Erythematous lesion on the adjacent oral soft tissues
- Tongue and buccal mucosa
Hypersensitivity reaction
Asociovaná onemocnění
- Chronic exposure, even to low concentration levels of mercury, can cause
- Cardiovascular, reproductive, and developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, immunotoxicity, and carcinogenicity [2]
- Workers
- Usually exposed to substantially higher Hg(0) levels than individuals with dental amalgam restorations
- Typically exposed 8 hours per day for 20-30 years [1]
- Persons with dental amalgam restorations
- American Dental Association
- Food and Drug Administration
- Approved amalgam under a grandfather clause
- Subsequent studies have shown this claim of safety not to be true [2]
- Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Journal
- Published a comprehensive article calling mercury restorative material a major source of mercury exposure to the U.S. population [2]
Informovaný souhlas
- In Europe, the federal governments of Norway, Finland, Denmark, and Sweden
- Legislation requiring that dental patients receive informed consent information about the dental restorative material that will be used.
- United States, a few state governments have enacted informed consent legislation for dental patients receiving dental restorations.
- Maine, California, Connecticut, and Vermont [2]
Kardiovaskulární nemoci
- Hypertension
- Coronary heart disease
- Myocardial infarction
- Neurotoxic effects of mercury might also impact cardiac autonomic function
- Mercury exposure
- Could have a long-lasting effect on
- Cardiac parasympathetic activity
- Might affect heart rate variability
- Particularly early exposures in children [2]
Oxidační stres
- Exposure to mercury increases
- Production of free radicals
- Role of mercury in the Fenton reaction
- Reduction in the activity of antioxidant enzymes
- Glutathione peroxidase [2]
- Widely used restorative dental material
- Introduced over 150 years ago
- Most standard dental amalgam formulations contain approximately 50% elemental mercury [1,2]
- 50% mercury (Hg) in a complex mixture of copper, tin, silver, and zinc [2]
- Hg(0) is released from dental amalgam restorations and is absorbed by the human body
- Numerous studies report positive correlations between:
- The number of dental amalgam restorations or surfaces and urine mercury concentrations in nonoccupationally exposed individuals [1]
Uvolňování vyšší
- Well documented that this mixture continually emits mercury vapor
- Dramatically increased by chewing, eating, brushing, and drinking hot liquids [2]
- Historically, studies of occupationally exposed individuals provided consistent information
- Relationship between exposure to Hg(0) and adverse effects
- Nervous system
- Renal dysfunction :1::