]
Mezi časté alergeny a dráždivé potraviny patří
- Vaječný bílek [6]
- Kravské mléko [6]
- lepek [6]
- Ořechy [6]
- Soja [6]
- Ryby [6]
- Sýry [6]
- Jahody [6]
- Mák [6]
- Citrusy [6]
- čokoláda [6]