Dýchací soustava
- “Western” diets, containing high amounts of processed food, saturated fat, sugar and salt, have been associated with increased asthma activity
- Slight increase in plasma histamine concentrations (i.e., 1–2 ng/mL)
- Exert gastrointestinal symptoms or tachycardia
- 10-fold higher concentration (i.e., 7–12 ng/mL)
- Can lead to a bronchospasm
- Food histamine intolerance manifests with the appearance of symptoms such as wheeze and asthma
- Proposed mechanism for asthma exacerbations is the reduction of HNMT activity
Studie na dětech s astmatem
- Significantly higher mean air flow obstruction was recorded and a trend for prolonged and more severe symptoms was observed during the high-histamine period.
- Diet may have an active and direct impact on asthma symptoms.
- Food choice is affected and/or may affect symptoms in children with mild asthma.
- Diet intervention is promising yet challenging, for asthma control.
- www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/12/11/3402
Nasal mucous membrane
- Increased vascular permeability
- Fluid to escape from capillaries into the tissues
- Allergic reaction
- A runny nose and watery eyes
- Sneezing
- Due to histamine-associated sensory neural stimulation
- Hyper-secretion
- From glandular tissue
- Nasal congestion
- Due to vascular engorgement associated with vasodilation and increased capillary permeability [1]
- Stah plicních průdušinek
- Kašlání, astma, rýma, obtížné polykání
- Cough, respiratory distress, asthmatic symptoms, sneezing, and phlegm.
- methyl-life.com/blogs/news/what-is-histapenia
Senná rýmá
- Při alergické reakci na pyl v nosní sliznici
- Otékáním nosní sliznice a uvolňováním tekutin do nosní dutiny