Ewingův sarkom
- Lokální otok
- Occurs in bones or in the soft tissue around the bones
- Most often begins in the leg bones and in the pelvis
- Can occur in any bone
- Less often, it starts in the soft tissues of the
- Chest, abdomen, limbs or other locations
- Forms in bone or soft tissue
- Swelling and pain at the site of the tumor
- Fever, and a bone fracture
- Legs, pelvis, and chest wall
- 25% of cases, the cancer has already spread to other parts of the body at the time of diagnosis
- Complications may include a pleural effusion or paraplegia
- Type of small round cell sarcoma
- Treatment often includes chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, and stem cell transplant
- Five-year survival is about 70%.
- Ewing sarcoma occurs most often in teenagers and young adults
- Caucasians are affected more often than African Americans or Asians
- Males are affected more often than females
- Painful area,
- Feeling for warmth,
- Swelling,
- Tenderness
- Lokální otok