Zdroje vitamínu C
Citrus fruits
Brussels sprouts
Raw bell peppers
Foods to Which Vitamins, Mineral Nutrients and Amino Acids May or Must be Added.
- Voluntary and mandatory fortification described for various classes of foods
Mandatory fortification with vitamin C
- Fruit-flavored drinks, mixes, and concentrates
- Foods for a low-energy diet
- Meal replacement products
- Evaporated milk [12]
Food preparation
- Decrease with time in proportion to the temperature at which they are stored [12]
- Vitamin C chemically decomposes
- Can reduce the vitamin C content of vegetables by around 60%
- Increased enzymatic destruction
- More significant at sub-boiling temperatures [12]
- Longer cooking times also add to this effect
- copper food vessels, which catalyse the decomposition [12]
- water-soluble vitamin dissolves into the cooking water later poured away
- Not leach in all vegetables at the same rate
- Broccoli seems to retain more than any other
- Freshly cut fruits
- Do not lose significant nutrients when stored in the refrigerator for a few days [12]
Živočišné zdroje
- Animal-sourced foods do not provide much vitamin C
- Destroyed by the heat of cooking [12]
Chicken liver
- Raw 17.9 mg/100 g
- Fried 2.7 mg/100 g [12]
Chicken eggs
Human breast milk
- 5.0 mg/100 g
- 6.1 mg/100 g in one tested sample of infant formula [12]
Cow's milk
- Only 1.0 mg/ 100 g [12]
- Make their own vitamin C
- Adult goat, weighing approx. 70 kg
- Manufacture more than 13,000 mg of vitamin C per day in normal health
- Levels manyfold higher when faced with stress [12]