Company, Encore Vision - a compound
- Designed to shift the fluid dynamics in the crystalline lens
- Allowing some restoration of accommodation [1]
Accommodating implants
- Require some degree of monovision
- Most common and trusted forms of presbyopia correction
- Most invasive and least reversible
- Great choice for the younger emmetropic presbyope [1]
- Miotic eye drops
- A mild parasympathomimetic agent used for narrow-angle glaucoma
- Mixed with a mild cycloplegic agent
- Seems to modulate the pupil diameter to about 1.7 mm
- Ideal for maximizing depth of field [1]
Vyšší obsah k. alfa-lipoové v přední komoře
Eyeglasses with progressive lenses
- Most popular solution for presbyopia for most people over age 40
- Line-free multifocal lenses
- Restore clear near vision [1]
Eyeglasses with bifocal lenses
- Much less popular
- Provide a more limited range of vision for many presbyopes [1]
Photochromic lenses
- Respect higher sensitivity to light and glare
- Due to aging changes in their eyes
- Darken automatically in sunlight
- Good choice for this reason
- Available in all lens designs, including progressive lenses and bifocals [1]
- Tohle se mi líbí
- Již mne x-krát napadlo, že s užíváním brýlí, které nám dokonale zkorigují dalekozrakost a znovu docílí toho, že fokus slunečních paprsků nám dopadá na sítnici do makuly jako zamlada, nemůže souviset snad s vyšší frekvencí a progresí makulárních degenerací jako daň za to, že to měníme bez ovlivnění příčin a rizik
- Jestli nakonec vznik presbyopie ve stáří není něco jako přirozená ochrana sítnice před nadměrným oxidačním stresem, když oko začne stárnout a pravděpodobně tedy ztrácet i antioxidanty ve sklivci
Reading glasses
- Another choice [1]
Carbachol and brimonidine drop
- For presbyopia correction
- Recent pilot study, 10 naturally emmetropic and presbyopic subjects
- Ages of 42 - 58
- Uncorrected distance visual acuity of at least 20/20 in both eyes
- Received 3% carbachol and 0.2% brimonidine in both combined and separate forms
- 3% carbachol alone and 0.2% brimonidine (control) alone in their non-dominant eye
- Researchers found statistically significant improvement in mean near visual acuity in all subjects
- Compared with those who received separate forms, carbachol alone or brimonidine alone [7]
- Monocular treatment of presbyopia with 1 drop a day of carbachol/brimonidine in the non-dominant eye
- Permits acceptable reading vision for many presbyopes, even older subjects [7]
- Drop constricts the pupil
- Increases depth of focus with the pinhole effect
- Similar to the Kamra corneal inlay (AcuFocus)
- Potential for reduced quality of vision or dimness sometimes is experienced with small-aperture optics
- Many patients are happy with their improved near and intermediate vision
- Following Kamra implantation
- Dominant eye usually masking perceived dimming monocularly in the non-dominant eye [7]
- Accommodation is achieved
- But distance vision blur is present [7]
- Accommodation induced by the parasympathomimetic
- Perhaps associated with the prolongation and potentiation of these effects by the alpha agonist [10]
Chirurgické zásahy
Contact lenses
- Reading glasses that you wear while your contacts are in
Lenses that include anti-reflective coating
- AR coating eliminates reflections that can be distracting and cause eye strain
- Helps reduce glare
- Increase visual clarity for night driving [1]
Multifocal contact lenses
- In gas permeable or soft lens materials [1]
- One eye wears a distance prescription
- Other wears a prescription for near vision
- Brain learns to favor one eye or the other for different tasks
- Some people are delighted with this solution, others complain of
- Reduced visual acuity
- Loss of depth perception with monovision [1]
Corneal inlays
- 2 are already approved in the U.S. for treating presbyopia
- Kamra inlay, marketed by AcuFocus
- ReVision Optics Raindrop [1]
- In the cornea of the eye that's not dominant eye
- Increases depth of focus of the treated eye
- Reduces the need for reading glasses
- Without significantly affecting the quality of your distance vision [1]
- Inserting a small plastic ring with a central opening, into the cornea of one eye
- Opening acts like a pinhole camera
- Allows in focused light so that you can see close object [9]
- If you don't like the results
- Surgeon can remove the rings, leaving you free to consider other treatment options [9]
- Human-specific crosslink breakers
- Single greatest contributor to total unintentional collagen crosslinking in humans is a very complex molecule called glucosepane
- Drugs that cleave this molecule are likely to have the strongest rejuvenative effect on tissue elasticity
- Finding or engineering enzymes, instead of drugs, to break the crosslinks [31]
- Very slow rate at which glucosepane crosslinks form [31]
- Králíkům po Bromelainu se zlomily uši a oni je neudrželi vztyčené !!!!
- AGE-breaking will need to be explored [31]
- Takže by nebylo od věci udělat nějakou studii s užíváním třeba Wobenzymu ve vztahu k presbyopii !!!
EVO6 (Novartis)
- Lipoic acid choline ester 1.5% (EV06, Encore Vision)
- Designed to restore crystalline lens flexibility
- Hopefully, reverse the effects of aging in the eye
- Prodrug comprised of lipoic acid choline ester 1.5%
- Penetrates the cornea and then breaks down into two naturally occurring substances
- Lipoic acid
- choline [7]
- Lipoic acid then converts to the active agent
- Dihydolipoic acid
- Breaks down disulphide bonds in the lens
- Improving flexibility [7]
- EV06 may potentially
- Halt or reverse lens hardening
- Allow the lens to maintain or regain its ability to accommodate [7]
- Phase I-II masked, placebo-controlled proof-of-concept study
- 50 patients were treated daily for 90 days with topical EV06 and 25 patients with placebo
- EV06 showed a statistically significant difference from placebo
- In distant-corrected near vision at all time points measured (from day eight)
- At day 90, 82% of participants treated with EV06 had 20/40 near vision
- Vs. 48% in the placebo group [7]
- EV06 was well tolerated
- no loss in best-corrected distance vision
- EV06 may provide some exceptional visual benefits
- Nearly 20% of subjects could not see at the 20/40 level after three months [7]
- Pivotal phase III studies to begin in 2018 to evaluate long-term safety and duration of treatment
- Nuclear sclerosis cataract progression, for example, might be delayed
- Drops may actually help Contact Lens wearers stay in their contact lenses
- Often, multifocal contact lens patients drop out because of perceived discomfort and visual limitations
- Patients could wear a single-vision lens along with the drops instead of multifocals [7]
FOV Tears
- Binocular presbyopia-correcting drop
- Now available in Colombia, wia approval pipelines in Argentina, Peru and Spain.
- Combination of a parasympathetic, alpha agonists 1 and 2, an anti-cholinesterase and an NSAID
- Colombian researcher Felipe Vejarano, MD, a lead investigator for the drug
- Affects the ciliary muscle
- Causes a physiological accommodation - a mild miosis
- Dynamic pseudo-accommodation - dynamic miosis
- Changes with light intensity [7]
- A recent follow-up to a pilot study
- Tracked patients who used the drop for three months
- Only 14 emmetropic presbyopic subjects with an average age of 55—the
- Some promising results [7]
- Effect lasted 4-5 hours initially
- Duration increased to 8 hours if the patient used the drop over time
- Onset of the drop’s effects
- Accelerated with continual use [7]
- 25% of study participants said the drop took 5 - 10 minutes to take effect in week one
- Cca 70% said it took only 5- 10 minutes by the 3. month
- By the third month of use
- 100% of participants said they were totally independent of their near vision correction for normal activities [7]
- Drops improved near vision by two to three lines
- Distance vision increased by one line
- Decrease of 1mm Hg in patients’ intraocular pressure with continued use
- Patients felt the drops improved the uncomfortable sensation associated with dilation [7]
Kamra inlay
- Small, thin opaque device with a tiny opening in the centre
- Surgically implanted in the central cornea
- Directly in front of the pupil of the eye [26]
- Creates a 'pinhole camera' effect
- Also seen if you look through a pinhole in a piece of paper
- Sharpens near vision while maintaining clear distance vision [26]
- Implanted in the non-dominant eye
- Allows both eyes to be used for distance vision
- Inlay sharpens near vision in the non-dominant eye [26]
- Procedure takes around 15 minutes
- No stitches are needed
- Healing time may vary
- Most people are able to resume their normal activities within 24-48 h [26]
LASIK a kombinace s brýlemi
LASIK + single contact lens for near vision
- Good option for social events
- Acceptable vision both far away and up close
- Able to see
- In the distance with one LASIK-corrected eyes
- Eye with the contact lens for near vision
- Combination creates monovision [10]
- Some people with presbyopia don't adapt well to multifocal contact lenses
- Option is to wear reading glasses over their distance contacts [10]
Monovision LASIK + single vision eyeglasses
- Monovision LASIK (one eye corrected for distance and the other for near)
- Benefit from eyeglasses with single vision lenses
- To enhance their near vision for close-up activities
- Lenses to balance for the same specific distance, such as the distance to your computer
LASIK + wavefront eyeglasses
- After LASIK bothered by nighttime glare or halos around headlights and street lights
- New eyeglass lens technology called wavefront lenses
- Use computerized measurements of eyes to detect any optical imperfections
- Higher-order aberrations (HOAs), that remain after your LASIK surgery
- Able to sharpen night-driving vision [10]
Multiple vision correction surgeries
- Combination of surgical procedures
- LASIK in your 30s, but now you're in your mid-40s and your near vision is getting fuzzy
- PRK (photorefractive keratectomy)
- CK (conductive keratoplasty) on one eye
- Could help by creating a monovision condition.
- To create monovision
- After cataract surgery
- To sharpen both distance vision and near vision
- One or more types of refractive intraocular lenses (IOLs) at all distances after cataract surgery
- Accommodating IOL
- May be recommended for one or both eyes
- Multifocal IOL
- Provides superior distance vision
- May be used for one eye
- One that provides better near vision may be recommended for your other eye
- Mixing multifocal IOLs [2]
Lens refilling with an injectable polymer
- Has the potential of restoring accommodation following cataract surgery
- Leakage of the injectable material
- After-cataract formation resulting in loss of elasticity and opacification of the lens-bag complex
- Recently, simplified and highly reproducible lens refilling procedures have been introduced [18]
Lipoic acid (LA)-dependent disulfide reduction
- P-SH and PSSP levels were determined
- Choline ester of LA was synthesized
- Mice were treated with 2.5 µL of a formulation of 5% LACE three times per day at 8-hour intervals in the right eye (OD) for 5 weeks
- Concentration-dependent decrease in lens protein disulfides concurrent with an increase in lens elasticity [18]
- Aqueous humor concentrations of LA were higher in eyes of mice following topical ocular treatment with LACE than in mice following topical ocular treatment with LA
- The lenses of the treated eyes of the old mice were more elastic than the lenses of untreated eyes
- In most instances, the lenses of the treated eyes were even more elastic than the lenses of the 8-week-old control mice !!! [18]
Lipoic acid patented derivative drop
- Developed by Encore Vision
- To reduce crystalline protein disulfide bonds
- Aiming to soften the lens
- Preserving the natural shape-changing ability
- In 2016, the company begun a 90-day phase 1/2 clinical trial
- 66 presbyopic subjects between the ages of 45 and 55 years.
- An eye drop regimen that might correct presbyopia
- Would be administered daily, or as needed, with a duration of five hours or more
- Working with a miotic/cyclopegic drug to create a “pinhole effect” and to deal with the accommodation
- Completed a one-day Phase IIb trial in 2016
- Promising results with no serious adverse side effects
- 2017 Phase IIb trial [5]
- Combine aceclidine (a miotic) with tropicamide (a cycloplegic) create
- A “super pinhole” effect
- Moderate accommodation
- Aceclidine
- Used for creating stronger pinhole effect with the pupil less than 2mm
- Between 1.9mm and 1.5mm in pupil diameter
- This creates strong accommodation
- Including ciliary spasm
- Distance vision blur [7]
- Tropicamide
- Moderates accommodation [7]
- Ratio and interaction between these two drugs
- Required to improve both near and distance vision at the same time
- 30-minute onset after application
- Designed to improve near and distance vision
- For daily use
- Not a permanent replacement of spectacles or contact lenses
- Patient uses the drops in the morning, drives to work, waits about 30 minutes for the drop to take effect
- Then it will last half a day or longer
- If you’re working on the computer, you don’t need correction
- If you need a second drop, you use a second drop
- Company hopes the drops will be on the market by 2021
- Pokud očím dobře dělají antioxidanty, co třeba takový univerzálně působící a pronikající melatonin ?
- Vymyslel už konečně někdo melatonin v očních kapkách ????
Miotic eye drops
- Increase accommodation
- Shift the fluid dynamics of the lens
- Promising results in mid-stage FDA trials [1]
Mióza - pin hole effect
- Stahnutí se zorničky pomůže k lepšímu zaostření do blízka
Monovision LASIK
- Modified LASIK procedure
- Same effect as monovision with contact lenses
Combining NSAIDs + parasympathetic agonists
Pilocarpine 1% and 0.1% diclofenac
- Intensity of the contraction was decreased
- Pupil
- Ciliary muscle [3]
- Allowing the lens to change shape and position for good vision at all distances
- NSAIDs eliminates local inflammation
- Appears as secondary to the chronic stimulation of pilocarpine
- Fixed pupil
- Posterior synechiae
- Pigment dispersion [3]
- Z 58 pacientů
- 4 developed nausea immediately after instillation that quickly resolved
- 4 patients developed headache that gradually disappeared (duration 10–15 min)
- Local adverse events
- 2 cases each of dryness or burning
- 4 cases of stinging
- 4 cases of blurry distance vision, all of which dissipated over 5 min [10]
Muscarinic stimulation
- Carbachol,
- Pilocarpine
- The parasympathetic agonist
- Physostigmine
- An anticholinesterase inhibitor [3]
- In all cases, near vision was restored
- Success according to the quality and concentration of the stimulating agent
- Loss of far and half distance vision
- In all patients treated was observed
- Chronic stimulation with any of these drugs
- Caused an inflammatory reaction of the anterior uvea [3]
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (diclofenac) was added to pilocarpine
- Combination restored near vision
- Without causing blurred far and half distance vision or inflammatory reactions [3]
Dexamethasone +pilocarpine
- Inflammatory reaction was prevented
- Near vision was restored
- But blurred far and half distance vision was noticed [3]
- Uveal tract chronic stimulation using the parasympathomimetic caused
- Inflammatory reactions
- Pigment dispersion
- Posterior synechiae
- Spasmodic contractions of the ciliary muscle and iris
- Resulted in a fixed pupil and myopic shift [3]
- Able to inhibit cyclooxygenase(s) activity in the anterior uveal tract
- Decreasing
- Miosis
- Spasmodic ciliary contractions
- Pigment dispersion
- Posterior synechia [3]
- Combination of pilocarpine with diclofenac
- Most effective formula that could be used chronically for the treatment of presbyopia
- Without the occurrence of side-effects [3]
- Restoration of accommodation can be achieved by
- Stimulating ciliary muscle contractions with parasympathetic drug
- Modify the shape and position of the lens [3]
- 1% pilocarpina Poen, Poen, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Voltaren 0.1%, Novartis, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- At 6 hour intervals during the daily hours
- 100 subjects treated age range of 45 years to 50 years - 5 year period
- 20 patients presented ocular burning and discomfort right after drop instillation [3]
- All of patients had a near vision of Jaeger 1 (J1) and a far vision of 20/20 with an eye drop instillation at 6 hour interval the daily hours
- None had ocular or systemic diseases
- 95% of the patients were under treatment
- 1% of the patients discontinued treatment for ocular burning and discomfort
- 4% preferred treatment with glasses
- In the first year of treatment, the enhanced accommodation improved near vision
- Was maintained for 5 years
- Distance vision remained at 20/20 and was unchanged during the same period [3]
NearVision conductive keratoplasty
- Marketed by Refractec
- Uses radio frequency waves to alter the shape of the cornea of one eye
- To improve near vision
Nižší osmolalita tekutiny přední komory
- čočka a jejjí aquaporiny by mohly lépe a více nasávat tekutinu a více zaostřit na blízko ?
- Pomohlo by např. i pít více vody ? Lze pozorovat vliv na zrak podobně jako na kůži a vymizení vrásek ?
- 111 patients suffering from presbyopia
- Males: 63, mean age: 34±14 and females: 48, mean age: 33±13 year, range: 20-60
- Divided in to two groups
- Leutivit (Placebo) 250mg tablets twice daily for 6-8 weeks [23]
- Ocucure (Test drug) 500mg two tablets twice daily for 6-8 weeks
- Presbyopia was improved in
- 17 patients (28.81%) out of 59 patients by the use of ocucure
- 6 patients (11.53%) out of 52 by the use of leutivit
- There was a significant improvement in presbyopic associated clinical features [23]
2 parasympathomimetics + 1 parasympatholytic
- Stimulates the ciliary muscle to accommodate
- Constricts the pupil
- Instilled bilaterally twice a day in a clinical trial
- 90% of subjects could see J4 to J1 within 1 year without adverse reactions [10]
Kapky: parasympathetic, NSAID, 2 alpha-agonist agents, an anticholinesterase agent
- Pilocarpine 0.247%
- Phenylephrine 0.78%
- Polyethyleneglycol 0.09%
- Nepafenac 0.023%
- Pheniramine 0.034%
- Naphazoline 0.003% [6]
- Promises to ameliorate the symptoms of presbyopia
- Stimulation of iris and ciliary muscle
- Minimizing the drawbacks associated with a purely parasympathetic action [6]
- Pilocarpine
- Stimulates accommodation
- Miosis
- Ciliary body contraction
- May improve tear production by stimulating lacrimal gland secretion [10]
- Phenylephrine, Nepafenac, and Pheniramine counteract
- Ciliary muscle spasm
- Vascular congestion and hyperemia induced by pilocarpine
- Avoiding an excess of pupil constriction [10]
- Naphazoline
- Increases acetylcholine release
- Reduces norepinephrine release
- Empowering pilocarpine’s relaxing effect on dilator pupillae
- Relieving its side effects [10]
- Polyethyleneglycol
- Lubricant effect protects from the burning typically experienced from most of these compounds
- Improves the tolerance for using the eye drops [10]
- All patients enjoyed the near vision that they had after instilling the eye drops
- They would like to have a new drop of it to continue the benefits observed
- No adverse effects were reported [10]
- 14 presbyopic subjects (28 eyes)
- 9 natural emmetropes
- 5 stable emmetropes post LASIK surgery
- Average age of 48.21 years (range 41–55 years) [6]
- Pyridophenoxazine compound
- Resembling xanthommatin
- Introduced in 1958 as an eye drop to suppress progression of senile cataracts
- Now it is prescribed commonly
- Subconjunctival injection of pirenoxine
- Impeded development of cataracts induced by intraperitoneal injection of benzoquinone acetic acid in guinea pigs [28]
- Pirenoxine eye drops
- Prevented the visual acuity (VA) from decreasing in 72 patients with senile cataracts
- During 8 months to 2 years [28]
- Basic research has shown the anti-cataract activity of pirenoxine
- Oxidative stress, selenite, and calcium ions lead to development of cataract
- Pirenoxine
- Prevented lipid peroxidation in guinea-pig lenses
- Prohibited lens protein turbidity induced by UVC, selenite, and calcium
- Binds up to six selenite anions
- Possesses ditopic recognition properties [28]
- Pirenoxine eye drops
- Significantly suppressed hardening of the lens caused by exposure to tabacco smoke
- Might prevent presbyopia [28]
- Clinical study assessed separately by age
- Absence of a detectable change in the objective AA in the TG in subjects in their fifth decade of life
- Suggested that pirenoxine eye drops might prevent the decline in the objective AA, i.e., the progression of presbyopia
- Might prevent progression of presbyopia [28]
- Multifocal LASIK procedure similar to wearing multifocal contact lenses
- Performed for several years in Europe
- Eye drop based on a combination of two parasympathomimetics and a NSAID
- Pilot study involving 15 eyes
- Improvements of
- UDVA from 0.8 to 1.0
- UNVA from 0.54 to 0.8
- One patient reported nausea after the instillation
- One patient reported dryness
- One patient had a burning feeling. [10]
PRX-100 drops
- Being researched in Coronado, CA by Presbyopia Therapies
- Causes miosis (constriction) of the pupil without the typical accommodative effect
- Pinhole effect
- Effect
- In 30 minutes after application
- Last upwards of 5 h [27]
- Pilot study based in Tijuana, Mexico - 20 presbyopic patients
- All experienced marked improvement in near vision
- Side effect was a short-term “dimming” of vision
- Occurs because as the pupil constricts, less light is allowed in the eye
- Making things appear dimmer [27]
- Possible that both drops (PRX-100 & EV06) could be used in conjunction
- Getting the maximum benefit in combatting presbyopia near vision loss [27]
Pulsed ciliary muscle electrostimulation
- To improve near vision
- Likely through restoring accommodation in patients with emmetropic presbyopia.
- Non-randomized trial, 27 patients from 40 to 51 years old
- All patients had emmetropia and needed near sphere add between +0.75 and +1.50 diopters
- Four sessions (one every 2 weeks within a 2-month period)
- Bilateral pulsed (2 sec on; 6 sec off) micro-electrostimulation with 26 mA for 8 minutes
- Reading speed (number of words read per minute at 40 cm) were measured preoperatively and 2 weeks after each session
- no adverse events were noted
- Continuously improved in the treated group
- Post-hoc significant differences were found for monocular and binocular UNVA after the second treatment
- One patient (3.7%) was not satisfied
- 18 patients (66.7%) were very satisfied
- Ciliary muscle contraction to restore accommodation
- Was safe
- Improved the short-term accommodative ability of patients with early emmetropic presbyopia [16]
Refractive lens exchange - RLE
- Virtually the same as cataract surgery
- Surgeon can select a multifocal IOL or an accommodating IOL to restore near vision
Scleral expansion bands
- Old idea that is being updated by the company Refocus Group
- Redesigned the old implants placed in a scleral pocket
- Making their positioning more predictable and secure
- Result:
- More consistent and sustained accommodation
- With more tolerable surgical implants than the old designs [1]
Sorbitol v čočce
- Co by udělala presbyopie, kdyby čočka byla mírně silnější ? Zmizela by dalekozrakost ?
Stimulace aquaporinu 0
Vitamín K
- Pokud má zlepšovat a udržovat elasticitu cév a šlach, pak by to mohlo platit i u oční čočky ???
- Věci o kterých se tak nějak ví a píše, že jsou obecně důležité pro oční zdraví