Fyziologie růstu vlasů
Hair natural color
- Darker hair
- More carbohydrates
- Less oxygen
- Blonder hair
- More oxygen than carbohydrates
- Medium-dark hair
- Up to 50.65 percent of carbohydrates
- 6.36 % of hydrogen
- 17.14 % of nitrogen
- 5.0 % of sulfur
- 20.85 % of oxygen
- Pigment contained in hair
- protein complex combinations (triptofan, pirol, etc.)
- Contains nitrogen, sulfur, oxygen and a small amount of iron and arsenic
- Melanin component concentration ratio
- Determines each unique human hair color
Melanin receptor-1 receptor (MC1R) gene
- Crucial factor in human hair color and skin color
- Expressed in the melanocyte or melanin cell tumor
- Receptor of alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH)
- Alpha-MSH via MC1R could activate the adenylate cyclase (AC)
- May lead to increasing intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)
- Could activate tyrosinase enzyme though protein kinase A (PKA), a rate limiting enzyme
- Classic way of synthesis of melanin by alpha-MSH in melanocyte [26]
Počet vlasů
- U každého různý cca 180 - 330 na jeden čtvereční cm vlasaté plochy.
- Tmavovlasí lidé mají asi 80 až 100 tisíc vlasů
- Plavovlasí až o třetinu více
Růstové fáze
- Délka života lidského vlasu se pohybuje od 2 do 5 let.
- Během této doby prochází vlas několika fázemi:
1) Růstové období
- První a zároveň nejdelší období
- Trvá několik let.
- Vlas vyvíjí a roste
- V růstové fázi se nachází asi 80 procent našich vlasů. [4]
2) Fáze přechodná
- Krátké časové období (několik týdnů)
- Přicházejí o výživu
- Zastavují svůj růst
- Odumírají
- Rychle nastupuje třetí fáze
3) Konečná fáze
- Odumřelé vlasy se v průběhu několika měsíců dostávají do svrchních vrstev kůže a postupně vypadávají.
- Normálně ve třetí fázi až pětina vlasového porostu
- Každý z nás přijde každý den asi o stovku odumřelých vlasů
- Jejich místa nahrazují nové, které vznikají ve vlasových cibulkách v hloubce kůže.
- Růst, odumírání a výměna vlasů probíhají celý život už od dětství.
- K nejvýraznějším změnám ve vlastnostech a vzhledu vlasů dochází do puberty.
Rychlost růstu
- V průměru vyrostou za den asi o 0,3 milimetru, tj. 1 centimetr za měsíc.
- Rychlost je určena geneticky a zůstává víceméně stabilní.
- Za pocit, že Vám někdy rostou vlasy rychleji, může spíš typ Vašeho účesu
Regulace růstu vlasu
- By many proteins and factors
- Cell proliferation and migration are the essential factors for hair growth [27]
- Ki67 marker is expressed only in the active phases of cell growth, such as the G1, S, and G2 phases and mitosis [27]
Dermal papilla cells (DPCs)
- Major hair components
- Secrete a number of growth factors
- Modulate the proliferation of follicular epithelium and follicle development [28]
- Size of DPC is well correlated with
- The hair growth
- The number of DPC
- Increases in the early anagen stage [28]
- Pivotal roles in hair follicle and hair shaft
- At early anagen are activated
- Subsequently fasted proliferating cells
- Make hair bulb structure with hair matrix surrounding DPC before activation of hair follicle stem cell [28]
- Important component in Wnt signaling pathways
- Indispensable to skin replacement and hair follicle development[26]
Wnt/beta-catenin pathway
- Important role in the hair growth cycle
- Beta-catenin markedly activated during anagen phase
- Initiation of hair follicle formation
- Stimulating hair growth and differentiation [28]
- Beta-catenin knock-out mice
- Catagen and telogen phases induce premature condition
- Regeneration of hair follicle is the failure [28]
- Absence of Wnt:
- Beta-catenin is ordinarily phosphorylated in the cytoplasm by glycogen synthase GSK-3b (beta) and kinase-3b
- Tagged by an ubiquitin
- Dissolved by the proteasome
- Wnt protein binds to receptors of Frizzled family
- Beta-catenin is accumulated in the cytoplasm
- Translocated into the nucleus
- Induction of growth signals for hair follicle progenitors
- Promoting differentiation of hair follicular keratinocyte [28]
- GSK-3
- Key regulator in beta-catenin pathway
- Many researchers have reported chemicals and natural extracts that stimulate hair growth by targeting the beta-catenin pathway [28]
- GSK-3beta inhibitor
- Enhances hair-inducing ability
- Stabilization of ß-catenin
- Elevated the alkaline phosphatase
- Elevated insulin-growth factor-1 gene expressions [28]
- Hair cycle regeneration and anagen phase maintenance are ß-catenin dependent [28]
- Activation of ERK1/2 and Akt is related to beta-catenin signaling pathway
- Their phosphorylation increased beta-catenin/TCF complex
- Through inactivation of GSK3beta [28]
- Phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and/or Akt
- Induces activation of beta-catenin signaling pathway [28]
SHH - Sonic Hedgehog
- Significantly facilitate telogen stage
- Facilitate catagen stage hair follicles entering into anagen stage
- Promoting hair growth
HGF - Hepatocyte growth factor
- Facilitate hair follicles to enter the anagen stage when injected to newborn mice
IGF-1 - Insulin-like growth factor-1
- Could promote hair follicle growth
- Could maintain the hair follicles' growth in in vitro cultivation of human hair follicle cells
FGF-7 - Fibroblast growth factor-7
- Obvious adjustment to the hair growth
- Could promote hair to enter the anagen stage and increase hair follicles amounts
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
- Induce the formation of blood vessels around hair follicles
- Also promote directly the dermal papilla cells proliferation
Lymphatic enhancement factor (Lef-1)
- Key nuclear transcription factor in the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathways
- Whisker hair follicles disappear completely and back skin hair follicles growth stops in Lef-1 knockout mice
- Important role in regulating the hair follicle growth
SCF - Stem cell factor
- Role in preserving stem cells
- Participating in the growth of hair follicles
- Detectable in the anagen stage [27]
- Induction of endothelin-1 and SCF correlated with the regeneration of hair follicles [28]
ERK1/2 and Akt pathway
- Activation promoted the proliferation and survival of DPC (dermal paila cells)
- Activated by mitogens in all types of mammalian cells
- Key roles in cell growth [28]
- Akt
- Antiapoptotic molecule [28]
Tvar vlasu
- Standard “cold” perm (trvalá)
- Hair is put into curlers and the reducing agent ammonium thioglycolate is added
- Disulfide bonds break
- Keratin molecules are free to move around and adjust to the shape of the curl
- “neutralizer,” such as hydrogen peroxide is added
- Reverse the effect of the reducing agent
- New disulfide bonds form
- Keratin molecules are locked into the shape of the curls