Nádory kolorekta
- The majority of studies cited are in vitro studies, performed in glass on tissue from a living organism, or in vivo studies, performed on tissue not removed from a living organism (animal studies).
- Most studies have not advanced to clinical trials on humans.
- The few human studies cited are preliminary clinical trials.
- Therefore, although results seem favorable or unfavorable, treat them with caution.
- Neither the author nor publisher makes any medical claims for any of the herbs or natural products in this review or the tables.
- This are just study notes
- Note that some of the herbs described are deadly poisons and extremely dangerous.
- nemoci-sympt/ONKOLOGIE/nadory-kolorekta/detekce
- nemoci-sympt/ONKOLOGIE/nadory-kolorekta/stageing
- nemoci-sympt/ONKOLOGIE/nadory-kolorekta/zhorseni
- nemoci-sympt/ONKOLOGIE/nadory-kolorekta/zlepseni