Cordyceps militaris Mycomedica
- 50% extrakt, BIO prášek, sušený nebo tinkturu č.026 v YaoMedice
- Možná již nebude možné nabízet Cordyceps militaris jako doplněk stravy (zákaz EU)
- Ve formě 50% extrakt a BIO prášku bude nahrazen Cordycepsem sinensis
Cordyceps sinensis
- Fungus parasite that lives on caterpillars in China’s high mountain region
- Cordyceps cells are propagated in laboratories (Robbers & Tyler, 1999)
- Lethargy, chronic bronchitis, kidney disorders, male sexual dysfunction, anemia, liver dysfunction, and dizziness
- Cordyceps might be cytotoxic to cancer cells (Bok, Lermer, Chilton, Klingeman, & Towers, 1999; Kuo et al., 1994; Kuo, Tsai, Shiao, Chen, & Lin, 1996), especially lung carcinoma (Nakamura et al., 1999) and melanoma (Xu, Peng, Chen, & Chen, 1992)
- No adverse effects have been reported (Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2004)
- Zhu, Halpern, and Jones (1998) used a dose of 3 g daily.
Herbs or Natural Products That Decrease Cancer Growth Part One of a Four-Part Series; Muriel J. Montbriand, PhD, RN; Downloaded on 08 28 2019. Single-user license only. Copyright 2019 by the Oncology Nursing Society. For permission to post online, reprint, adapt, or reuse, please email
- Housenice čínská
- Cordyceps sinensis
- Caterpillar Fungus
- Caterpillar Mushroom
- Cs-4
- Champignon Chenille
- Chinese Caterpillar Fungus
- Dong Chong Xia Cao
- Dong Chong Zia Cao
- Hsia Ts'Ao Tung Ch'Ung
- Ophiocordyceps sinensis
- Tochukaso
- Vegetable Caterpillar [3]
- Cordyceps sinensis in 2007 by nuclear DNA sampling
- Unrelated to most of the rest of the members of the genus
- Renamed: Ophiocordyceps sinensis
- Placed in a new family: Ophiocordycipitaceae [2]
- Cordyceps unilateralis
- Také přejmenovám a přesunut [2]
- Other species previously included in the genus Cordyceps
- Placed in the genus Tolypocladium [2]
- Cordyceps and Metacordyceps spp.
- Teleomorphs of a number of anamorphic, entomopathogenic fungus "genera" such as:
- Beauveria (Cordyceps bassiana)
- Lecanicillium
- Metarhizium
- Nomuraea [2]
- Genus of ascomycete fungi (sac fungi)
- Includes about 400 species
- Most Cordyceps species are endoparasitoids
- Parasitic mainly on insects and other arthropods
- Entomopathogenic fungi [2]
- Few are parasitic on other fungi [2]
- Worldwide distribution
- More than 400 species described from Asia
- Notably Nepal, China, Japan, Bhutan, Korea, Vietnam, and Thailand [2]
- Abundant and diverse in humid temperate and tropical forests [2]
Životní cyklus
- Cordyceps fungus attacks a host
- Mycelium invades and eventually replaces the host tissue
- Elongated fruit body (ascocarp) may be
- Cylindrical
- Branched
- Complex shape [2]
- The ascocarp
- Bears many small, flask-shaped perithecia containing asci
- Contain thread-like ascospores
- Break into fragments
- Presumably infective [2]
- Housenice čínská
- Lives on certain caterpillars in the high mountain regions of China
- Má být nejsilnější betaglukan
- Cordiceps sinensis - Housenice čínská
- Mumifikuje housenky
- Více účinná
- Jen někde v Himalájích ve 3800-6000 m n.m.
- Pěstované od 2001 kmen CS4 cordiceps sinensis
- Housenice červená - housenice militaris
- Méně účinná
- Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan, Neosar) interacts with CORDYCEPS
- Cordyceps seems to increase the immune system
- Might decrease the effectiveness of cyclophosphamide
- Some other medications include
- Azathioprine (Imuran)
- Basiliximab (Simulect)
- Cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune)
- Daclizumab (Zenapax)
- Muromonab-CD3 (OKT3, Orthoclone OKT3)
- Mycophenolate (CellCept)
- Tacrolimus (FK506, Prograf)
- Sirolimus (Rapamune)
- Prednisone (Deltasone, Orasone)
- Corticosteroids (glucocorticoids) [3]
Možné nežádoucí účinky
- Cordyceps might cause the immune system to become more active:
- Multiple sclerosis (MS)
- Lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE)
- Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
- Other conditions [3]
- Bleeding
- Might slow blood clotting
- Increase the risk of bleeding in people with bleeding disorders
- Might increase the risk of bleeding during surgery
- Stop taking cordyceps 2 weeks before surgery [3]
Tradiční použití
- Podpora výkonu
- Zkrácení fází regenerace
- Zlepšení odolnosti vůči stresu + Reishi, Hericium
- Podpora plodnosti a sexuálních funkcí (vč. libida)
- Podpora funkce ledvin
- Regulace štítné žlázy + Reishi, Agaricus
- Imunostimulace
- Pozvednutí lidské nálady
- Podpora funkce srdce + Reishi, Agaricus, Shiitake
- Podpora funkce plic + Reishi, Coriolus [1]
- Diabetes
- Zlepšení kvality spermií
- Impotence
- Předčasná ejakulace
- Zvyšuje hladinu testosteronu
- Astma (především u dětí),
- Přetrvávající kašel
- COPD, emfyzém, rozedma
- Alergická rýma
- Opakující se infekce močových cest
- únavy, vyčerpání
- Cirhózy,
- Hepatitidy
- Anti-aging účinky
- Virové či bakteriální infekce
- Osteoporóza
- + cholesterol
- Regenerace svalů
- Reguluje menstruaci (metrorrhagie, silná menstruace...)
- Stresové stavy,
- Aktivuje fagocytózu makrofágů
- Podporuje spánek (je-li málo energie),
- Ateroskleróza
- Arytmie
- Zvyšuje počet trombocytů (trombocytopenie po chemoterapiích)
- Borelióza
- Strach, deprese
- Alergie na spermie [1]
- Coughs, chronic bronchitis, respiratory disorders [3]
- Kidney disorders, nighttime urination [3]
- Male sexual problems [3]
- Anemia [3]
- Irregular heartbeat [3]
- High cholesterol [3]
- Liver disorders [3]
- Dizziness, weakness [3]
- Ringing in the ears [3]
- Unwanted weight loss [3]
- Opiumaddiction [3]
Ojedinělé malé studie nazančují
Kidney damage caused by amikracin
- Using cordyceps with the drug amikracin
- Might reduce kidney damage caused by the drug in older people [3]
- Cordyceps alone can reduce asthma symptoms in adults
- Along with other herbs for 6 months does not reduce the need for medication or improve asthma symptoms in children.
- Cordyceps by mouth during or after chemotherapy
- Might improve quality of life and improve tolerance to the treatments.
Kidney damage by cyclosporine
- Cordyceps with cyclosporine can reduce kidney damage in people with kidney transplants.
Hepatitis B
- Cordyceps by mouth might improve liver function in people with hepatitis B
- Less effective than astragalus and polygonum (fo-ti) [3]
Sexual desire
- Specific cordyceps product (CordyMax Cs-4) daily for 40 days
- Can improve sex drive in people with low sex drive.
Kidney transplant
- Cordyceps (Bailing capsules) daily for up to 2 years together with conventional treatments
- Does not improve survival in people who received a kidney transplant
- Might reduce
- The need for some conventional treatments [3]
- Number of infections [3]
- Other complications [3]
- Twice daily for 9 months together with the blood pressure-lowering drug enalapril after a transplant
- Improves kidney function
- Slow the progression of the disease in patients with declining kidney function [3]
- Teplota – teplá
- Chuť – sladká
- Tropismus – plíce, ledviny [1]
Účinky podle tradiční čínské medicíny:
- Doplňuje ledvinový yang a ming men
- Posiluje plicní yin
- Vyživuje esenci ledvin
- Transformuje hlen a zastavuje kašel
- Uklidňuje ducha
- Podporuje obrannou qi [1]
- Nepodávat večer!
- Ne u stavů nespavosti, horkých onemocněních, uakutních zánětů, při všech stavech horkosti.
- Opatrně v těhotenství. [1]
Účinné látky
- Polysaccharide components
- Cordycepin
- Isolated from C. militaris [2]
Zdroj informací:
[1] Mycomedica, Výukový materiál Asociace pro podporu a rozvoj mykoterapie