Terapie - zlepšení inzulinové citlivosti
Abecední seznam dohledaných informací
ACE inhibitory některé
- Kaptopril
- Enalapril
Adrenokortikální nedostatečnost
Alpha lipoic acid
- Increased cellular uptake and burning of glucose by approximately 50%
- Reduced symptoms of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (pain, burning and numbness) in the feet
- Approved treatment in Germany
- Improved cardiac autonomic dysfunction in non-insulin dependent diabetics
- Increases insulin sensitivity
- Glucose can be effectively used as cellular fuel and it will not be stored as fat
- Superior antioxidant properties of Alpha Lipoic Acid
Anabolické steroidy
Antidepresiva některá
- Inhibitory monoaminooxidázy
- Selektivní inhibitory zpětného vychytávání serotoninu
- Fluoxetin
Apple Cider Vinegar
- Has been shown to have numerous benefits
- Improves insulin sensitivity during a high-carb meal by 19-34% [104]
- Reduces blood sugar by 34% when eating 50 grams of white bread [104]
- 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before bedtime can reduce fasting blood sugars by 4% [104]
- Numerous other studies, in both rats and humans, show that vinegar [104]
- Can increase insulin sensitivity [104]
- Significantly lower blood sugar responses during meals [104]
- Effectiveness in weight loss and heart health [104]
Banaba - variety of crepe myrtle - plant-insulin
- Grows in the Philippines, India, Malaysia and Australia
- Active ingredients include:
- Corsolic acid
- Tannins
- Lagerstroemin [104]
- Improve the glucose transport in the body cells
- Increasing the in-take of glucose [104]
- Insulin-like action - activators of insulin receptors [104]
- No adverse effects have been reported with its use [104]
Beta blokátory
- water-soluble B-complex vitamin
- Known to help liver in the conversion of glucose into energy [104]
- The recommended dosage for biotin is 10 mg daily [104]
Blokátory receptorů angiotenzinu II
Cayenne Pepper
Cinnamon (Ceylon)
- Both the Casia Cinnamon and Ceylon Cinnamon are effective in
- Cases of gas (flatulence)
- Muscle and stomach spasms
- Preventing nausea and vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Infections
- The common cold
- Loss of appetite [104]
- Kill all the stomach microbes
- Including E. coli [104]
Casia Cinnamon (common cinnamon)
- Commonly found in stores [104]
- High levels of Coumarin
- When eaten in large enough amounts, can cause
- Reversible liver toxicity in a small group of individuals sensitive to it
- Potent blood-thinning effect that can be dangerous in some situations [104]
- Should not be taken more than 1/2 teaspoon a day
- This can be safely increased up to 1 1/2 teaspoon for a brief period when one is exposed to a stomach bug [104]
Ceylon Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum)
- It is the real cinnamon [104]
- Contains a small, negligible amount of Coumarin
- Carries no bad effects associated with the Casia variety
- Effective in managing and controlling the diabetes [104]
- Increase the conversion of glucose into energy [104]
- Blocks out the free radicals [104]
- Retards that diabetic complications
- Recommended dosage is 1/4 teaspoon in water along with meals or with milk (real milk) [104]
- Significantly reduces blood sugar levels in diabetics
- Cinnamon has insulin-like properties [104]
- Decrease blood glucose levels [104]
- Decrease triglycerides and cholesterol [104]
- water-soluble polyphenol compound called MHCP
- MHCP mimics insulin
- Activates its receptor
- Works synergistically with insulin in cells [104]
- Volunteers with Type 2 diabetes were given 1,3 6 g of cinnamon powder a day, in capsules after meals
Coconut Oil - virgin Unrefined
- Helps stabilize blood glucose levels [104]
- Has been shown to improve insulin secretion and utilization of blood glucose [104]
- Can also raise basal body temperatures while increasing metabolism [104]
- Good also for people who suffer with low thyroid function [104]
- Take note that the Virgin Unrefined Coconut Oil and the commercially available coconut oil – extracted from dried fruits via heat-chemical extraction, are two different things
- Commercial grade coconut oil is outright unhealthy and bad for your body [104]
Costus Igneus
- Helps in boosting insulin production naturally
- Chewing of leaves of this insulin plant in the morning and evening
- Can be highly beneficial in activating beta cells of pancreas to release more insulin
- www.happylifestyletips.com/insulin-plant-for-diabetes/
Fenugreek Seeds - Indian name: Methi
- Is known to significantly reduce blood glucose levels
- Also reduce triglycerides
- It contains an amino acid called 4-hydroxyisoleucine
- Known to stimulate the secretion of insulin by the pancreas
- Also reduces insulin resistance
- Effective in DM1 i DM2
- Grind the seeds in your coffee grinder and store couple of weeks’ supply in fridge [104]
- Soak a teaspoonful of the seed powder in 1/4 cup of warm water an hour before the meal – it will get soft like pudding [104]
- Take it along with your meal [104]
Fish Oil
- Shown to be beneficial in preventing insulin resistance [104]
- Rich source of omega-3 fatty acids essential
- Due to contamination of fish with mercury and other carcinogens, make sure to purchase only certified fish oil from unpolluted waters [104]
Fyzická aktivita
- Po 45 minutách dynamické zátěže střední a vyšší intenzity
- Zlepšení trvá 1 až 2 dny (Szabó a kol., 2007) [11]
- Nejlépe denně, min. 3 – 4x týdně, alespoň 10 - 120 minut [11]
- Silový typ cvičení - odporový trénink
- Zvětšení svalové hmoty
- Zvýšení počtu inzulínových receptorů
- Zmnožení kapilár
- Následně lepší perfuze inzulínu do svalu [11]
- DM2
- Ability to remove glucose from the blood and convert it into glycogen may be only 20% of normal [69]
- This is called insulin resistance [69]
- Vigorous exercise seems to increase the expression of the glucose transporter on skeletal muscle
- This may explain why type 2 diabetes is more common in people who live sedentary lives [69]
Goat’s Rue
- Bushy perennial shrub native to Europe and some parts of Asia
- Chemical structure similar to the conventional diabetes drug Metformin
- Works in much the same way, but without the side effects
- Restores the insulin sensitivity in the cells
- Boosts their ability to take up glucose from the blood to use it more efficiently
- Recommended dosage for goat’s rue is 200mg (in vegetarian capsules) daily
Green Tea
- Chromium is lost in the processing of wheat into enriched, bleached white flour [104]
- In a does of 200 mg 3xd [104]
- Whole grains – organically grown on rich soil – are a natural source of chromium [104]
- Recommend daily supplements of 400-800 mcg of GTF (glucose tolerance factor) chromium or chromium chelate daily [104]
Inhibitory PKC
- Zlepšují účinek inzulínu [10]
Inzulín na noc
- Bedtime administration of NPH insulin
- Significant improvements in [insulin function] in response to glucose [61]
Irvingia Gabonensis - African Mango Seed
- Delay stomach emptying
- Reduces blood sugar levels after a meal
- Contains cholesterol improving properties [104]
- Improvements in total and LDL cholesterol [104]
- Test groups showed 27% drop in cholesterol levels (vs. the 4.8% from the placebo group) [104]
- By binding to bile acids [104]
- Pokles hladiny mastných kyselin v průběhu hladovění
- Klesá i stimulační efekt glukózy na B-buňky
- Sekrece inzulínu klesá
- Citlivost k inzulínu se obnovuje
- (At rest in the fasting state, the brain consumes about 80% of the glucose utilized by the whole body) [19]
- Zvracení
- Průjem
- Vynechání jídla
- Low fiber diets lead to magnesium deficiency causing [104]
- Insulin resistance [104]
- Platelet aggregation [104]
- Responsible for at least 200,000 deaths in this country every year [104]
- It can be called a miracle mineral in its healing effect on a wide range of disease
- Magnesium deficiency creates resistance to insulin, paving the way for type-II diabetes
- Insulin resistance by itself can disrupt intracellular magnesium levels [104]
- That makes it necessary to maintain an adequate level of magnesium to control the diabetes [104]
- Recommended dosage of 270-400 mg daily [104]
- Look for magnesium citrate, chelate, or glycinate [104]
- Never ever take Magnesium Oxide – which is the most common form of magnesium sold in stores. Proč ne ? Nutno dohledat více informací.
- It is estimated that 80% of the population of "western" countries are magnesium deficient [105]
- Magnesium is rapidly used by the adrenal glands in times of stress [105]
- It is excreted as a result of high stress, sugar intake, alcohol, caffeine, diarrhoea, high protein diets and fruits [105]
- Key for hundreds of crucial enzyme reactions and cellular processes [105]
- When supplied in sufficient quantities, can kick start cell physiology in a very powerful way [105]
- The ultimate in preventive supplementation [105]
- As well as an all purpose remedy used to treat more clinical situations than any other single therapeutic agent [105]
Magnesium chloride
Mag Sea Pure
- High strength (the highest possible) magnesium chloride oil
Nízkosacharidová dieta
- The simplest way to rest beta cells was by reducing demand for insulin [60]
metabolic balance®
- Součástí je i výběr vhodných potravin
600 calories a day - 2011 British study
- Beta cells recovered in a couple of weeks in most (not all) people
- Most of these people had been diagnosed DM2 fairly recently [60]
African-Americans with glucose 559 mg/dl on average, Brooklyn, 2001
- 11 of 26 people:
- Recovered beta cell function
- Stopped their medicines
- Had near-normal A1C results after a few months
- Improvement lasted for the year and a half of follow up [60]
- Treated with insulin or a sulfonylurea drug, and coached on diet change [60]
- 15 of 26 people continued to require drugs. [60]
Prickly Pear Cactus
- Staple of the Mexican and Central American diet for thousands of years
- Lower blood sugar documented by many studies [104]
- Prickly pear fruit and other elements of the cactus are edible as a jelly or jam, as a fruit or as a cooked dish [104]
Redukce hmotnosti
- úleva od zátěže nadbytkem glukózy a inzulínu
- Vyprázdnění glykogenových zásob svaloviny během 5h pauz
- Metabolic balance
- Vliv změny hmotnosti na sekreci a působení inzulínu je patrný [10]
- U porušené glukózové tolerance a podobně i u diabetu
- Hmotnostní přírůstek:
- Při relativně malém snížení glukózové tolerance
- Kompenzován zřetelným zvýšením sekrece inzulínu
- Následně selhání sekrece a vznik diabetu 2. typu
- Acylpyrin
- Aspirin
- Ovoce a semena bohatá na salycyláty
Sea Algae (sea vegetables)
- High concentration of beta-carotene, antioxidants, amino acids, minerals and many vitamins [104]
- Richest source of Gamma-Linolenic Acid (beside the mother’s milk) [104]
- Are known to treat diabetes, anemia, liver disease, ulcers, allergies, radiation and chemical poisoning [104]
- Helps to stabilize blood sugar levels in people with high or low blood sugar [104]
- Help strengthen the human cell’s membrane, and the cellular function [104]
- High levels of antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory micro-nutrients to fuel metabolism and the detoxification process [104]
- Strengthen the function of Mitochondria [104]
- Helps prevent the diabetes and cancer [104]
- Chlorpropamide in renal insufficiency
- Reduced clearance of the drug and insulin [1]
Těhotenství 1. trimestr
- Okamžitě po porodu potřeba inzulínu rapidně poklesne
Tulsi + ginger
- Chewing 10 tulsi leaves along with ginger
- Can prepare pancreas for producing insulin [104]
Vanadyl sulfate - vanadium
- Decreases insulin dependence in some people [104]
Vitamins C
Vitamin E
Vitamin D
- Improvement in beta-cell function
- Consequently in glucose tolerance
- Likely to have been due to
- Correction of hypocalcaemia
- vitamin D deficiency
- Secondary hyperparathyroidism [68]
- Necessary to pituitary and endocrine health [104]
- Will reduce lipids (fat) in the blood [104]
- Decrease blood sugar [104]
- Decrease insulin resistance [104]
- Be cautious not to take more than 60 mg daily [104]
- Is lost in food processing [104]
- www.bgr34.cz
- Dřišťál chitria/osinatý (Berberis aristata): 50mg vodný extrakt 1150mg (23:1) + 50 mg mleté frakce ze stonku
- Křídlok vakovitý (Pterocarpus marsupium): 50mg vodný extrakt 400mg (8:1) + 15mg mletá frakce z dřeně
- Gymnéma lesní (Gymnema sylvestre): 50mg vodný extrakt 400mg (8:1) + 15mg mletá frakce z dřeně
- Mořena srdčitá (Rubia cordifolia): 50mg vodný extrakt 400mg (7,5:1) + 15mg mletá frakce z dřeně
- Pískavice řecké seno (Trigonella foenum graecum): 50mg vodný extrakt 400mg (7:1) + 15mg mletá frakce z dřeně
- Chebule srdčitá (Tinospora cordifolia): 50mg vodný extrakt 400mg (7:1) + 15mg mletá frakce z dřeně
Low calorie diet
- Consuming 600 calories a day
- Could subsequently reverse, or even eliminate insulin resistance
- Study is to be expanded on by Diabetes UK, who are funding a research project to see if a very low calorie liquid diet and assisted weight management can send type 2 diabetes into remission in the long-term.
- www.diabetes.co.uk/Diabetes-Cure.html#t2a
N-acetylcysteine and taurine
- Prevent hyperglycemia-induced insulin resistance in vivo: possible role of oxidative stress.
C. Haber, T. Lam,
I. G. Fantus
Published 1 October 2003
Biology, Medicine, Chemistry
American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism
Exposure to high concentrations of glucose and insulin results in insulin resistance of metabolic target tissues, a characteristic feature of type 2 diabetes. High glucose has also been associated with oxidative stress, and increased levels of reactive oxygen species have been proposed to cause insulin resistance. To determine whether oxidative stress contributes to insulin resistance induced by hyperglycemia in vivo, nondiabetic rats were infused with glucose for 6 h to maintain a circulating glucose concentration of 15 mM with and without coinfusion of the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC), followed by a 2-h hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp. High glucose (HG) induced a significant decrease in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake [tracer-determined disappearance rate (Rd), control 41.2 +/- 1.7 vs. HG 32.4 +/- 1.9 mg. kg-1. min-1, P < 0.05], which was prevented by NAC (HG + NAC 45.9 +/- 3.5 mg. kg-1. min-1). Similar results were obtained with the antioxidant taurine. Neither NAC nor taurine alone altered Rd. HG caused a significant (5-fold) increase in soleus muscle protein carbonyl content, a marker of oxidative stress that was blocked by NAC, as well as elevated levels of malondialdehyde and 4-hydroxynonenal, markers of lipid peroxidation, which were reduced by taurine. In contrast to findings after long-term hyperglycemia, there was no membrane translocation of novel isoforms of protein kinase C in skeletal muscle after 6 h. These data support the concept that oxidative stress contributes to the pathogenesis of hyperglycemia-induced insulin resistance.https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/N-acetylcysteine-and-taurine-prevent-insulin-in-of-Haber-Lam/ef12e9f13e32ef98a04843054393d85075eaa960Blueberry
- Stull et al 2010 [34]
- Obese, non-diabetic & insulin resistant [n?=?32]
- Blueberry composed of [Tifblue Vaccinium ashei and Rubel Vaccinium corymbosum]
- RCT [double blind] 22.5 g BB twice daily/6 wk
- I: extract
- C: placebo
- Sig. improvement in insulin sensitivity,
- No Sig. changes in adiposity, energy intake, and inflammatory biomarkers
- Hypoglycemic Activity
- Polysaccharides obtained from the cultivated mycelium of C. sinensis (CS-F30) lower the plasma glucose level in normal and streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic mice
- By intraperitoneal administration in comparison to slight lowering through oral administration.
- Potentiate the activities of
- Glucokinase,
- Hexokinase,
- Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
- Thus accelerating the glucose metabolism
- Responsible for its antidiabetic activity (Kiho et al., 1996)
Intraperitoneal administration of CS-F10
- A polysaccharide purified from hot water extract of cultured mycelium of C. sinensis
- On normal, STZ-induced diabetic and epinephrine-induced hyperglycemic mice
- Lowered the plasma glucose level
- Increased the activity of hepatic glucokinase
Industrial fermentation product i.e. CordyMax™ Cs-4
- Gained by a proprietary mycelial strain from natural C. sinensis
- Described to be effective in lowering basal blood glucose and plasma insulin
- Improves the metabolism of glucose
- By increasing insulin sensitivity
- Improving oral glucose tolerance (Balon et al., 2002; Zhao et al., 2002)
- Cordyceps spp. has a hypoglycemic activity in nicotinamide (NA) and STZ-induced diabetic rats as
- Attenuation of the polydipsia, hyperglycemia, and weight loss (Lo et al., 2004)
- Extract from C. sinensis
- Promote beta-cell survival in the diabetes mellitus-II mouse model. (Kan et al., 2012).
- C. sinensis has already been stated to give a shielding effect on podocytes in rats with diabetic nephropathy (Hao et al., 2014)
- A novel combination of the fruiting body and C. militaris (L.) Fr. mycelia
- Testified to deliver renoprotection in high-fat diet and STZ–NA-induced diabetic (type 2) mice (Yu et al., 2016).
C. militaris (L.) Fr. water extract (CMW)
- Stimulates the expression of hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)-1
- To activate GLUT2 for glucose uptake in liver cells
All four cerebrosides obtained from C. militaris (L.) Fr.
- Exhibited inhibitory activity against PTP1B (Sun et al., 2019).
- A summary of the factors involved in cordyceps-induced hypoglycemic activity is depictedat:
Rosmarinic acid
- Ameliorates hyperglycemia and insulin sensitivity in diabetic rats, potentially by modulating the expression of PEPCK and GLUT4
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Authors Runtuwene J, Cheng K , Asakawa A , Amitani H, Amitani M, Morinaga A, Takimoto Y, Kairupan BHR, Inui AReceived 15 March 2016
Accepted for publication 9 May 2016
Published 7 July 2016 Volume 2016:10 Pages 2193—2202
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/DDDT.S108539