- 2010, Northstar Biosciences (NBI) developed and patented a water-soluble version of glycerol monolaurate (WS-GML)
- With selected ‘phytochemicals’ under the trademark of AquaLaurin
- Based on bi-continuous, self assembled, lipid vesicles which form unique nanoemulsions and nanocapsules.
- water-soluble glycerol monolaurate simulates the same biochemistry that the neonatal infant makes upon the ingestion of breast milk or baby formula during a period of exponential cell growth and development.
- Past 8 years, hundreds have orally taken AquaLaurin (AL)
- Paste and recently as a liquid
- AL Structured Water and has been modeled by Dr. Keith Johnson, Professor Emeritus of Theoretical Physics at MIT
- AL breaks up chronic microbial biofilms in the human body
- Lyotropic crystalline nano-suspension in NBI’s AL Structured Water
- Disrupt sticky blockages in the circulatory system after an 8 week protocol
- Glycerol monolaurate may inhibit pro-inflammatory cytokines, chemokines, and interleukins,
- Thereby acting both as an anti-inflammatory as well as an immunomodulator.
- AquaLaurin plays a role in neuron regeneration and enhanced microtubule formation in the brain
- Resulting in significant improvements in cognitive function under an AL protocol.
- Anti-microbial, an anti-inflammatory, and a biofilm disruptor
- Disrupt pathogenic biofilms is perhaps most notable, as these 'microbial matrixes' are believed to account for over 80% of human illness.
- Endemic biofilms from Tick Borne Diseases (TBD)
- After years of buildup, rapid bacterial autolysis and subsequent biofilm disruption can lead to significant discomfort
- Herxheimer reaction can be severe for some TBD suffers
- Ability to lower the dosage of AL without compromising comfort is paramount
- Combines microbial autolysis with detoxifying agents encapsulated in the structured water lyotropic crystals.
- Prevention & disruption of chronic inflammatory pathogenic biofilms
- Effective immunomodulator reducing autoimmune response
- Effective anti-inflammatory including suppression of pro-inflammatory chemokines & cytokines & prostaglandins
- No pathogenic microbial resistance with prolonged AL usage observed
- AL does not harm good gut bacteria balance in GI tract
- AL enhances uptake & bioavailability of nutrients, vitamins & minerals
- AL works in conjunction with the body’s innate immune system
- Tick Borne Disease (TBD) protocols can be ‘customized’ to minimize Herxheimer reactions
- Copyright © 2018 Northstar Biosciences LLC
- These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
- This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Zdroje informací další
- Obalene viry, hlavně EBV
- Modifikované vezre monoalurinu, aby byla rozpustná ve vodě
- Bakteriální filmy a jejich narušení
- Amyloidní plaky při Parkinsnově chorobě - často i mikrobiální filmy
- aqualaurin může pomoct !!!
- Souvislost i s mikroby v GIT !!!
- Zlepšení kognice během douhodobého užívání
- Za 3-4 měs. aqualarin sníží krevní tlak
- Zlepší glukozovou tolernaci u diabetiků za 2-4 měsíce a v někt. příadech došlo i k vymizení inzulinové rzistence !!!
- Copd - umí eliminovat i pseudomonadovou infekci
- Aqualaurin, Mark Su, MD, FAAFP;">Webinář na téma Aqualaurin, Mark Su, MD, FAAFP;
- Citrus (biofilmy, kvasinky a jejich biofilmy)
- kurkumin (kvasinky, bolesti a neuropatie a necitlivost - hlavně když se to podá nebulizerem, ...)
- Pepermint a ginger (hlavně v GIT, IBS toxic, GIT patogeny) -
- Eldeberry (obalené viry, chronické únavy, mozková mlha, sinusitidy, bolesti hlavy, respirační on.)
- resveratrol (metabolismus, metabolický sy., jatra, HT) ....
- Umí to vše také
- Host of novel healthcare products based on the bio-active lipids found in human milk.
- Specifically, Glycerol MonoLaurate (GML) and Lauric Acid (LA), responsible for the anti-microbial and immunomodulatory effects in human milk
- Po 2-3 měísích zhojení helikobakter pylori a ost. GIT obtíže, které jinak byly chronické
- Po rozbití biofilmu dojde k aktivaci imunity