Léčiva off-label
Aromatase inhibitors
Some studies
- Block the production of estrogen
- Anastrozole and letrozole, to reduce the symptoms of lipoedema
- More research is needed to determine the effectiveness of this approach.
Beta-adrenergic agonist
Kazuistika 1
Terbutaline sulfate - 5 mg 5x denně + Theophylline - 200 mg 2x denně
- Woman with lipedema after 10 months
- Weight loss of 20 kg
- Cessation or lowering the medication allowed weight regain
- www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4010336/
B2-Adrenergic Agonist
- In case of intact lipolytic response of the MSL fat to catecholamines
- Oral beta 2- AR specific drug
- 15 mg per day in divided doses
- Reversed the rapid accumulation of the MSL fat
- Increased REE in a man with MSL
- But was effective only during active use
- www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4010336/
Methotrexate + infliximab
- A patient with DD had improved pain and growth of DD SAT slowed
Paclitaxel and carboplatin (unpublished)
- One case had resolution of her lipomas and pain
- Once the paclitaxel was discontinued because of neuropathy, the pain and lumps returned.
- www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4010336/
Corticosteroid injections
- Suggested as treatment for lipomatosis such as MSL SAT
- There are a number of cases demonstrating the development of lipomatosis after steroid use
- Asi jako důsledek vysazenà a vzniku následného deficitu kortikoidů ?
Dafagliflozin - Forxiga
- Jedna úspěšná kazuistika začínajícího lipedemu s vymizením pocitů bolestí, otoků a napětí v nohách po požití dafafliflozinu (Forxiga)
- Glykosurika
- Nicméně pacientka má zároveň i padání vlasů a to se terapií nezlepšilo
- Vnímám to tak, že jsme úspěšně zasáhli jeden ze symptomů, nikoliv však skutečnou příčinu toho, proč ji není v těle dobře a proč nohy "prozánětlivě prosakují" a vlasy padají
- V úvahu z kořenových příčín nemocí připadají: deficit, intoxikace (i intolerance), infekce (i dysmikrobie) a kombinace (autoimunity aj.)
Potlačení estrogenní dominance
- Lipedem postihuje především ženy
- Souvislost s estrogenní stimulací je velmi pravděpodobná
- Estrogenní dominance (signalizace) má širší přesah
- Více o možnostech estrogenní inhibice zde
Fibric acid
- A man with MSL Type II with a past history of hypertriglyceridemia
Fenofibrate 200mg daily
- Circumference of his abdomen decreased 119 cm (46.9 in) to 108 cm (42.7 in) within a year
- Fibric acids are PPARgamma agonists
- Activation of the PPARgamma receptor may suppress expression of proteins involved in the architecture of BAT
- Thereby maintaining BAT in a quiescent state
- www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4010336/
Growth hormone (GH)
- Suggested in the community of individuals with MSL (personal communication)
- But GH levels were normal in one subject with MSL during a glucose tolerance test
- In three other subjects suggesting a normal GH axis
- Testing for GH deficiency should be undertaken
- Replacement considered only for those deficient in this hormone.
- www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4010336/
GLP-1 agonists
- Using these medications should NOT delay surgical treatment and conservative therapies for lipedema.
- Injectable GLP-1 agonist drugs
- Had a role in helping the lipedema patients adhere to a lipedema specific diet (Lymphedema andLipedema Nutrition Guide)
Study conducted found
- Patients who used it did not note improvement in swelling tissue or sensitivity or bruising
- Ultimately did have liposuction where these symptoms did improve
- Study needs to be conducted on a larger scale
- legslikemine.com/2023/10/16/answer-to-an-faq-do-injectable-weight-loss-drugs-glp-1-agonists-help-with-lipedema/
Glucagon-like peptide-1 agonist - Exenatide
- Improved the HIV- and treatment-induced obesity
- Through weight loss in a single case
- www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4010336/
Guaifenesin - Mucinex©
- Over-the-counter expectorant to treat the common cold,
- May help reduce lipedema swelling and inflammation
- There are abundant reports from clinicians and lipedema patients stating that Guaifenisn helps lipedema. - Guaifenisn being used for pain relief to treat other diseases
- Modest but significant analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects in neck and back pain
- Guaifenesin may be working as a muscle relaxant effect that occurs in these conditions
- May help pain or it may work as an expectorant in lipedema tissue and thin out extracellular proteins.
- There are no studies to support these theories in lipedema.
- Guaifenesin is approved for safe use at 600 mg twice a day (or 1,200 mg twice a day)
- For no more than 2,400 mg per day
- Mucinex for other medical conditions report it takes a least a week to see effects
- Try this medication for Lipedema for two weeks to see if they notice any positive changes in addition to their consistent treatment plans including compression, supplements, and a healthy diet as prescribed
- May not be suitable for people with a persistent cough due to asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, or smoking, or who have a cough that is producing excessive amounts of phlegm
- www.lipedema.net/medication-for-lipedema.html
HIV-associated lipodystrophy treatment
- And highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART)-associated lipodystrophy
- Associated with insulin resistance
- In HIV+ men
- Intermuscular fat and SAT on the legs in HIV+ women
- Large breasts
- Part of HIV lipodystrophy in Black women and other non-Caucasian ethnicities
- Women with HIV may also develop increased SAT on the upper part of the arm
- Out of context with the usual lipoatrophy in this area in HIV+ men
- V.s. estrogen and/or progesterone component to location of the SAT
Excision of excess SAT
- Synthetic analogue of human growth hormone-releasing hormone
- FDA-approved for the reduction of excess visceral adipose tissue in HIV-infected patients with lipodystrophy
- Visceral adipose tissue was reduced up to 18% during active use of tesamorelin
Glucagon-like peptide-1 agonist, exenetide
- Also improved the HIV- and treatment-induced obesity
- Through weight loss in a single case
- www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4010336/
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)
- Commonly used to relieve pain, inflammation and swelling
Some studies
- To reduce the symptoms of lipoedema
- More research is needed to determine its effectiveness in this context.
- Antihistamine drug
- Anti-inflammatory properties
Some studies
- Ketotifen to reduce the symptoms of lipoedema
- More research is needed to determine its effectiveness in this context.
- Silné sedativní uspávací vlastnosti, silně proti svědění, tak max. na noc
Pain Control
- Individually optimized
- www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4010336/
GLP-1 Agonists
- Dulaglutide (Trulicity) (weekly)
- Exenatide extended release (Bydureon bcise) (weekly)
- Exenatide (Byetta) (twice daily)
- Semaglutide (Ozempic) (weekly)
- Liraglutide (Victoza, Saxenda) (daily)
- Should not be used in lieu of surgical or conservative intervention.
- Aids in patient compliance with anti-inflammatory diets
- Anti-inflammatory properties
- Helps to reduce non lipedema affected adipose tissue, improving overall health
Oral Anti Diabetic Drug
Sympathomimetic amines
- Watch for drug interactions with this type of drug
- Epinephrine
- norepinephrine
- Phenylephrine
- Dopamine
- Dobutamine
- Ephedrine
- Isoprotereno
- Reduces swelling
- Reduces weight and body size
- Reduces pain and swelling
- legslikemine.com/2023/10/18/so-many-supplements-to-choose-from-to-support-lipedema-health-which-ones-do-you-suggest-lets-chat/
Lidocaine i.v.
- Some success to treat the intractable pain associated with DD
- Many individuals with DD obtain good local pain relief using lidocaine patches, cream, gel or EMLA
- www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4010336/
- Should be considered for people with lipedema and metabolic complications.
- Metformin inhibits hypoxia-induced fibrosis in adipose tissue
- Can reverse fibrosis after injury
- legslikemine.com/2023/10/18/so-many-supplements-to-choose-from-to-support-lipedema-health-which-ones-do-you-suggest-lets-chat/
- Treat type 2 diabetes
- Improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the size of fat cells in preclinical studies.
- An antiarrhythmic drug
- Effective treatment of pain in DD
- www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4010336/
- LDT combined with pregabalin used to treat the pain associated with DD
- www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4010336/
- A beta-blocker drug
- Reduce the size of fat cells in preclinical studies.
- A drug that belongs to the class of thiazolidinediones
- Improve insulin sensitivity
- Shown to reduce the size of fat cells in preclinical studies.
Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs)
Some studies
- Use of drugs that target specific estrogen receptors, such as raloxifene and tamoxifen
- More research is needed to determine the effectiveness of this approach.
SGLT2 inhibitors
- Reduce body weight, body fat and improve insulin sensitivity
- May be beneficial in treating lipoedema
- More research is needed to determine the effectiveness of SGLT2 inhibitors in treating lipoedema
Hormonal testing for thyroid function , pituitary hormones
- At least once after diagnosis of DD and when symptoms change
- Prudent so as not to miss accompanying hormonal dysfunction
- Should be treated with usual methods
- estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels should be monitored regularly
- www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4010336/
- That constrict arterioles and lower intracapillary pressure
- Can be considered for edema treatment.
- People with lipedema treated with sympathomimetic amines had reduced weight, body size, edema and pain and improved quality of life
- legslikemine.com/2023/10/18/so-many-supplements-to-choose-from-to-support-lipedema-health-which-ones-do-you-suggest-lets-chat/
- Antibiotics that have anti-inflammatory properties
- Shown to reduce the size of fat cells in preclinical studies.
- A tetracycline antibiotic
- Reduce the size of fat cells in preclinical studies.
Doxyhexal - doxycycline
- Type of antibiotic that is commonly used to treat a wide range of bacterial infections
Some studies - suggested that doxycycline may have anti-inflammatory properties
- May be beneficial for managing the symptoms of lipoedema.
Journal of Lipoedema
- Women with lipoedema who took doxycycline for six months
- Had a significant reduction in the size of their affected limbs
- Reduction in pain and discomfort.
Another study published in the Journal of Lipoedema
- Doxycycline had a significant effect on the reduction of pain and stiffness in women with lipoedema.
- More research is needed