- Aktivita KC je úzce spojena s dostupností kyslíku
- Ve všech buňkách kromě erytrocytů
- Oxidována kyselina octová: do cyklu vstupuje jako acetyl-CoA
- Redukované koenzymy (3 NADH a 1 FADH2) jsou následně reoxidovány (regenerovány) v dýchacím řetězci
- Meziprodukty CC jsou doplňovány tzv. anaplerotickými reakcemi
- Zvýšením množství určitého meziproduktu se tak zvýší kapacita CC
- Může oxidovat více molekul acetyl-koenzymu A
- Aktivita KC je úzce spojena s dostupností kyslíku
- Ve všech buňkách kromě erytrocytů
- Oxidována kyselina octová: do cyklu vstupuje jako acetyl-CoA
- Redukované koenzymy (3 NADH a 1 FADH2) jsou následně reoxidovány (regenerovány) v dýchacím řetězci
- Meziprodukty CC jsou doplňovány tzv. anaplerotickými reakcemi
- Zvýšením množství určitého meziproduktu se tak zvýší kapacita CC
- Může oxidovat více molekul acetyl-koenzymu A
Alzheimerova choroba
- Disturbances of energy production can create abnormal spilling of Krebs’ cycle byproducts into the urine. [9]
Alzheimerova choroba
- Disturbances of energy production can create abnormal spilling of Krebs’ cycle byproducts into the urine. [9]
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
- Poor attention, memory loss, lack of concentration and depression
- Underlying cause of CFS may be an impairment in the production of mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate (ATP) [9]
- CFS patients have elevated blood levels of lactate
- Indicating suboptimal aerobic ATP production that can lead to fatigue and muscle aches. [9]
- Glucose, pyruvate, aspartate, propionate, and butyrate, stimulated lactate conversion to fatty acids [15]
- 2-n-butylmalonate inhibited fatty acid synthesis from pyruvate, but not from glucose and acetate, and decreased the stimulatory effect of pyruvate on acetate conversion to fatty acids. [15]
- v adipocytech potkanů
- Studies have shown administering specific Krebs’ cycle amino acid precursors and intermediates to stimulate energy production significantly reduce symptoms of CFS [9]
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
- Poor attention, memory loss, lack of concentration and depression
- Underlying cause of CFS may be an impairment in the production of mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate (ATP) [9]
- CFS patients have elevated blood levels of lactate
- Indicating suboptimal aerobic ATP production that can lead to fatigue and muscle aches. [9]
- Glucose, pyruvate, aspartate, propionate, and butyrate, stimulated lactate conversion to fatty acids [15]
- 2-n-butylmalonate inhibited fatty acid synthesis from pyruvate, but not from glucose and acetate, and decreased the stimulatory effect of pyruvate on acetate conversion to fatty acids. [15]
- v adipocytech potkanů
- Studies have shown administering specific Krebs’ cycle amino acid precursors and intermediates to stimulate energy production significantly reduce symptoms of CFS [9]
Insulinoresistance of skeletal muscle
- In glucose-tolerant obese
- Reduced activity of oxidative enzymes
- Increase in activity of glycolytic enzymes [1]
- More severe insulin resistance of skeletal muscle [1]
Glycolysis a citrátový cyklus, glykogeneze
- Decreased in leg muscle biopsies of obese patients
- Pyruvate dehydrogenase
- glycogen synthase [1]
- Glukoza tedy není zcela spálena v citrátovém cyklu, ani z ní není uděláno tolik glykogenu, snáze a dříve proběhne lipogeneze
- Glycolytic/oxidative enzyme activities within skeletal muscle correlated negatively with insulin sensitivity [1]
Insulinoresistance of skeletal muscle
- In glucose-tolerant obese
- Reduced activity of oxidative enzymes
- Increase in activity of glycolytic enzymes [1]
- More severe insulin resistance of skeletal muscle [1]
Glycolysis a citrátový cyklus, glykogeneze
- Decreased in leg muscle biopsies of obese patients
- Pyruvate dehydrogenase
- glycogen synthase [1]
- Glukoza tedy není zcela spálena v citrátovém cyklu, ani z ní není uděláno tolik glykogenu, snáze a dříve proběhne lipogeneze
- Glycolytic/oxidative enzyme activities within skeletal muscle correlated negatively with insulin sensitivity [1]
- Accumulation of large amounts of metabolic anaerobic byproducts can lower intracellular pH, inhibit muscle contraction, and may cause acidosis.
- Hydrogen ions, interferes with muscle contractions and ATP energy release. [9]
- Metabolic fatigue from exercise occurs when the muscle’s need for ATP has outstripped production capacity. [9]
- Chronic acidosis in muscle tissue causes a negative nitrogen balance and loss of muscle protein. [9]
- Phosphates and the amino acid carnosine account for 90% of muscle buffering. [9]
- Alkaline salts of phosphor [9]
- Reduce lactic acid buildup
- Reduce intracellular acidosis to delay muscle fatigue
- Increase the concentration of 2,3-DPG (diphosphoglycerate) in red blood cells
- Speeds the release of oxygen from hemoglobin to muscles [9]
- Help in the phosphorylation of creatine to creatine phosphate to reform ATP [9]
- 1 to 3 grams of phosphates one hour prior to workouts improved psychomotor performance and prevented muscle fatigue [9]
- Phosphates lead to a 10% increase in VO2max, a 10% increase in maximal oxygen uptake and a 9% increase in power output at anaerobic threshold [9]
- Accumulation of large amounts of metabolic anaerobic byproducts can lower intracellular pH, inhibit muscle contraction, and may cause acidosis.
- Hydrogen ions, interferes with muscle contractions and ATP energy release. [9]
- Metabolic fatigue from exercise occurs when the muscle’s need for ATP has outstripped production capacity. [9]
- Chronic acidosis in muscle tissue causes a negative nitrogen balance and loss of muscle protein. [9]
- Phosphates and the amino acid carnosine account for 90% of muscle buffering. [9]
- Alkaline salts of phosphor [9]
- Reduce lactic acid buildup
- Reduce intracellular acidosis to delay muscle fatigue
- Increase the concentration of 2,3-DPG (diphosphoglycerate) in red blood cells
- Speeds the release of oxygen from hemoglobin to muscles [9]
- Help in the phosphorylation of creatine to creatine phosphate to reform ATP [9]
- 1 to 3 grams of phosphates one hour prior to workouts improved psychomotor performance and prevented muscle fatigue [9]
- Phosphates lead to a 10% increase in VO2max, a 10% increase in maximal oxygen uptake and a 9% increase in power output at anaerobic threshold [9]