Pot barevný
Žlutý pot
- Apokrinní potní žlázy jsou méně četné než ekrinní a vyskytují se lokalizovaně: hlavně v axilách, okolo mamil, u pupku, perigenitálně a perianálně. Jsou uloženy v koriu a ústí do vlasového folikulu. Jsou řízeny adrenergními nervovými vlákny. Na rozdíl od čirého hypotonního ekrinního potu, je pot apokrinních žláz hustý a zkalený a obsahuje organické složky. Jejich rozkladem bakteriální kožní flórou vzniká nepříjemný zápach. Apokrinní žlázy začínají svou činnost v pubertě a jejich sekret se na projevech hyperhidrózy nepodílí. [4]
- Produkují hustší zkalenou tekutinu žluté barvy, která obsahuje více bílkovin a tuku. [3]
- Zažloutlý pot na prádle, by se měl odstranit koncentrátem ocet -voda v poměru 1:4 a pak běžně vyprat. [3]
- Secretion barevného potu
- More common in blacks than in whites, but facial chromhidrosis is described only in whites [5]
- Apocrine in origin and apocrine glands are found in the genital, axillary, areolar, and facial skin [5]
- Noted after puberty, when the apocrine glands are activated [5]
- Chromhidrosis is reported only on the face, axillae and breast areola
- Lipofuscin pigment is responsible for the colored sweat
- Produced in the apocrine gland
- Yellowish brown pigment that is normally found in the cytoplasm of relatively nondividing cells (eg, neurons) [5]
- In chromhidrosis, lipofuscins are found in a higher-than-normal concentration or a higher-than-normal state of oxidation in apocrine glands [5]
- Various oxidative states account for:
- žlutý pot
- Zelený pot
- Modrý pot
- černý pot [5]
- The yellow, green, and blue apocrine secretions produce a yellow fluorescence under a Wood lamp (UV 360 nm), whereas the dark brown and black apocrine secretions seldom autofluoresce. Substance P is also postulated to be an important neurotransmitter in this process. [5]
- Eccrine chromhidrosis
- Rare
- With ingestion of certain dyes or drugs [5]
- Clear eccrine sweat becomes colored on the surface of the skin as a result of
Extrinsic dyes
- paints
- chromogenic bacteria [5]
- Especially Corynebacterium species [5]
- Pseudomonas infection
- červený pot
- fungi [5]
- tomato powder and paprika
- Růžový pot
- Stains could be removed by prolonged soaking in water
- 6-month history of eating a tomato-flavored prepackaged food
- Urine sample and sweat matched analysis of the tomato powder and paprika in the snacks [6]
- dermatitis simulata
- samoopalovací krém
- Hnědý pot
- Copper exposure
- Modrý pot
Bleeding diathesis
- červený pot, hematohidrosis
Alkaptonuria (ochronosis)
- Hnědý pot
- Urinary homogentisic acid levels to exclude alkaptonuria [5]
Diagnóza chromatohydrózy
- Wood lamp examination may be positive
- Manual expression or pharmacologic stimulation with intradermal epinephrine or oxytocin (Pitocin) can be used to stimulate sweat secretion
- Clothing fibers in contact with the secretions may also fluoresce yellow-green with standard UV microscopy
- Histologic Findings
- Normal in size and morphology
- Increased number of yellow-brown lipofuscin granules
- Granules are positive on periodic acid-Schiff stains and demonstrate autofluorescence under a UV excitation wavelength of 360-395 nm
- Schmorl stains may also be weakly positive
- Manually or pharmacologically empty the glands
- Symptom-free period cca 48-72h or until the glands replenish the pigment [5]
- BOTOX® injections
- Mixed results
- Improvement of facial chromhidrosis lasting 19 weeks
- May suppress apocrine secretion by blocking cholinergic stimulation and substance P release [5]
- Capsaicin cream (Dolorac, Zostrix)
- Derived from plants of Solanaceae family
- Use 0.025% cream
- Crystalline alkaloid found in red peppers
- Commonly used for the temporary relief of pain from rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and neuralgias
- Depletes neurons of substance P, a neurotransmitter important in apocrine sweat production
- Relapse occurs when therapy is stopped [5]
- Persists throughout life [5]
- Slow regression is noted, as apocrine glands regress with time [5]
- Good if an extrinsic cause can be identified and addressed appropriately [5]
[1] Nadměrné pocení. In Nadměrné pocení [online]. ? : ?, ? [cit. 2011-04-02]. Dostupné z WWW: < www.nadmerne-poceni.cz >.
[2] Síť center estetické medicíny Asklepion [online]. 2006 [cit. 2011-04-02]. Pocení. Dostupné z WWW: < www.asklepion.cz/problemy/poceni-hyperhydrolyza-dlani >.
[3] Pocení. In ? [online]. Receptář pro zdraví, květen-červen 2008, strana 29 : ?, 2008 [cit. 2011-04-02]. Dostupné z WWW: < www.nutesi.tym.cz/?text=14-poceni >.
[4] MARDEŠIĆOVÁ, Libuše ; FREY, Tomáš . Hyperhidróza. Medicabaze.cz lékařské repetitorium online [online]. 2006, Praha, [cit. 2011-04-02]. Dostupný z WWW: < www.medicabaze.cz/index.php?&sec=term_detail&termId=1451&tname=Hyperhidr%F3za >.
[5] JUNE, MD, Kim. Chromhidrosis . Medscape Reference [online]. Apr 22, 2010, ?, [cit. 2011-04-02]. Dostupný z WWW: < emedicine.medscape.com/article/1072254-overview >.
[6] MUSEL, Andrea . CHROMHIDROSIS AND PSEUDOCHROMHIDROSIS. DermatologyReview.com Journal ©, October 2005 [online]. October 2005 , ?, [cit. 2011-04-02]. Dostupný z WWW: < www.dermatologyreview.org/journal/chromo.pdf >.