Rehabilitační procedůry a pohyb
Cyclic Variations in Adaptive Conditioning (CVAC™)
- A novel therapy that reduces tissue fluid
- By variable patterning of different atmospheric pressures around a person sitting in an altitude simulator
- Peri-corporal pressure patterns vary from sea level to four sequential altitude levels
- 3200 m (10.5K ft), 4419 m (14.5K ft), 5638 m (18.5K ft), and 6858 m (22.5K ft)
- This 'body conditioning' reduced fluid and pain in 10 DD participants and improved VO2max in healthy men
- //Takže taková cévní gymnastika / rehabilitace s přetlakem a podtlakem. //
Graston Technique®
- Shown to reduce fibrosis in lipedema fat
- Also improve blood flow in tissue
- As well as joint, tendon and ligament issues associated with hypermobility [7]
Aqua lymphatic therapy (pool hydrotherapy)
- Significantly reduces limb volume in lymphedema
Low-frequency vibrotherapy
- Considerably improves the effectiveness of manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) in patients with lipedema
- A two-armed, randomized, controlled pragmatic trial [6]
Nyode ošetření
- Stimualce podkožních fibroblastů podtlakem a slabým elektrickým polem
- Např. možnost v Centru preventivní medicíny, Londýnská 59, Praha 2
- Ošetření není hrazeno ze zdrav. pojištění
Oxygen therapy
- Many people with DD feel short of breath
- Likely a combination of increased interstitial fluid and a weakened diaphragm
- Should be performed on everyone with DD that has shortness of breath
- Increased thickened fat around the chest or neuropathy
- DD patients with shortness of breath and/or edema should be evaluated for
- Thoracic outlet syndrome
- Sleep apnea
- Autonomic dysfunction
Pohybový režim
- Zaměřujeme na zlepšení činnosti svalové pumpy
- Vytrvalostní pohyb
- Základní cvičební jednotka vychází z cviků doporučených při poruše lymfatického systému
- Ideální pohyb probíhá v kompresi
- Ev. plavání, cvičení vo vodě ap.
Quadrivaris masáže
Shock wave therapy
- Functions similarly to LDT in reducing oxidative stress of the tissues
- Smoothing the dermis and hypodermis
- May be useful as part of a treatment plan and when lymphatics are still functioning.
Whole body vibration (WBV)
- Improves peripheral circulation
- Increases lymph flow, raising the threshold level for edema formation in the legs
- User simply stands (or stretches/exercises) on a platform for 10-15 min.