Receptory vitamínu D
Calcitriol receptor - vitamin D receptor - VDR
- Součástí velké rodiny steroidních nukleárních receptorů of over 150 members -nuclear hormone receptor
- Glukokortikoidy
- Tyreoidální hormony
- Pohlavní hormony
- Retinoidy
- Mastné kyseliny
- Eikosanoidy [6]
- bile acids
- Isoprenoids [22]
- Nuclear receptor superfamily of steroid/thyroid hormone receptors
- Large number of family members have no known ligands
- Orphan receptors [22]
Struktura VDR
- Cca 50-60kDa depending on species
- Very short N-terminal domain before the DNA binding domain
- Compared to other nuclear hormone receptors
- Human VDR has two potential start sites
- Most conserved domain in VDR is the DNA binding domain
- Comprised of two zinc fingers
- Cysteines within this stretch of amino acids that form tetrahedral complexes with zinc in a manner which creates a loop or finger of amino acids with the zinc complex at its base
- Proximal (N-terminal) zinc finger
- Confers specificity for DNA binding to the VDREs [22]
- Second zinc finger and the region following
- At least one of the sites for heterodimerization of the VDR to the retinoid X receptor (RXR) [22]
- Second half of the molecule
- Ligand binding domain for binding 1,25(OH)2D
- Regions necessary for heterodimerization to RXR [22]
- C-terminal end
VDR předávání signálu - genomické
- Ovlivňuje transkripci cca 5 % lidského genomu [6]
VDR v buňce
- Unbound inactive form of the calcitriol receptor resides in the cytoplasm
- RXR pomáhají udržet jeho existenci v bu. bez navázaného vit. D
Calcitriol binds to the receptor
Fosforylace of the VDR
- May also control VDR function
- VDR has been shown to suppress b-catenin transcriptional activity
- B-catenin enhances that of VDR
- Control of VDR activity
- Involve crosstalk between signaling pathways originating in receptors at the plasma membrane as well as within the nucleus.
- With other nuclear hormone receptors, in particular the family of retinoid X receptors
- Complex formation with the RXR (Mora et al., 2008; Christakos et al., 2016)
- There are three forms of RXR
- Alpha,beta, gamma
- All three are capable of binding to VDR
- RXR and VDR form heterodimers
- RXR is the rule
- Optimize their affinity for the vitamin D response elements (VDREs)
- RXR appears to be responsible for keeping VDR in the nucleus in the absence of ligand
- RXR binds to the upstream half site
- VDR binds to the downstream site
- Wide range of VDRE configurations have been found at nearly any location within a gene (5’, 3’, introns)
- Different tissues differ as to which VDREs actively bind VDR
- 1,25(OH)2D is required for high affinity binding and activation
- RXR ligand - 9-cis retinoic acid
- may either inhibit or activate 1,25(OH)2D stimulation of gene transcription
Thyroid receptors
- VDR may also partner with other receptors
- Thyroid receptor (TR)
Retinoic acid receptor (RAR)
- Vjymečně se VDR spojí i s RAR
hraje pak roli, zda je navázán vit. A nebo není - různý výsledek !!
Translokace do jádra
- Ligand-receptor complex translocates to the cell nucleus
Vazba na DNA - Vitamin D response element (VDRE)
- In the presence of 1,25D3, the VDR/RXR complex interacts with a consensus DNA region
- Acts as a transcription factor promoting the expression of a gene
- Modulates the transcription of specific genes (Mora et al., 2008; Christakos et al., 2016) [12]
Různé VDREs
- There are thousands of the VDREs in hundreds of genes
- Profile of active VDREs (and regulated genes) varies from cell to cell [22]
Koregulační molekuly
- Variety of additional coregulators complex of VDR transcriptional activity
- Binding VDR/RXR complex to the VDRE attracts a complex of coactivators to the VDR/RXR complex
- Steroid Receptor Coactivator family (SRC 1-3)
- SRC recruit histone acetyl transferases (HAT) and demethylases (DME) to the gene promoting the opening up of its structure [22]
- To enable the transcription machinery to work
- Transcription of the gene is initiated to produce the corresponding mRNA
- Leaves the nucleus to be translated to the corresponding protein [22]
- SRC family has three members
- SRC 1-3
- All bind to the VDR in the presence of (1,25(OH)2D)
- Recruit additional coactivators such as
- CBP/p300
- Have histone acetyl transferase activity (HAT)
- Acetylation of lysines within specific histones
- Help unravel the chromatin allowing the transcriptional machinery
- NR box domain- critical for binding to the VDR and other nuclear hormone receptors
- Central motif LxxLL
- L stands for leucine
- X for any amino acid
- Each SRC family member contains three well conserved NR boxes
- SMAD 3
- A transcription factor in the TGF-beta pathway
- Complex with the SRC family members and the VDR
- Enhancing the coactivation process [22]
- D Receptor Interacting Protein complex - DRIP - Mediator coactivator complex - The DRIP (Mediator) complex
- Form a bridge:
- VDR binding - VDRE - RNA polymerase II at the transcription start site - other proteins in the initiation complex [22]
- Centered at or around the TATA box
- Or other transcription regulatory elements [22]
- 15 or so proteins
- Contain LxxLL motifs
- DRIP205 (Mediator 1)
- protein critical for binding the complex to VDR
- Contains 2 NR boxes
- Different NR boxes in these coactivators
- Specificity for different nuclear hormone receptors
- DRIP complex
- Does not have HAT activity
- Spans the gene from the VDRE to the transcription start site
- Linking directly with RNA polymerase II and its associated transcription factors
- DRIP and SRC appear to compete for binding to the VDR
- In keratinocytes
- DRIP binds preferentially to the VDR in undifferentiated cells
- SRC 2 and 3 bind in the more differentiated cells in which DRIP levels have declined
- DRIP appears to regulate the early stages of 1,25(OH)2D induced differentiation
- SRC may be more important in the later stages
Corepressors [22]
- Hairless
- In the skin
- Loss or mutation, like that of the VDR
- Altered hair follicle cycling resulting in baldness [22]
- May regulate
- 1,25(OH)2D mediated epidermal proliferation and differentiation
- Ligand independent VDR regulation of hair follicle cycling [22]
- Recruiting histone deacetylases (HDAC) or methyl transferases (MT)
- To the gene which reverses the actions of HAT and DME
- Reduction in access to the gene by the transcription machinery [22]
- Can be specific for different genes
- Case different cells differentially express
- Specificity for the actions of 1,25(OH)2D and VDR [22]
Změna exprese nějakého proteinu vlivem působení vit. D
Direct inhibition of gene transcription
- Binding of the VDR to negative VDREs
- PTH and PTHrP genes are remarkably similar in sequence to positive VDREs of other genes
Indirect inhibition
- Inhibits IL-2 production
- By blocking the NFATp/AP-1 complex of transcription factors from activating this gene [22]
- Inhibits CYP27B1
- In at least one renal cell line by an indirect mechanism involving VDR binding to VDIR [22]
Předání signálu - ne-genomické
- Rapid effects on selected cells
- Not likely to involve gene regulation
- Appear to be mediated by a different, probably membrane receptor/channel [22]
- 1,25(OH)2D - membrane receptor - activate phospholipase C
- Possibly via G protein coupled process
- Phospholipase C then hydrolyzes phosphatidyl inositol bis phosphate (PIP2) in the membrane
- Releasing inositol tris phosphate (IP3) and diacyl glycerol (DG)
- May then activate both the intracellular release of calcium from intracellular stores
- Stimulate calcium channel activity
- Further rise in intracellular calcium levels
- In the intestine and kidney the increased flux of calcium across the brush border membrane
- Transported out of the cell at the basolateral membrane
- Completing transcellular transport [22]
- In other cells the increased calcium
- Need to be removed by other mechanisms [22]
- Rapid onset of calcium flux across the intestine of a vitamin D replete chick perfused with 1,25(OH)2D
- Could not be blocked with actinomycin D pretreatment
- Was blocked by
- Voltage gated L type channel inhibitors
- protein kinase C inhibitors [22]
- Animals had to be
- vitamin D replete
- Contain the VDR [22]
- L type channel activators such as
- BAY K-8644
- protein kinase C activators such as phorbol esters
- Could activate transcaltachia similar to 1,25(OH)2D [22]
Pokud ve střevě chybí vápník, hořčík, zinek ap. minerály, nasaje tento zvýšený transport hliník, olovo, fluoridy, rtuť,....všechno ostatní co může
Výskyt receptorů pro vitamín D (VDR) - 1,25–dihydroxycholekalciferol
- Střeva
- Ledviny
- Kost
- Kůže
- lymfocyty
- Monocyty
- Kosterní a srdeční sval
- Mléčná žláza [6] [11]
- Adenohypofýza
- Brain
- Heart
- Gonads
- Prostate [11]
- Keratinocytes [12]
- Fibroblasts [12]
- Monocytes [12]
- T lymphocytes (Bouillon et al., 2008) [12]
- Přítomen na všech buňkách imunitního systému, zvláště na:
- Profesionálních antigen prezentujících buňkách
- Makrofázích [6] [12]
- Dendritických buňkách [6] [12]
- Aktivovaných T-lymfocytech [6]
- V těle prakticky všude
Regulace VDR 25-D x 1,25-D
- Compete for nuclear receptors
- Opposing roles in the body !!! [22]
- VDR is foremost a control system
- Active form, 1,25-D = “on” switch
- Inactive form, 25-D = “off” switch [22]
- Binding affinities for the VDR
- 1,25-D - 8.48 (nanomolar Kd)
- 25-D - 8.36 (nanomolar Kd)
- Activation of the Vitamin D nuclear receptor
- Delicate balance between the concentrations of a number of endogenous hormones [22]
- Possesses a single 1-alpha hydroxylation
- Stabilizes helix 12 in the Vitamin D Receptor
- Binding the promoter which allow activation of the VDR
- Leads to the transcription of thousands of genes [22]
- Not completely inactive
- Cannot activate the VDR
- 25-D levels are not associated with
- Cathelicidin
- Beta-defensin-2 etc. [22]
Příklad regulace
Injury and infection enhances production of 1,25-D
- Creation of antimicrobial peptides
- Activation of TLR2 [22]
- High levels of 1,25-D and the enzyme which leads to the production of 1,25-D, 1 aplpha-hydroxylase
- Found at various locations where the human body needs a strong host defense
Aktivace inhibice - Feedback mechanisms
- Limit the production of 1,25-D
- VDR is activated
- Transcribes the gene for the enzyme CYP24A1
- Increases conversion of 1,25-D into inactive metabolites.
- Limiting transcription of the gene CYP27B1
- Which converts 25-D into 1,25-D [22]
Inhibice VDR
Stimulace VDR zvýšená
Exprese VDR snížená
Zvýšená exprese VDR
Aktivací Th CD4
- Exprese VDR na odpočívajících T-pomocných lymfocytech CD4
- se po aktivaci zpětinásobí [6]
Inactivating mutations in the VDR
Hereditary vitamin D resistant rickets (HVDRR)
Animal models of knocked out VDR
- Full phenotype of severe vitamin D deficiency
- VDR is the major mediator of vitamin D action [22]
- Alopecia seen in HVDRR and VDR knockout animals
- Not associated with vitamin D deficiency
- VDR may have functions independent of 1,25(OH)2D at least in hair follicle cycling [22]
Mice without a VDR
- Born with alopecia
- Inflammatory condition in which organisms have no hair
- Age prematurely
- Salmonella is much more virulent and aggressive
- Higher levels of activity of inflammatory molecules
- Lost weight more quickly
- Much more likely to die in response to infection [23]
- 10x vzestup 1,25-D
- Almost undetectable levels - in serum 25-D
- Persisted at seven weeks until the mice eventually died
- vitamin D and the VDR are not critical for skeletal formation
- Rickets develops postnatally
- Most manifest after weaning
- Impairment of endochondral bone formation
- Decreased alkaline phosphatase activity of the hypertrophic chondrocytes
- Alterations in the lipid composition of the matrix
- Perhaps secondary to reduced phospholipase activity
- Altered proteoglycan degradation
- Changes in metalloproteinase activity
- 1,25(OH)2D and 24,25(OH)2D
- Appear to be required for optimal endochondral bone formation
- VDR null mice become osteoporotic
- Despite the high calcium/phosphate diet [22]
- Rickets resulting from vitamin D deficiency or VDR mutations (or knockouts)
- Can be corrected by supplying adequate amounts of calcium and phosphate
- By infusions or orally
- Deletion of VDR from bone cells
- Does not result in rickets
- vitamin D metabolites do not directly impact bone
- Substantial redundancy has been built into the system.
- Development of osteoporosis
- Decreased bone formation in these VDR or CYP27B1 null mice
- Not corrected by the high calcium/phosphate diet
- Osteoblasts from VDR knockout mice
- Fail to support 1,25(OH)2D induced osteoclastogenesis
- Can be induced by 1,25(OH)2D in the presence of osteoblasts from wildtype animals
- Myelopoeisis and the composition of lymphoid organs are normal
- Number of abnormalities in the immune response have been found
- Some of the abnormalities in macrophage function and T cell proliferation
- Increased number of mature DCs in the lymph nodes of VDR null mice
- Would be expected to promote the adaptive immune response
- Surprisingly, RANKL also increases the number and retention of DCs in lymph nodes [24]
- Th2 function indicated by increased IgE stimulated histamine from mast cells is increased in VDR null mice [24]
- IL-10 null mouse model of IBD
- Accelerated disease profile when bred with the VDR null mouse
- With increased expression of Th1 cytokines [24]
- Despite a reduction in natural killer T cells and Treg cells
- Decreased number of mature DCs, VDR null mice bred with NOD mice do not show accelerated development of diabetes [24]
- Method of inducing asthma
- Lack of VDR also protected the mice from an inflammatory response in their lungs
- Impact of vitamin D signaling on adaptive immunity depends on the specifics of the immune response being evaluated.
- Mouse null for VDR is protected
- Leishmania major
- Toxoplasmosis
Polymorfismy VDR
- Zvýšené riziko mnohočetných autoimunitních onemocnění:
- Hashimotovy tyreoditidy
- GB tyreotoxikózy
- Diabetes mellitus 1. typu
- Addisonovy choroby
- Revmatoidní artritidy
- Systémového lupus erythematodes
- Primární biliární cirhózy
- Autoimunitní hepatitidy
- Vitiliga
- Celiakie
- Zánětlivých puchýřnatých kožních onemocnění
- Sclerosis multiplex [6]
RS11574143 (VDR) CC
- SelfDecode test
- Importance: 3
Minor Allele: T = 12%
Major Allele: C = 88%
- Increased risk of prostate cancer
- Only in men with lower D3 protein levels
- Health Professionals Follow-up Study
- Risks tended also to be increased with carriage of the C allele, regardless of D3 levels
- SNPS in this region have been linked to higher VDR mRNA stability
- Higher gene transcription activity in some but not all in vitro studies
- Minor allele of this SNP may increase levels of VDR protein
RS1540339 (VDR) CC
- SelfDecode test
RS1544410 (VDR) CT
- SelfDecode test
- Importance: 3
Minor Allele: T = 30%
- Lower bone density
- Presumably less VDR activity
- Decreased levels of VDR
- Decreased breast cancer risk
Major Allele: C = 70%
- Higher breast cancer risk in 5/9 studies done (CC)
- Women with CC
- Who consumed more than the median level of calcium
- Had lower breast cancer rates
- Who had low vitamin D3 levels
- 6.8-fold increase in breast cancer risk
- Increased risk of Graves' disease in the Polish population (p = 0.0070) [29]
- BsmI (intronic G›A replacement, C = b)
RS2107301 (VDR) GG
- SelfDecode test
- Importance: 2
Minor Allele: A = 34%
- AA= 2.5X prostate cancer risk
- Could not be replicated
Major Allele: G = 66%
RS2228570 (VDR) AG - VDR FokI
- Alters the first ATG start site to ACG
- Begin translation three codons downstream
- VDR is three amino acids shorter (424 aas vs 427 aas)
- Correlated with reduced bone density
- Functional importance [22]
- Suspected to alter the activity of the VDR protein
- Modulate susceptibility to type 2 diabetes [31]
- SelfDecode test
- G codes for a 424 aminoacid protein
Minor Allele: A = 33%
- Lower VDR activation
- Lower levels of VDR
- AA= higher bone mass and better bone structure
- Presence of the A allele results in
- Production of a VDR protein that is less effective as a transcriptional activator
- VDR protein can't induce its target genes as well.
- 1.26X increased risk of developing breast cancer
- AA= 34% higher breast cancer risk in the Nurses' Health Study
- Smaller studies of this snp and breast cancer risk were null
- Increased risk of kidney stones in Asians (one or two As)
- AA had worse survival odds for oral cancers
- Presence of the A allele
- VDR protein that is less effective as a transcriptional activator [29]
- Can't induce its target genes as well.
- A had higher risk of oral lichen planus [29]
Major Allele: G = 67%
- Higher risk of oral lichen planus
- G allele results in a protein with a different size
- Only known protein changing SNP in VDR gene [29]
- GG= Increased risk of aggressive gum disease in Chinese and Korean populations [29]
- 2-fold increase in risk of developing discopathies (such as herniated disc) and/or osteochondrosis (derangement of bone growth)
- A allele was protective [29]
RS2238136 (VDR) CC
- SelfDecode test
- 4817 G>A (rs2238136)
- Probable risk factor for colorectal cancer [PMID 22167329]
- Variation in the vitamin D receptor gene is not associated with risk of colorectal cancer in the Czech Republic [PMID 20585998]
- Lack of Associations between Vitamin D Metabolism-Related Gene Variants and Risk of Colorectal Cancer [PMID 24568525]
- Importance: 1
Minor Allele: T = 17%
Major Allele: C = 83%
RS2239182 (VDR) CC
- SelfDecode test
- [PMID 24120391] Genetic variations in VDR associated with prostate cancer risk and progression in a Korean population
- [PMID 15651992] Variants in the vitamin D receptor gene and asthma.
- [PMID 19454612] Vitamin D pathway gene variants and prostate cancer risk.
- [PMID 19956101] Overview of the Rapid Response data.
- [PMID 21357399] Vitamin D receptor (VDR) and group-specific component (GC, vitamin D-binding protein) polymorphisms in myopia.
- [PMID 26521212] Vitamin D receptor polymorphisms and survival in patients with cutaneous melanoma: A population-based study
RS2239185 (VDR) AA
- SelfDecode test
- [PMID 15651992] Variants in the vitamin D receptor gene and asthma.
- [PMID 16600026] Asthma families show transmission disequilibrium of gene variants in the vitamin D metabolism and signalling pathway.
- [PMID 18593774] Genetic and environmental determinants of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D levels in Hispanic and African Americans.
- [PMID 18936436] Prevalence in the United States of selected candidate gene variants: Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1991-1994.
- [PMID 19622139] Association study between vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms and asthma in the Chinese Han population: a case-control study.
- [PMID 19745160] Trend tests for genetic association using population-based cross-sectional complex survey data.
- [PMID 19753122] Analysis of SNPs and haplotypes in vitamin D pathway genes and renal cancer risk.
- [PMID 20006704] Lead and cognitive function in VDR genotypes in the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.
- [PMID 25750310] Vitamin D Receptor Genetic Polymorphisms Are Associated with PSA Level, Gleason Score and Prostate Cancer Risk in African-American Men
- Importance: 1
Minor Allele: G = 50%
Major Allele: A = 50%
RS2239186 (VDR) AA
- SelfDecode test
- [PMID 22480149] Variants in the vitamin D pathway, serum levels of vitamin D, and estrogen receptor negative breast cancer among African-American women
- [PMID 22544453] Early life sun exposure, vitamin D-related gene variants, and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma
- [PMID 15651992] Variants in the vitamin D receptor gene and asthma.
- [PMID 16600026] Asthma families show transmission disequilibrium of gene variants in the vitamin D metabolism and signalling pathway.
- [PMID 19956101] Overview of the Rapid Response data.
- [PMID 19956103] Association analyses of the vitamin D receptor gene in 1654 families with type I diabetes.
- [PMID 25799011] Vitamin D Metabolic Pathway Genes and Pancreatic Cancer Risk
RS3782905 (VDR) CG
- SelfDecode test
- [PMID 15651992] Variants in the vitamin D receptor gene and asthma.
- [PMID 16600026] Asthma families show transmission disequilibrium of gene variants in the vitamin D metabolism and signalling pathway.
- [PMID 18593774] Genetic and environmental determinants of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D levels in Hispanic and African Americans.
- [PMID 19454612] Vitamin D pathway gene variants and prostate cancer risk.
- [PMID 19622139] Association study between vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms and asthma in the Chinese Han population: a case-control study.
- [PMID 19956101] Overview of the Rapid Response data.
- [PMID 20687218] Vitamin D pathway gene variants and prostate cancer prognosis.
- [PMID 21048058] Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms are associated with adiposity phenotypes.
- [PMID 25750310] Vitamin D Receptor Genetic Polymorphisms Are Associated with PSA Level, Gleason Score and Prostate Cancer Risk in African-American Men
- [PMID 26521212] Vitamin D receptor polymorphisms and survival in patients with cutaneous melanoma: A population-based study
RS3819545 (VDR) AA
- SelfDecode test
RS4516035 (VDR) TT
- SelfDecode test
- Importance: 1
Major Allele: T = 82%
Minor Allele: C = 18%
- 117 healthy European peri- and postmenarcheal girls (14.9 +/- 1.6 years) were followed for 4 years along with their calcium intake
- Rs4516035(C;T) and (C;C) genotypes had 13% lower spine mineral content
- If their milk intakes were below 260 mL/day
- Compared to either genotype-matched girls with higher milk intakes or to girls with the (T;T) genotype
- Rs4516035(C;T) and (C;C) female teens need more milk than rs4516035(T;T) girls to have optimal bone density
- [PMID 19105801] rs4516035 and the more aggressive tumour location in head-neck and trunk (OR=1.54, p=0.020)
- [PMID 18587672] Vitamin D receptor variants and breast cancer risk in the Polish population
- [PMID 20046590] The unfavorable effect of the A allele of the vitamin D receptor promoter polymorphism A-1012G has different mechanisms related to susceptibility and outcome of malignant melanoma
- [PMID 20394945] Infantile hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria: new insights into a vitamin D-dependent mechanism and response to ketoconazole treatment
- [PMID 21365644] Vitamin D receptor polymorphisms in patients with cutaneous melanoma
- [PMID 22544453] Early life sun exposure, vitamin D-related gene variants, and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma
- [PMID 17130574] Protection from type 1 diabetes by vitamin D receptor haplotypes.
- [PMID 18205531] Vitamin D receptor gene haplotypes and susceptibility to HIV-1 infection in injection drug users.
- [PMID 19309297] Higher milk requirements for bone mineral accrual in adolescent girls bearing specific caucasian genotypes in the VDR promoter.
- [PMID 19450131] Application of pharmacogenomics to vaccines.
- [PMID 19615888] Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms, serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels, and melanoma: UK case-control comparisons and a meta-analysis of published VDR data.
- [PMID 19679055] Vitamin D receptor variants and the malignant melanoma risk: a population-based study.
- [PMID 19682379] TagSNP transferability and relative loss of variability prediction from HapMap to an admixed population.
- [PMID 20015871] Pharmacogenetic risk factors for altered bone mineral density and body composition in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
- [PMID 20398755] Growth, calcium status and vitamin D receptor (VDR) promoter genotype in European children with normal or low calcium intake.
- [PMID 20716226] Clinical and genetic predictors of response to narrowband ultraviolet B for the treatment of chronic plaque psoriasis.
- [PMID 26303648] Association of vdr, cyp27b1, cyp24a1 and mthfr gene polymorphisms with oral lichen planus risk
RS7041 (VDR) AC
- SelfDecode test
RS731236 (VDR) AG - VDR Taq I
- VDR polymorphism in exon 9
- Suspected to alter the activity of the VDR protein
- Modulate susceptibility to type 2 diabetes [31]
- Significantly associated with type 2 diabetes among Caucasian Americans from European origin
- Including dyslipidemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and low HDL levels were correlated with the reported VDR polymorphism
- In concordance with another research conducted in Saudi Arabia
- Other researchers failed to demonstrate a similar link among Indians, Turkish and Polish Populations
- Differences in population genetics [31]
- SelfDecode test
- Importance: 4
Major Allele: A = 72%
- AA= Increased VDR levels in stimulated immune cells.
- AA had a 31% lower risk of Parkinson's (p=0.04) [29]
- AA confers protection against Multiple Sclerosis in HLA-DRB1*15-positive individuals [29]
- AA= Increased risk of kidney stones in Asians [29]
- Women with AA who consumed more than the median level of calcium had lower breast cancer rates [29]
- Possible increased muscle strength in school children [29]
- AA genotype is associated with increased VDR expression
- In MBP-stimulated PBMC from patients
- AA confers protection against MS in HLA-DRB1*15-positive individuals
Minor Allele: G = 28%
- GG= Increased risk of gum disease.
- Weak evidence for an association between the G allele and Multiple Sclerosis
- (T›C in exon 9...T=T, C = t)
RS757343 (VDR) CT
- SelfDecode test
- Significantly associated with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) risk
Minor Allele: T = 13%
- "T" allele
- Significantly undertransmitted from parents to affected children in Type 1 diabetes (T1D) (P = 0.032, P = 0.002, respectively)
- Greater serum vitamin D
- Increased risk of prostate cancer in "T" allele carriers (P trend= 0.01)
- Associated with a 74% increased risk of severe phenotype development of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) (OR, 1.74)
Major Allele: C = 87%
- "C" allele was overtransmitted
RS7975232 (VDR) AA
- SelfDecode test
- Importance: 4
Minor Allele: C = 48%
- CC= presumably results in better vitamin D receptor function.
- CC= higher bone mass and better bone structure [29]
- 37% decreased risk of Parkinson's in a population of hispanics who were exposed to more sun [29]
- Increased protection against asthma in the Chinese (one or two Cs) [29]
- 1.6 X increased susceptibility for lung cancer in smokers carrying a C [29]
Major Allele: A = 52%
- AA= Significantly increased risk of gum disease in non-smokers [29]
- AA= Increased protection from Thyroid cancer (follicular carcinoma) [29]
- An intronic C›A replacement.....A=A, C = a
Apa I
- Suspected to alter the activity of the VDR protein
- Modulate susceptibility to type 2 diabetes [31]
Bsm I
- Mut. in intron 8
- Suspected to alter the activity of the VDR protein
- Modulate susceptibility to type 2 diabetes [31]
- Significantly associated with type 2 diabetes among Caucasian Americans from European origin
- Including dyslipidemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and low HDL levels were correlated with the reported VDR polymorphism
- In concordance with another research conducted in Saudi Arabia
- Other researchers failed to demonstrate a similar link among Indians, Turkish and Polish Populations
- Differences in population genetics [31]
EcoR V
- Suspected to alter the activity of the VDR protein
- Modulate susceptibility to type 2 diabetes [31]
Hair follicle (HF) cycling
- Hair loss in animals and subjects with VDR mutations
- But not in animals and subjects with mutations in CYP27B1
- Enzyme producing 1,25(OH)2D [22]
- Vitamin D Receptor can have effects without Calcitriol to increase hair growth (via Wnt) [29]
- Alopecia well described characteristic of mice and humans lacking VDR
- Failure to regenerate the cycling lower portion of the HF after the initial developmental cycle is completed [24]
- Deletion of CYP27B1 and CaSR
- Do not result in alopecia
- VDR null mice
- Loss of HF cycling
- Gradual loss of the proliferative potential in the stem cells of the HF bulge region
- Failure of the progeny of these stem cells to migrate out of the bulge rather than their loss of proliferative potential [24]