- The VEGF receptor decoy
- Humanized anti-VEGF monoclonal antibody
- Clinical trials as
- A treatment for several solid tumors
- In the treatment of age-related macular degeneration.
- Can regress retinal, iris and disc neovascularization.
- Clinical trials are investigating the utility of anti-VEGF therapy in
- Retinopathy of prematurity,
- Diabetic retinopathy,
- Neovascular glaucoma.
Bevasiranib and AGN 211745
- Small interfering RNA-based therapies
Beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein and zeaxanthin
- Beneficial effects of carotenoids - as antioxidants
- Ability to be converted to vitamin A
- Trials with large doses of beta-carotene found an adverse effect on the incidence of lung cancer in smokers and workers exposed to asbestos.
Lutein and zeaxanthin
- Absorb damaging blue light that enters the eye
- Fruits and vegetables,
- Egg yolk - highly bioavailable source of lutein and zeaxanthin
- Tomato and tomato products
- Disappearance of drusen spontaneously
- And in areas adjacent to laser photocoagulation scars
- Photocoagulation-induced drusen regression
- Might prevent patients with drusen from developing exudative maculopathy
- Mechanism for spontaneous drusen regression
- Probably involves RPE atrophy
Glutamate, cysteine, and glycine
- Amino acid precursors for GSH
- Also protected against injury
Glutathione (GSH) or its precursor amino acids
Cultured human retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)
- Added GSH provided protection at concentrations of 0.01 mM and higher
- K léčbě srdečních onemocnění, ale má také vlastnosti, které mohou být prospěšné pro zdraví očí.
- Studie prokázaly, že může pomoci zlepšit průtok krve v oku a chránit sítnici před poškozením.
- kurkumin, látku s protizánětlivými a antioxidačními vlastnostmi.
- Studie prokázaly, že kurkumin může pomoci zpomalit progresi makulární degenerace.
Lutein, zeaxanthin, meso-zeaxanthin
- Predominant carotenoids of the macular pigment
Lutein and zeaxanthin
- Often referred to as xanthophylls or macular pigment.
- 5x higher content of these carotenoids in the macula
- Compared with the peripheral retina
- Macaque monkeys
- Have foveal cone types like the human retina
- More zeaxanthin than lutein in the foveal centre
- In the periphery zeaxanthin declines more rapidly than lutein, so that lutein becomes dominant.
- Correlation between macular pigment density and iris colour
- Correlation between dietary carotenoid intake and macular pigment density
Case Control Study Group for Eye Diseases
- High dietary intake of carotenoids , in particularly those in dark green leafy vegetables
- Associated with a 43% lower risk for ARMD
- Pomáhá regulovat spánek. Může také pomoci chránit sítnici před poškozením.
Ovesné vločky
- Obsahují beta-glukany, které mohou pomoci snížit zánět a zlepšit průtok krve v oku.
- RNA aptamer pegaptanib
- Anti-VEGF agent able to prevent vision loss in neovascular age related macular degeneration
Pigment epithelium-derived factor-based therapies
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonists
Integrin antagonists
Ranibizumab, bevacizumab x photodynamic therapy
- Partial and full-length antibodies
- Hazard of mortality was significantly lower with ranibizumab therapy than with photodynamic therapy
- Hazard ratio, 0.85; 99% confidence interval, 0.75-0.95
- Pegaptanib use (0.84; 0.74-0.95)
- Hazard of myocardial infarction
- Significantly lower with ranibizumab use than with photodynamic therapy
- (0.73; 0.58-0.92)
- no significant differences in the hazard of mortality or myocardial infarction
- Between bevacizumab use and the other therapies
- no statistically significant relationship between treatment group and bleeding events or stroke.
- Anti-VEGF Antibody
- Prevented moderate vision loss in neovascular age related macular degeneration
- Substantial proportion of patients regained vision.
- Gold standard in the US for the treatment of neovascular AMD
- Binding and inhibition of all isoforms of VEGF.
- Impressive outcomes, but treatment with ranibizumab requires sustained treatment regimens and frequent intravitreal injections.
SB203580, U0126, inhibitors of MAP kinases
- VEGF mRNA levels and protein secretion induced by TGF-beta
- Were significantly inhibited by
Oční světlík (Euphrasia officinalis)
- Po staletí k léčbě očních onemocnění.
- Může pomoci zmírnit zánět a podráždění očí.
TGF-beta receptor type II antibody
- Significantly reversed induction of VEGF secretion by TGF-beta
Tyrosine kinase inhibitors
- Vatalanib
- Pazopanib
- TG 100801
- TG 101095
- AG 013958
- AL 39324
- In AMD patients slow the rate of vision loss
- In some cases increase visual acuity
Combined UV and blue-light filtering
- Attenuated light-induced cell damage significantly
- More than UV filtering alone
- Significant time-dependent decrease in Bcl-2
- Increase in Bax and VEGF-alpha that were significantly less with the tinted IOL than with the untinted IOL.
V případě operace pro šedý zákal chtít čočku s filtry na UV a modré světlo
VEGF Trap is a receptor decoy
- Targets VEGF with higher affinity than ranibizumab and other currently anti-VEGF agents
- Důležitý pro zdraví očí a může pomoci zpomalit progresi makulární degenerace.
Antioxidant index = ascorbic acid, alpha tocopherol, beta carotene
- High plasma alpha tocopherol - and ARMD
- Correlation between ARMD and an antioxidant index
Blue light-filtering intraocular lens
- Cytoprotective effects on human retinal pigment epithelium
- By reducing phototoxic effects on vascular endothelial growth factor-alpha, Bax, and Bcl-2 expression.
Borůvka (Vaccinium myrtillus)
- Obsahují antokyany, které mohou pomoci zlepšit noční vidění a chránit sítnici před poškozením.
Zvýšená cirkulace v n.II. a antiox. kapacita
- Potencionální zlepšení deg. onem. oka - AMD, katrakty i glaukomu.
Nutrition and the Eye, Basic and clinical research, Albert J. Augustin, vyd. Krager
Podobné postupy jako u diabetické retinopatie
Dieta s redukcí cukru
Egg yolk and maize (corn)
- Contained the highest mole percentage (% of total) of lutein and zeaxanthin
- More than 85% of the total carotenoids
- Was the vegetable with the highest quantity of lutein (60% of total)
Orange pepper
- Vegetable with the highest amount of zeaxanthin (37% of total)
Kiwi fruit, grapes, spinach, orange juice, zucchini (or vegetable marrow), and different kinds of squash
- Substantial amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin (30-50%)
- There are fruits and vegetables of various colours with a relatively high content of lutein and zeaxanthin.
Most of the dark green leafy vegetables
- Previously recommended for a higher intake of lutein and zeaxanthin
- Have 15-47% of lutein
- But a very low content (0-3%) of zeaxanthin
Fruits and vegetables of various colours
- Can be consumed to increase dietary intake of lutein and zeaxanthin.
- Higher intake of cholesterol through the addition of more eggs in the diet
- Results in an increase of serum cholestero
- An increase of HDL cholesterol
- Since HDL cholesterol is protective against atherosclerosis
- Extra egg consumption may not change the risk index for ischaemic heart disease based on the cholesterol levels
- Consumption of eggs could be beneficial in order to obtain a higher intake of lutein and zeaxanthin
- Has no severe adverse effects on cardiac risk.
- Evidence for conversion between lutein and zeaxanthin through several oxidation intermediates
- Intake of lutein can also raise macular levels of zeaxanthin.
HDL-raising allele of the LIPC gene (T)
- Associated with a reduced risk of AMD
HDL - lutein and zeaxanthin
- Low density lipoproteins (LDL) carries most of the total carotenoids in plasma
- Individual carotenoids are not uniformly distributed among lipoproteins
- 67% of beta carotene was found in LDL
- 53% of lutein and zeaxanthin was found in high density lipoproteins (HDL)
- Might be possible that the retina is able to use this preselection of carotenoids
- By the lipoproteins to accumulate lutein and zeaxanthin from the plasma carotenoids
- In many fruits and vegetables
- Only in a small number of fruits and vegetables, and in eggs .
- 85 mole% of the carotenoids are lutein and zeaxanthin
Most dark green vegetables
- Scallions, green lettuce, celery, spinach, and Brussels sprouts, only traces of zeaxanthin were found
Orange pepper
- Highest amount of zeaxanthin
Látky blokující novotvorbu cév
Inhibition of the tyrosine kinase cascade
- Downstream from the VEGF receptor
Vatalanib, TG100801, pazopanib, AG013958 and AL39324
Inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factor
- Main target of current antiangiogenic treatment in AMD
Liposolubilní kurkumin
- Blokátor VEGF2, antioxidant
Pravidlené preventivní kontroly očním lékařem
- V případě nálezu se lékaře cíleně tázat na možnosti terapie blokátory VEGF
- Ev. zařídit konzultaci na specializovaném pracovišti přímo na terapii makulární degenerace, kde je možno v případě potřeby možno zahájit nitrooční aplikaci účinných látek
Small interfering RNA technology-based therapies
- By degradation of specific messenger RNA downregulate the production of
- VEGF (bevasiranib)
- VEGF receptors (AGN211745)
Stav s nezvýšeným LDL a celkovým cholestrolem
- Tedy stav bez inzulínové rezistence a bez zánětu
Omega-3 mastné kyseliny
- Kyselina eikosapentaenová (EPA) a kyselina dokosahexaenová (DHA)
- V tučných rybách, jako je losos, sardinky a makrela
- Silné protizánětlivé účinky a mohou pomoci snížit riziko vzniku makulární degenerace.
- Several studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in 2001
- People who ate fish at least twice a week
- Were less likely to develop AMD than those who did not eat fish
- tuk-zbytecnost-nebo-nezbytnost">
A study published in the Archives of Ophthalmology in 2006
- People taking omega-3 supplements were less likely to develop AMD than those who did not take supplements
A meta-analysis of 17 studies published in the British Journal of Ophthalmology in 2011
- Omega-3 fatty acids can help to reduce the risk of AMD by 25%
Vitamin C
- Silný antioxidant
- V citrusových plodech, jahodách a zelených listových zeleninách
- Může pomoci chránit sítnici před poškozením volnými radikály.
Vitamin E
- V rostlinných olejích, ořeších a semínkách.
- Může také pomoci chránit sítnici před poškozením volnými radikály.
- Důležitý pro zdraví očí.
- Může pomoci chránit sítnici před poškozením a může také pomoci zlepšit zrak.
Any kind of nuts
- Reduces ARMD risk
Pigment epithelial factor, angiostatin, endostatin
- Inhibits VEGF
Intake of the fish products
- At least twice a week
- Reduces ARMD risk
Prevence noční hypoxie
- Vyšetření ve spánkové laboratoři
- Při zcáyhtu C-pap
Nošení kvalitních brýlí s UV filtrem
- Při příliš slunném počasí, na horách