Stimulace estrogenní aktivity
Exposure to the blue light from LED’s and LED screens
- Suppresses melatonin synthesis
- Re-sets the circadian clock in our brains
- New data show that this kind of light exposure affects sex hormone levels too
- Accelerates puberty – at least in rats
- Another element in our dystopian world which may be damaging us.
- Leads to increased adipose tissue
- Increased leptin
- Thence earlier puberty
Estrogenní látky
- Nejvyššími zdroji přímo živočišných estrogenů ve stravě jsou
- Mléko
- Vejce
- Velký zdroj lidských estrogenů je tuková tkáň
Metabolity léků
- Ani nemají estrogenu podobné struktury, ale mají estrogenní aktivitu
- Biodegradací v půdě třeba i antiepileptika
Plísňové toxiny
Změkčovadla z plastů
Estrogeny z HAK v pitné vodě
Vliv střevního mikrobiomu
Too much estrogen relative to progesterone
Not enough progesterone to oppose estrogen
Adrenal issues
Excess fat in the body
Autoimmune conditions
Ovaries producing too much estrogen
Testosterone being converted into estrogen
Poor metabolism of estrogen
Estrogen a histamin
- High estrogen stimulates mast cells to release histamine
- Estrogen suppresses histamine breakdown by
- Decreasing DAO
- Decreasing monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity
- Histamine increases luteinizing hormone (LH) which increases estrogen
- In women, if allergy symptoms increase in the middle of the menstrual cycle
- It is likely that estrogen is contributing to the problem.
- estrogen levels increase as they age
- Formation of breast tissue (gynecomastia)
- If their allergy symptoms increase as they age
- estrogen is most likely a contributing factor.
Aluminum, cadmium, copper, cobalt, nickel, lead, tin, and chromium
- Have been shown to mimic the activity of estrogen and activate estrogen receptors (ERs)
- Samozřejmě, že prsní žláza jako žláza moc ráda vychytává ionty (třeba jodu), když vychytá špatné ionty, je vymalováno....nebo spíš zoxidováno.
Kovy jako pravděpodobná negentická příčina / silný rizikový faktor / Ca prsu
- Direct and positive association between Cd and Ni concentrations and BC risk. It is a warning to health care providers and policy makers to find viable solutions and take requisite measures to reduce BC risk in the society.
Arsenic (As), cadmium (cd), chromium (Cr), lead and mercury
- Considered to be carcinogens or co-carcinogens.
- Cd has been detected in breast cancer (BC) tissue at high concentrations.
- Cd was markedly increased in the urine of patients with BC compared with the control population (approximately 2x ).
- Cr and As were also increased in the urine of patients with BC
Industrial high fat/high omega-6/high sugar diet
- Causes inflammation in the hypothalamus,
- With microglial activation
- Leading to hypothalamic dysregulation and, eventually, damage
- Obesity, dysbiosis and endocrine disruptors do the same thing
Hypothalamic neuroinflammation
- In preclinical studies to release GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone) and related mediators
- Would lead directly to early puberty
Omega 6 and 3 fatty acids in breast milk
- Entirely derived from the maternal diet
- Changing maternal lipid intakes during lactation
- Can generate significant differences in the 6:3 ratio of the milk
- Flood of omega-6’s into industrial foods has surely changed the composition of breast milk over the last few generations
- Likely changed babies’ brains in various ways
- Including making them more prone to chronic neuroinflammation.
- If an infant starts life with a degree of chronic inflammation
- And continues in that vein, thanks to the ultra-processed diet, might this also affect pubertal timing?
Videa na téma hormony (estrogeny), růstové hormony, strava a nádory
- Neal Barnard, MD | How Foods Affect Hormones
- Dr. Barnard interview- A medical doctor's view on cheese
Ultra-processed diet with low prebiotic fibers
- Pushes estrogen levels up
- Avoid ultra-processed foods in general because they promote
- Obesity
- Infertility
- Generally worse health
- Probably, gender dysphoria
- Affect at least two generations
- Mothers who consume these foods during pregnancy
- Breast-feeding put their children at increased risk of the same problems
- Via acculturation and epigenetic shift.
- Under-nutrition and over-nutrition both impair fertility.
Traditional diet and traditional amounts of prebiotic fibers
- Reducing the risk of breast cancer, and delaying puberty
- Mitigates against neuroinflammation and obesity