Ovoce - Fruit
- Problems with the skin
- In the past consumed too much fruit
- V jídelním plánu metaoblic balance jen pár druhů ovoce
- v.s. konsumpcí vit. B ?
Mražení ovoce
- Vitamins are most sensitive to light
- Deep-frozen fruit/vegetables generally contain more vitamins than do fresh fruit/vegetables
- Frozen immediately after harvesting
- Essential vitamins are retained.
- Fresh fruit/vegetables
- Often placed under unfavourable conditions
- Less of vitamins
Sušené ovoce
- Mango, banány, ananas výborné chuti z Kamerunu
- Morin Kamga Fobissie, fobissiek@utamtsi.com
- Stephan Frost, stephfrost@utamtsi.com
- Kancelář: Brinkumer StraSe 20, D-28201 Bremen, Germany
- Tel., FAX: 0049 (0) 42089198457
- Mobil: 0049 (0) 15774108030
- Pražírna: Worphauser Landstrasse 55, D-28865 Lilienthal