- Nebo jeho sůl
Roundup od firmy Monsanto
- Totální herbicid
- účinná látka cca 40 - 50% hmotnosti herbicidu
Citlivé organismy
- Spolehlivě likviduje téměř všechny druhy plevele, včetně hluboko kořenících trvalek, jako je například kopřiva či svlačec.
- Po několika dnech je zřetelně vidět, jak rostlina postupně odumírá
- Momentálně nejpoužívanějším postřikem vůbec
- Spotřeba paradoxně vzrostla poté, co byly na trh uvedeny tzv. RR (Roundup Ready) plodiny
- Plevel se stal odolným a zemědělci musí používat postřik častěji [1]
- Cca 80 % všech geneticky modifikovaných plodin "Roundup ready" [1]
- Bez přítomnosti dětí či zvířat
- 48 h nevkračovat na plochu
- Přímo na listy rostliny - absorbován
- Ideálně teplo a slunečno
- Rychleji vstřebávají do mízního systému, výhonků a kořenů
Zamoření glyfosátem
- Ve vzduchu [1]
- Podzemní i dešťové vodě [1]
- V lidské moči a v krvi žen [1]
- Projde přes placentu [1]
- Poškozuje a zabíjí lidské buňky v množství, které je nižší než limity používané v zemědělství [1]
Životní prostředí
- Glyphosate is marketed as a product that breaks down rapidly and harmlessly in the environment. But this is not true !!! [2]
- Claims of the environmental safety of Roundup have been overturned in court in New York and France [2]
- Poločas glyphosate v půdě
- 3 až 215 dní
- Ve vodě
- 35–63 dní
- Reduces bird populations
- Toxic to earthworms
- Výrobce dlouhodobě tvrdí, že přípravky vyrobené na bázi glyfosátu jsou pro člověka minimálně toxické [1]
- Anthony Samsel a Stephanie Seneff 2013/4, časopis Entropy
- Glyfosát ničí důležité střevní bakterie
- Trávení, syntéza vitamínů, detoxikace xenobiotik
- Propustnost trávicího traktu [1]
- Riziko nárůstu četnosti onemocnění:
- Potravinové alergie, zánětlivá střevní onemocnění, obezita, deprese, ADHD syndrom, autismus, Alzheimerova choroba, Parkinsonova choroba, roztroušená skleróza, rakovina, neplodnost a vrozené vývojové vady [1]
- In human cells, Roundup causes total cell death within 24 hours
- Levels far below those recommended for agricultural use
- Corresponding to low levels of residues found in food or feed [2]
- Střevní propustnost !!!
- Endocrine disruptors in human cells [2]
- At levels up to 800 times lower than residue levels allowed in some GM crops used for animal feed in the United States
- Damage DNA in human cells at these levels [2]
- Damage human placental cells in concentrations lower than those found with agricultural use [2]
- Damage human embryonic cells and placental cells, in concentrations well below those recommended for agricultural use [2]
- Toxic and lethal to amphibians
- Roundup caused a 70 per cent decline in the species richness of tadpoles [2]
- Environmental breakdown product - AMPA
- Alter cell cycle checkpoints in sea urchin embryos by interfering with the physiological DNA repair machinery [2]
- Causes DNA damage in cells
- Kancerogenita [2]
- Toxic to female rats
- Causes skeletal malformations in their foetuses [2]
- Epidemiological studies on glyphosate exposure show association with
- Premature births
- Miscarriages
- Multiple myeloma
- Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
- DNA damage [2]
- In April 2010 government of Chaco in Argentina
- Health statistics in the town of La Leonesa and other areas where soy and rice crops are heavily sprayed
- Childhood cancer rate tripled in La Leonesa from 2000 to 2009 [2]
- Birth defects increased nearly fourfold over the entire state of Chaco [2]
- In August 2010 Amnesty International reported an incident in La Leonesa, a town where residents have actively opposed agrochemical spraying.
- An organized mob violently attacked people who gathered to hear a talk by Professor Andrés Carrasco on his research findings that glyphosate caused malformations in frogs.
- Three people were seriously injured and the event had to be abandoned.
- Carrasco and a colleague shut themselves in a car and were surrounded by people making violent threats and beating the car for two hours.
- Witnesses said they believed the attack was organized by local officials and a rice producer, in order to protect agro-industry interests. [2]
- In March 2010, a court in Santa Fe province, Argentina upheld a decision blocking farmers from spraying agrochemicals near populated areas [2]
- Nahrazován herbicidem 2,4 D dalšími super-toxickými herbicidy [1]
- Součástí Agent Orange
- Nová generace GM plodin tzv. Agent Orange Ready plodiny [1]
[1] Hana Dujčáková - Published At: 09.06.2013 14:35, Herbicid Roundup představuje vážné zdravotní riziko
Glyphosate (Roundup®) from the body and restore digestive health
- Collaboration between Dr. Stephanie Seneff, PhD, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, researcher Kerri Rivera
- Work has helped more than 550 autistic children recover normal lives
- Powerful solution that anyone can use to free themselves from glyphosate contamination
- It is Nearly Impossible to Totally Avoid Glyphosate
- Toxic agricultural poison is in 80% of food and sources of water, in the air we breathe
- Also in organic food.
- Sometimes the levels of glyphosate in organic food are nearly as high as non-organic food the toxici. [3]
- Is linked to 32 modern diseases
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
- In one San Francisco Bay Area
- Aug 10, 2018, jurors ordered Monsanto, the manufacturer of glyphosate, to pay $289 million
- To a man who worked with the chemical for several years as a school groundskeeper
- Subsequently developing the terminal cancer
- Defense attorneys cited a significant body of independent data underscoring the cancer risks and other dangers of glyphosate–data that was allegedly suppressed by the chemical giant in decades of “greenwashing” efforts.
- Independent research has continued to demonstrate links between glyphosate and genetic disruptions leading to cancer and other diseases
- 2015, the World Health Organization classified glyphosate as a probable carcinogen
- Chemical has been shown to cause
- Cellular and DNA damage,
- Hormone disruption,
- Neurological disorders
- Other serious problems.
- Accumulate in the body, showing up in breast milk, umbilical cords and other tissue
- Independent tests continue to show high levels of glyphosate in a number of commercial foods
- Particular concern are certain GMO ingredients designed to withstand heavy use of the chemical.
- There are thousands of chemicals now found in our environment and in our bodies
- Cumulative effects of such toxic compounds are still unknown
- 2014, the total amount of glyphosate used in the United States was 276 million pounds or 0.87 lbs. per person
- Almost one pound of poison per person per year
- Limited ability to remove or destroy glyphosate once it enters our bodies.
- Tends to accumulate over time
Glyphosate Herbicide Causes
- Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria,
- Kidney Disease,
- Infertility
- One of many modern illnesses that has been linked to glyphosate toxicity
- Extreme example of what glyphosate can do to children.
- Another extreme form of modern illness that plagues older Americans
- Autism and Alzheimer’s are commonly associated with digestive problems and constipation
- Has now become an extremely common symptom of illness
- It can be an indicator of glyphosate toxicity
- A Healthy Gut goes Hand-in-Hand with overall Good Health
- One of the Most Common Gut Related Problems for Children and Adults
- Very serious condition
- Cannot quickly or properly expel toxins that accumulate in the large intestine.
- Chronic constipation
- Can affect the entire health of the body especially when the gut becomes damaged
- Undigested protein particles and bacterial toxins passes into the blood stream
- Affects 2% to 27% of the population
- Estimate chronic constipation to be 12% to 19%
- Children, constipation rates can be as high as 30%
- Children with autism, constipation is between 90% and 100%
- Three bowel movements per day to three per week is considered the normal range
- More important than frequency is the ease with which you move your bowels
- Moving your bowels should take no more effort than urinating or passing gas
- Can be considerable abdominal discomfort and pain
- Autistic children
- no urgency or ability to pass a stool even though it is soft.
- Soft stool accumulates in the large intestine for many days
- Until the body flushes everything out by means of explosive diarrhea
Glyphosate and GIT
- Interferes with normal muscle activity in the gut
- Adequate levels of stomach acid - deficient
- proteins remain undigested
- Microbiome in the large intestine can move up into the small intestine
- Further prevents nutrient absorption = Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
- SIBO - prevents
- Vitamin B12 from being absorbed in the small intestine
- Depression is often linked to low B12 levels
- Formation of biofilms throughout the gut provide a safe haven for toxic bacteria, harmful viruses
Glyphosate Substitutes for Glycine
- Glycine
- For producing stomach acid
- For providing muscle contractions in the digestive tract
- Glyphosate takes up residence in key places where glycine should be located
- Synthesized molecule that does not exist anywhere in nature
- Similar in some respects to glycine -functionally they are very different
- Glyphosate substitutes itself for normal molecules in human cells
- Downward cascade of dysfunction that leads to many symptoms and illnesses
The Science behind Low Stomach Acid and Constipation
- Parietal cells in the stomach are going to be hit hard by glyphosate
- Make and release hydrochloric acid
- Produce intrinsic factor
- Need to acquire a lot of amino acids to build proteins
- Take up glyphosate because glyphosate is an amino acid
- Start dying and are not able to release hydrochloric acid.
- Chloride channel has an absolutely essential glycine residue right at the squeeze point
- Lets the chloride through
- Needs to not have negative charge because that would repel the chloride
- Normally has a glycine right there, which is absolutely essential
- Replace the glycine at that point with a glyphosate molecule
- Block the movement of chloride – it cannot come through the channel
Consequences of Low Stomach Acid
- Can’t breakdown proteins
- Food particles showing up in the feces.
- Stomach acid will normally kill the bacteria in the small intestine
- If it doesn’t then you will get SIBO
- SIBO is also associated with autism.
- Stomach acid can turn down the leaky gut situation
- Undigested proteins coming down into the lower gut, this opens up the gut barrier
- This can bring on diarrhea to help flush everything out
- To get rid of that glyphosate.
- But this opens up the gut barrier
- Allows undigested proteins to get into the general circulation
- Opportunity for autoimmune disease and food allergies
- Immune cells start chasing those proteins
- Produces antibodies
- Through molecular mimicry the antibodies start attacking tissues of the body
- This can lead to multiple sclerosis etc.
- In terms of autism, I think it is basically an autoimmune disease
- An autoimmune attack on the brain because of these wayward proteins that are causing the system to develop these antibodies
Dr. Seneff stated
A case study
- Woman tried to kill herself by drinking a glyphosate formulation
- She survived
- It paralyzed her gut
- Myosin contains glycine residue.
Alanine as an illustration
- If you replace that glycine with alanine, which has 1 extra methyl group
- Then you collapse [the muscle’s] ability to contract
- That one small change, which is the smallest change you could make
- A muscle loses 99% of its ability to contract.
- If you just replace 2% of the myosin molecules with alanine in vitro
- The whole muscle can only contract at 50% capacity.
Glyphosate in place of glycine in a muscle
- It probably completely wrecks its activity
- Can’t contract at all
- If you randomly fill some percentage of myosin molecules with bullets of glyphosate
- Then this disables the muscle so it can’t contract as well
Repairing the Damage to Digestion Caused by Glyphosate
- For informational purposes. It is not medical advice
- Consult a qualified healthcare professional when treating symptoms or illnesses.
Destroy glyphosate
Acetobacter in probiotics
Chlorine dioxide
- Destroy glyphosate
- Non-enzymatic solution to a very complex and difficult to treat form of toxicity
- Breaks it down into components that can actually become nutrients for the body
Jenže to by člověk musel jíst chronicky... a trochu je to oxidační činidlo a v jaké dávce...hmm
- 2005, the US government pointed out how wonderful chlorine dioxide is for use in food processing plants to keep away biofilms
- Chlorine dioxide breaks those down, which is really important.
- Does not react with organic molecules to produce destructive compounds
- Chlorine by itself would do
- Chlorine and chlorine dioxide are very different molecules.
- Chlorine is incredibly important in the body
- Its mechanisms of action are disrupted by glyphosate, which can result in chloride deficiency.
- Chlorine dioxide can break it down non-enzymatically and it does this basically through an oxidation process
- Oxidizing agent and that is how it works
- It also kills bacteria.
- Breaks down into basically oxygen and chloride
- Oxygen from chlorine dioxide is an oxidizing agent
- People talk about reactive oxygen species as being dangerous
- Good for you in small doses
- Hypochloride, which is what it turns into
- Is something that the macrophages (immune cells) produce to attack bacteria
- It is the antibiotic agent that these immune cells release
- Cells become impaired in this ability
- Can’t kill pathogens, and the pathogens over grow in the gut, and you get gut dysbiosis.
- Chlorine dioxide can enable immune cells to recover the ability to break down unhealthy bacteria in the gut
Chelatate glyphosate
ecoNugenics PectaClear®
- Remove circulating toxins
- Clinically researched combination of PectaSol-C® modified citrus pectin and alginates
- Selective natural binding agents effectively trap toxins and heavy metals
Cellcore’s HM-ET Binder
- Chelating both environmental toxins and heavy metals
- Main CellCore binder for herbicides and pesticides.
- Uses Carbon Technology molecules to provide the biological building blocks to heal and increase nutrient absorption and systemically balances minerals.
- Mariví González, Coach de nutrición de
ViRadChem Binder
- Targets chemical toxins, radiation, retroviruses, and viruses
- Can also assist in eliminating glyphosate
- Mariví González, Coach de nutrición de
- Supposed to work well in combination for glyphosate with sodium alginate
Limit intake of glyphosate
- Organic food
Dietary choices
- Key role in detox function
- Organic vegetables, seaweeds, fermented foods,
- Sprouted grains high in enzymes,
- Fiber,
- Vitamins, minerals,
- Antioxidants
- Sulfur in
- Cruciferous vegetables,
- Onions and garlic
- Eggs, fish, nuts, legumes
- Organic meat and poultry
Podpora vylučování glyfosátu aj. toxinů
Optimize liver and kidney functions
- Supportive co-factors such as
Promote antioxidant activity
- Gingko biloba and milk thistle, ecoDetox
Breakdown biofilms
Monolarin, aqualaurine
N-acetyl cystein
Parietal cells to heal
Stomach acid + enzymes
- Using hydrochloric acid (Betaine HCl) supplementation
- With digestive enzymes to improve digestion
Give more glycine co compete with glyphosate
- Injections can be used
Snížení negativního působení glyfosátu
Gingko biloba
- In preclinical studies to significantly protect against glyphosate-induced
- Liver and kidney damage,
- Genotoxicity,
- Other harmful impacts.