Crohnova choroba
- Spíše kontinuální
- Progresivní
- Stacionárním
- Regresivním [1]
Začátek onemocnění
- Akutní průběh
- Imitující akutní apendicitidu [1]
- Nenápadně nespecificky
- Začíná asi u 1/3 [1]
- U starších
- Spíše segmentární postižení tlustého střeva [1]
- U mladších
- Spíše celé colon
- Rektum může a nemusí být postiženo [1]
- Ve sliznici v postiženém místě střevní stěny
- se tvoří vředy [1]
- často jsou
- Dlouhotrvající průjmy
- Zvracením
- Nález krve ve stolici
- Bolesti břicha
- Hubnutí, únava [1]
- Další projevy dle na lokalizace zánětu:
- Ileocekální
- Bolest v pravém podbřišku
- Někdy hmatný infiltrát imitující apendicitidu [1]
- Tenké střevo
- Nejsou průjmy
- Je plynatost, říhání a škroukání 1–2 hod po jídle
- Stenózy – až subileus [1]
- Tlusté střevo
- Mírná enterorhagie
- Na rozdíl od ulcerosní kolitidy, kdy je krev ve stolici pravidlem [1]
- Anorektální
- Fisury, stenózy, píštěle [1]
- U dětí
- Opoždění růstu (u 50 %)
- Porucha sexuálního vyzrávání [1]
- Ulcerace v ústech
- Artritidy
- Iritidy
- Paličkovité prsty aj. [1]
Symptomy přímé a asociované
- Vital signs
- Normal
- Tachycardia in anemic or dehydrated patients
- Chronic intermittent fever [3]
- Gastrointestinal
- From normal to those of an acute abdomen
- Rectal sphincter tone
- Gross rectal mucosal abnormalities
- Hematochezia [3]
- Genitourinary
- Skin tags, fistulae, ulcers, abscesses,
- Scarring in the perianal region [3]
- Urological-
- Nephrolithiasis
- Hydronephrosis
- Enterovesical fistulae [3]
- Musculoskeletal
- Arthritis and arthralgia
- Particularly of the large joints [3]
- Dermatologic
- Pallor or jaundice
- Mucocutaneous or aphthous ulcers
- Erythema nodosum
- Pyoderma gangrenosum [3]
- Ophthalmologic
- Episcleritis
- Possible uveitis [3]
- Growth delay
- Decreased growth velocity (eg, height)
- Pubertal delay [3]
- Hematologic
- Hypercoagulable state [3]
Rizikové faktory pro vznik Crohnovy choroby
- Age
- At any age
- častěji v mládí do 30 let [2]
- Ethnicity
- Whites
- Eastern European (Ashkenazi) Jewish descent
- The highest risk [2]
- Family history
- Close relative
- 1 in 5 people with Crohn's disease has a family member with the disease [2]
- Cigarette smoking
- Most important controllable risk factor
- Also leads to more severe disease
- Greater risk of having surgery [2]
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications
- Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others)
- Naproxen sodium (Aleve, Anaprox)
- Diclofenac sodium (Voltaren, Solaraze) etc
- Can lead to inflammation of the bowel that makes Crohn's disease worse [2]
- Urban area or in an industrialized country
- More likely to develop Crohn's disease [2]
- Diet
- High in fat
- Refined foods [2]
- Northern climates
- Seem to be at greater risk [2]
- Zvýšená střevní propustnost
Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis
- Granulomatous inflammation of Crohn's disease resembles that of intestinal tuberculosis
- Spontaneous enteritis caused by Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) in ruminants
- Johne's disease [3]
- Up to 84% of patients respond to treatment with combinations of antibiotics effective against MAP
- Intensified when MAP was reported to be present in commercial pasteurized milk and in human breast milk
- Viable MAP can be cultured from the blood of patients
- In Crohn's disease (55%)
- In ulcerative colitis (22%)
- Not from controls [3]
- MAP DNA insertion sequence (IS)900 in resected gut tissue of
- 52% of Crohn's disease patients
- 2% of ulcerative colitis patients
- 5% of controls [3]
- MAP more frequently in Crohn's disease patients
- Mycobacterial disease would be expected to intensify with immunosuppression caused by
- Corticosteroids
- Anti-TNF treatment
- Concomitant HIV infection [3]
- Crohn's disease patients clinically improve with immunosuppression rather than worsen
- Possible that a subset of genetically susceptible Crohn's disease patients may have persistent MAP infection
- Those with a defect in their ability to clear an intracellular infection
- CARD15 polymorphisms
- Causes their disease
- Organism potentiates cellular immune responses to commensal enteric bacteria [3]
- It is more likely that
- Relatively common environmental agent
- Selectively colonizes or lodges in the ulcerated mucosa of Crohn's disease patients
- But does not cause disease [3]
Enteroadherent and invasive E. coli
- Virulent strain of E. coli from 22% of mucosal biopsies from Crohn's disease patients
- Chronic, postoperative, recurrent inflammation in the neoterminal ileum
- 36% of those with early recurrence
- Only 6% of controls [3]
- adhere to epithelial cells via type 1 pilli
- Invade macrophages by an active, monofilament-dependent and microtubule-dependent mechanism
- persist and replicate within phagocytes
- Infection of macrophages induces TNF production, but no cellular apoptosis
- Following infection with this E. coli strain
- Monocytes of patients with CARD15 polymorphisms had decreased TNF and IL-10 production
- Increased E. coli mucosal adherence, invasion of ulcers and fistulae
- Their presence within lamina propria macrophages in Crohn's disease patients
- Defective clearance of intracellular infections of patients with CARD15 polymorphisms [3]
- Altered balance of beneficial versus aggressive microbial species
- Proinflammatory luminal milieu in a susceptible host
- E. coli
- X intestin. bariéry
- Bacteroides
- Enterococcus
- Klebsiella species
- Protektivní
- Various Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species
- Used therapeutically as probiotics
- Enteroadherent and invasive E. coli
- In the neoterminal ileum of patients with postoperative recurrence of Crohn's disease
- Flagellin from Clostridium subphylum cluster XIVa organisms
- Dominant antigen in experimental colitis
- Elicit serologic responses in approximately 50% of Crohn's disease patients
- E. faecalis
- Superoxide dismutase activity alters the pathogenicity
- Collitida
- TGFbeta
- + kolagenní depozita ve střevě
- Crohnova choroba
Dietary components can alter
- Composition and virulence of enteric commensal bacteria
- Increase in the incidence of IBD in Western countries
Nonabsorbed carbohydrates (prebiotics)
- inulin
- fructose oligosaccharides
- Enhance the growth of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus species
- Substrate for the production of short-chain fatty acids by these bacterial species
- Especially butyrate
- Preferred metabolic substrates of colonocytes
- Stimulate various mucosal barrier functions
- Stimulates growth and virulence of intracellular bacteria
- Adjuvant for bacterial stimulation of immune responses
- Ubiquitous food additives in Western diets
- Processed identically by mammalian and bacterial acquisition and storage proteins
- Dietary iron and aluminum can potentiate experimental colitis
Hygiene hypothesis
- Increased incidence of IBD, asthma and autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and type I diabetes in Western society
- Exposure to pathogens or parasites, especially early in life, stimulates protective immunity that prevents later aggressive immunologic processes
- Elimination of helminths by public health measures has increased the incidence of IBD
- Have demonstrated a therapeutic effect of Tricuris suis, the pig whipworm, in ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and experimental colitis models [3]
Defect in mucosal barrier integrity
- Increased uptake of luminal antigens and/or adjuvants
- Overwhelm the net suppressive tone of the mucosal immune system [3]
- Defect in epithelial repair
- Potentiate damage by environmental triggers
- Infections [3]
- Constant stimulation of innate and acquired mucosal immune responses by
- Luminal adjuvants
- Antigens [3]
- Each of the genes associated with IBD are involved in epithelial function:
- CARD15
- Might mediate bacterial clearance
- Production of antimicrobial alpha-defensins by Paneth cells [3]
- OCTN1 and OCTN2
- DLG5
- MDR1
- Mediate excretion of xenobiotic, possibly bacterial, molecules from epithelial cells [3]
- Vyšší incidence protilátek v séru proti různým antigenům z potravin [5]
Imbalance between proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory mediators
- Activated innate (macrophage, neutrophil) and acquired (T and B cell) immune responses
- Loss of tolerance to enteric commensal bacteria
- Tolerance, in normal hosts, is mediated by:
- regulatory T cells
- B lymphocytes
- Natural killer T cells
- Dendritic cells that secrete
- Transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta
- Interleukin (IL)-10
- Interferon (IFN)-alpha/beta
- Prostaglandin J2 [3]
- In the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease
- tumor necrosis factor (TNF)
- IL-12 [3]
- Linked to ulcerative colitis
- T cells
- T-cell-ablative therapies
- ciclosporin
- tacrolimus [3]
Activation of NFkappaB
- IL-1beta
- IL-6
- IL-8
- Adhesion molecules
- Co-stimulatory molecules
- CD40, CD80, CD86
- Inducible T-cell co-stimulator ICOS [3]
- Cytokines that induce TH1 and TH17 responses are selectively upregulated in active Crohn's disease
- But not ulcerative colitis [3]
- blockade of TNF
- Neutralizing monoclonal antibodies
- Treats active Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis
- antibodies to IL-12 p40
- Treat Crohn's disease [3]
Protizánětlivé vlivy NFkappaB
- Simultaneously stimulates the expression of various protective molecules:
- TNF-induced protein 3 (formerly A20)
- CARD15
- cyclo-oxygenase 2
- Beta defensins
- PPARgamma
- Its own inhibitor, IkappaBalpha, that inhibit inflammatory responses [3]
- Deletion of Myd88
- Exacerbates the colitis induced by dextran sodium sulfate
- By blocking epithelial NFkappaB activation by commensal enteric bacteria [3]
- Chronic intestinal inflammation can result from
- Defective immunosuppression
- Hyperactive TH1 cell function
- Cytokine hypersecretion [3]
- The primary mediators of immunosuppression are:
- IL-10
- TGF-beta [3]
- Immune activation is driven by aggressive innate or T-cell responses
- Rather than defective immunoregulatory function [3]
- Induction of SMAD7 expression in patients with active disease
- Blocks TGF-beta activity
- By inhibiting SMAD 2/4 phosphorylation [3]
- Overexpression of proinflammatory
- In Crohn's disease TH1 and TH17 cytokines:
- TNF, IL-6, IL-12, IL-17, IL-23
- IFN-gamma [3]
- In ulcerative colitis TH2 cytokines
- IL-4
- IL-13
- Innate immune products IL-1beta, TNF, IL-6 and chemokines [3]
- T regulatory and TR1 cells
- Can prevent the onset of intestinal inflammation [3]
- CD4+CD25+ T regulatory cells
- Can reverse established experimental colitis [3]
- TH1 products such as interferon-gamma stimulate
- IL-12 p40
- MHC class II expression [3]
- Regulatory T cells secrete
- IL-10
- Transforming growth factor beta
- Suppress antigen-presenting cell activity [3]
- CARD15 can inhibit cellular NFkappaB activation and IL-12 p40 secretion
- Following stimulation by a TLR2 ligand
- Potential mechanism for the observed activation of NFkappaB in Crohn's disease [3]
- Overexpression of truncated Card15 in mice
- Enhanced NFkappaB activation
- Associated with a Crohn's disease phenotype [3]
- Bacterial DNA (CpG motif)- prevents and treats experimental colitis in numerous models
- Inhibits NFkappaB activation
- By inducing IFN-alpha/beta in dendritic cells [3]
- Defective APC function
- Decreased innate responses to bacterial ligands
- Implicated in enhanced pathogenic TH1 responses
- Possibly through genetic alterations in NFkappaB function [3]
Imunitní buňky in Crohn's disease
- B-cell responses to enteric microbial constituents are exaggerated in
- Crohn's disease
- Ulcerative colitis
- Experimental intestinal inflammation [3]
- Antibodies are not necessary to transmit disease in experimental colitis
- B-lymphocytes seem to be regulatory rather than pathogenic
- Antibodies to bacteria
- Part of diagnostic tests [3]
- Aggressive T-cell responses to luminal commensal bacteria
- Flagellin-specific T-cell clones can transfer colitis to SCID mice [3]
- TH1 cytokine profile dominant in patients with Crohn's disease
- IFN-gamma
- IL-12 p40 [3]
- Traditional TH1 responses are mediated by IFN-gamma
- Stimulated by IL-12
- By antigen-presenting cells (APCs) [3]
- IL-17 mediates TH17 responses
- Stimulated by the production of
- IL-6
- IL-23 by innate immune cells and APCs
- Especially dendritic cells [3]
- IFN-gamma suppresses IL-17 [3]
- Bacterial colonization
- Stimulates IL-23 expression by ileal dendritic cells
- Levels of IL-23 and IL-17 are increased in Crohn's disease and most forms of experimental colitis [3]
- IL-12-related protein, IL-27
- Increased in patients with Crohn's disease [3]
- Production of IL-21 is induced by IL-12
- Selectively increased in Crohn's disease [3]
- IL-12 and IL-21 stimulates T-bet
- Intracellular transcription factor
- Key to TH1 cell differentiation and activation [3]
- Inflamed ileum contains CD4+ T cells
- Express the chemokine receptor CCR2
- Binds to CCL2 (formerly known as macrophage chemotactic factor 1) [3]
- Innate immune cells:
- TNF, IL-1beta and IL-6 upregulate local
- Endothelial expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM1)
- Very late antigen 4 (VLA4)
- ICAM1 [3]
- Cause circulating neutrophils and monocytes to adhere to the inflamed endothelium [3]
- Potentiate the inflammatory response
- Newly recruited innate immune cells
- Particularly sensitive to activation by bacterial adjuvants like
- Lipopolysaccharide
- Peptidoglycan
- Flagellin [3]
- Anti - integrin-alpha4 (natalizumab) effective in treating Crohn's disease binds:
- Intergrin-alpha 4 beta 7 (the MAdCAM1 ligand)
- Integrin-alpha 4 beta 1 (the VLA4 ligand) [3]
- T cells in Crohn's disease patients are resistant to apoptosis
- Lead to an expanded population of activated effector TH1 cells
- By altered activity of proapoptotic and antiapoptotic molecules
- By the binding of IL-6 and soluble IL-6 receptor complexes to membrane-bound glycoprotein 130
- Trans-signaling by IL-6 induces the antiapoptotic genes
- BCL2
- BCL2L1 (formerly BCL-XL)
- Anti-IL-6-receptor antibody, or glycoprotein 130 fusion protein
- Induce apoptosis
- Attenuate colitis [3]
- Therapies that are effective in the treatment of IBD
- Induce apoptosis of activated T cells and in some cases monocytes:
- Corticosteroids
- Sulfasalazine
- Azathioprine
- 6-mercaptopurine
- Infliximab
- Anti-IL-12 antibody [3]
Defective microbial clearance
- CARD15 ass. with Crohn's disease
- Constitutively expressed in small-intestinal Paneth cells
- Stimulate alpha-defensin
- Stim. cryptdin expression
- Might mediate intracellular bacterial killing [3]
- Therapeutic activity of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)
- Crohn's disease as a result of defective bacterial killing
- Dramatic increases in mucosally adherent enteric bacteria in patients with active Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis
- Defective alpha-defensin and beta-defensin expression in Crohn's disease patients
- Maximal alterations in patients with CARD15 polymorphisms [3]
- Defective killing of bacteria by the innate immune system
- Pathogenic similarities of Crohn's disease and
- Enterocolitis associated with chronic granulomatous disease [3]
- glycogen-storage disease type IIb [3]
- Persistence of bacteria in tissues of patients with Crohn's disease has been detected by
- Immunohistochemistry
- Culturing mesenteric lymph nodes [3]
- Daily administration of recombinant GM-CSF induced
- Remission in 40% of patients with moderate-to-severe Crohn's disease
- By activating microbial killing by macrophages, monocytes and neutrophils
- GM-CSF might affect the functions of plasmacytoid dendritic cells, Paneth cells and epithelial cells
- Express receptors for this growth factor [3]
Bacterial adjuvants
- lipopolysaccharide
- peptidoglycan
- flagellin
- nonmethylated DNA (CpG motif) [3]
- Bind selectively to various TLRs on
- Innate immune cells
- Intestinal epithelial cells
- Mesenchymal cells [3]
- Ligation of these TLRs activates
- NFkappaB
- Mitogen-activated protein kinases
- Stimulate the transcription of a host of proinflammatory and regulatory genes [3]
- Activation of macrophages from susceptible individuals stimulates:
- IL-1beta
- IL-6
- IL-8
- Other chemokines
- IL-12 p40
- And thus IL-12 and IL-23 [3]
- Adhesion molecules
- IL-18
- Reactive oxygen species
- nitric oxide
- Leukotrienes [3]
- NFkappaB activation of APCs (including dendritic cells) by microbial adjuvants induces:
- Expression of MHC class II antigens
- Co-stimulatory molecules
- IL-12
- IL-23
- Can activate TH1 and TH17 cells [3]
- Lipopolysaccharide can stimulate:
- IL-12 p40 production by bone-marrow-derived dendritic cells in IL-10-deficient mice [3]
- Colonization of previously germ-free rodents with various commensal bacterial species can induce:
- IL-6 by intestinal epithelial cells [3]
- Commensal bacteria selectively activate
- IL-12 p40 in dendritic cells of the distal ileum [3]
- Bacterial flagellin
- Antigen
- Adjuvant
- A form of flagellin
- Dominant antigen in experimental colitis
- Induce serum antibody production in 50% of Crohn's disease patients [3]
- binds to TLR5 to activate NFkappaB [3]
- Lipopolysaccharide
- Stimulates IL-10 production in dendritic cells from normal mice
- Can prevent the onset of experimental colitis
- By inducing the production of type 1 IFN (IFN-alpha/beta) in plasmacytoid dendritic cells
- Via TLR9 ligation [3]
Different genetic abnormalities
- Similar disease phenotypes
- Overly aggressive T-cell responses to a subset of commensal enteric bacteria [3]
- defects in mucosal barrier function
- Immunoregulation or bacterial clearance [3]
CARD15 (caspase recruitment domain family member 15, formerly known as NOD2)
- Three mutations—causing amino-acid substitutions Arg702Trp and Gly908Arg and the frameshift 1007fs—found
- Within the region of CARD15
- Encodes a leucine-rich repeat
- Responsible for bacterial recognition
- 1 of these mutations is present in 25–35% of Crohn's disease patients of European ancestry
- Not in Asian or African American Crohn's disease patients [3]
- Distal ileal Crohn's disease in particular
- In some patients with stricturing disease
- leucine-rich repeat region of CARD15
- binds muramyl dipeptide (MDP)
- Active moiety of peptidoglycan
- Ubiquitous cell-wall polymer found in almost all bacteria [3]
- Binding of MDP by dimerized CARD15 activates nuclear factor (NF)kappaB
- Forms part of a central signaling pathway that stimulates the transcription of multiple genes
- Proinflammatory and protective molecules [3]
- Delelci distální části CARD15 vede k aktivaci NKfB
Arg702Trp, Gly908Arg and 1007fs
- Defective MDP binding
- Conflicting consequences [3]
CARD15 mutation
- fails to clear Salmonella from epithelial cells
- Clearance of invasive bacteria is dependent on NFkappaB activation
- Via the cell-death regulatory protein GRIM-19.9 [3]
- increased luminal bacterial populations
- Particularly within the crypts [3]
- CARD15 is constitutively expressed in Paneth cells
- Source of secreted antimicrobial peptides such as the alpha-defensins
- Targeted deletion of Card15 in mice
- Decreases alpha-defensin production
- Enhances susceptibility to experimental Listeria monocytogenes infection
- After oral, but not systemic (intraperitoneal) [3]
- decrease in alpha-defensin production seen in Crohn's disease patients
- Particularly those with CARD15 mutations [3]
- Paneth cells are selectively expressed in the ileum
- Perhaps accounting for the distal ileal involvement of Crohn's disease in patients with CARD15 mutations [3]
- In patients:
- activation of NFkappaB in patients with active Crohn's disease, rather than decreased activity
- CARD15-defective cells, Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) was unable to downregulate NFkappaB activation [3]
- Defective downregulation of the innate immune response to bacterial adjuvant stimulation
- Ineffective clearance of intracellular bacterial infection
- Proliferation of both luminal and mucosally adherent commensal bacteria
- Each of these situations has been documented in Crohn's disease patients [3]
SLC22A4 and SLC22A5
- SLC22A4, which encodes OCTN1
- Promoter region of SLC22A5, which encodes OCTN2
- Organic cation transporters OCTN1 and OCTN2
- Associated with Crohn's disease in association with CARD15 mutations
- Mutations affect the transcription and function of these carnitine and organic cation transporters
- Expressed in the
- Intestinal epithelium
- Macrophages
- T cells [3]
- Cause decreased carnitine transport [3]
The DLG5 gene
- Two haplotypes of DLG5
- Encodes a scaffolding protein
- Helps to maintain epithelial integrity
- Associated with Crohn's disease
- Combined ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease populations
- 113G>A substitution in DLG5
- Associated with CARD15 mutations in patients with Crohn's disease [3]
MDR1 gene
- Multidrug resistance gene encodes P-glycoprotein 170
- A transporter
- Efflux of drugs and possibly xenobiotic compounds from cells
- Also function as a 'flippase'
- Moves amphipathic substrates from the inner to the outer leaflet of the cell membrane
- Associated with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease
- Associated with treatment-refractory IBD
- Mice in which Mdr1 has been deleted develop colitis
- Bone-marrow-transplantation studies have implicated
- Epithelial and/or mesenchymal cells in the pathogenesis of colitis in Mdr1-deficient mice [3]
PPARG gene - peroxisome proliferative-activated receptor gamma
- Variants have been linked with susceptibility in the SAMP1/YitFc mouse model of spontaneous chronic ileitis
- PPARG polymorphisms were found to be associated with human Crohn's disease [3]
- Nuclear receptor that inhibits NFkappaB activity [3]
- Expression is decreased in patients with active ulcerative colitis [3]
- Expression is upregulated by 5-aminosalicylic acid [3]
- Potential role in protecting against intestinal inflammation [3]
- Treatment with the PPARgamma ligand rosiglitazone [3]
- Was effective in an open-label trial involving ulcerative colitis patients [3]
- As well as in mouse experimental colitis [3]
Aktivní stadium
- často anémie (70 %) [1]
- Zvýšená sedimentace (80 %) [1]
- Hypoalbuminémie (60 %) [1]
- Pozitivní okultní krvácení (35 %) [1]
- trombocytóza
- Zvýšené CRP
- Známky malnutrice
- ASCA (protilátky proti pivovarským kvasnicím) [1]
- Elevace calprotectinu ve stolici [1]
Zobrazovací metody,
- Endoskopie
- Koloskopie
- Enteroskopie [1]
- Biopsie
- Pasáž střevní, enteroklysa, fistulografie [1]
- UZ
- CT
- Posouzení tloušťky střevní stěny
- Abscesy
- Infiltrace v okolí střeva [1]
- Scintigrafie 99Tc-leu
- Rozsah, aktivita, lokální komplikace, ev. screening [1]
Medikamentózní terapie
- Pouze symptomatická, pouze oddaluje chirurgický výkon
- Inhibují cyklooxygenasu a lipooxygenasu (tvorbu eikosanoidů)
- Snižují aktivitu T i B lymfocytů (tvorbu protilátek)
- Snižují odpověď neutrofilů a makrofágů na chemotaktické signály
- Chrání střevní sliznici před působením kyslíkových radikálů
- Podávání
- P.o.
- V klysmatech
- čípcích [1]
Mesalazin - kys. 5-aminosalicylová - 5-ASA
- 30–50 mg/kg/den
- Z luminální strany
- Vstřebává se už v jejunu [1]
- Analoga purinových basí
- Tlumí aktivitu NK-buněk [1]
Cyklosporin A
- Selektivní inhibice CD4 lymfocytů
- Hlavní imunosupresivum u transplantací [1]
- Antagonista kys. listové [1]
- Tlumí zánětlivou aktivitu u 79–92 % dospělých
- U dětí se doporučuje přechod na alternující způsob podávání (neruší růst pacienta)
- čípky
- Dramaticky potlačí příznaky (horečky, průjmy, bolesti břicha, zlepšují chuť k jídlu a celkový pocit zdraví),
- Po dosažení relapsu obecně není rozhodnuto, zda v podávání pokračovat,
- Děti mají časté relapsy při snížení dávky kortikoidů
- často se pak užívají dlouhodobě (prednizon 0,2–0,5 mg/kg/den) [1]
- Nutnost doplňovat vápník a vitaminu D !!!
- Provádět denzitometrii kostí
- Pravidelně i oční vyšetření na kataraktu [1]
Antibiotika při komplikacích
- Rezistence na kortikoidy a aminosalicyláty
- chinolony + metronidazol [5]
- Perianální komplikace, píštěle a abscesy
- 15 mg/kg/den (max. 800 mg/den) [1]
- Antibiotics are effective for Crohn's colitis
- But not isolated ileitis
- Except in the postoperative state
- Loss of the ileocecal valve probably changes the luminal microenvironment
- Antibiotics are not effective in ulcerative colitis
- Reproducibly treat pouchitis
- Can prevent the relapse of chronic, relapsing pouchitis and ulcerative colitis
- Not useful in treatment of active disease
- Dominant bacterial stimuli are different in ileal and colonic Crohn's disease
- Commensal bacteria probably have a more important role in Crohn's disease and pouchitis
Antidiarrheal agents
- Loperamide
- Diphenoxylate-atropine [3]
Bile acid sequestrants
- Cholestyramine
- Colestipol [3]
Anticholinergic agents
- Dicyclomine
- Hyoscyamine
- Propantheline [3]
Nutriční terapie vhodná
Parenterální výživa
- Bowl rest v autkním stavu
Enterální výživa
- Terapie první volby při akutním vzplanutí zánětu
- Pomáhá navodit remisi choroby
- Vhodné kombinovat s léky
- Protifar
- Mléčná bílkovina
- Fantomalt
- Maltodextriny
Strava v autkní fázi zánětu
- Lehce stravitelné
- Bílá masa
- Drůbež
- Ryby
- Vejce
- Lecithin působí hojivě na střevní stěnu
- Mléko a ml. výrobky
- Pokud není intolerance laktózy
- Ta bývá u silnějších zánětů v GIT
- Omezení nasycených tuků
- Doplňovat minerály a tekutiny
- Ztráty stolicí kompenzovat
- Porce menší, ale častější
- 5-6xd
- Mixovat
- Dobře kousat
- Oddělit jídlo a pití časově min. 1h
- 2,5 l vody/d
- Přírodní kvalitní vína jsou povoleny
- šetrná tepelná úprava
- 0 přepálených tuků
- Pohanka
- Hlavně sliz z vymáčené pohanky působí protizánětlivě na střeva
- Oleje jako jediný tuk a jenom za syrova
- Koření
- Nedráždivé, nepálivé
- Ideálně čerstvé bylinky a hodně
- Působí protizánětlivě a potlačí přerůstání bakterií
- Vnitřnosti
- Tvaroh
- Mrkev, špenát, mladé kedlubny,...
- Zeleninové šťávy, kaše, strouhané saláty aj.
- Ovocné kaše, šťávy, mixy, shaky, pyré, rosoly
Protektivní prvky v jídelníčku obecně
- Nepatogenní bakterie, které zredukují množství patogenních
E.coli subspec. Nissle 1917
- Izolován Dr. Niesslem ze stolice vojáka, který neonemocněl střevními epidemiemi kolem něho
- Terapeutický efekt v léčbě Crohnovy choroby, ulc. kolitidy, ekzému, revmatoidní artritidy aj.
- Umí navodit a udržet remisi Crohnovy choroby
Kysané mléčné výrobky
Omega - 3 MK
Krátké mastné kyseliny
- K. máselná
- Snižuje propustnost střeva
- Vzniká činností probitických bakterií při trávení vlákniny
- Alespoň rozpustná
- Nerozpustná může dráždit střevo, které je narušené / se zánětem / stenozou
Omega- 6 - MK
- Mohly by zhoršovat zánět
Byliny, které umí potlačit NFkappaB
Obecně protizánětlivé byliny
Kurkumin ?
Ovoce a zelenina
- Snižují riziko Crohnovy choroby i ulcerozní kolitidy !!!
- Snižuje střevní propustnost tenkého střeva [3]
Vitamín A
- Inhibuje transkripci NKfB a sekreci zánětlivých cytokinů
- Zesilují zánětlivou odpověd vedenou T - buňkami
- Deicit vit. A zesiluje zánětlivou odpověď, atrofii klků, infiltraci, hyperplazii, fibróze aj.
Vitamín E
- Snižuje TNFa
- Snižuje aktivaci NKfB
Často chybí - potřeba dodávat
- vit. B12
- Vit. A
- Fe
- Podávat společně s vit. E aj. protizáněltivými prvky stravy
- Ne v akutním zánětu
- Mg
- Ca
- Zn
- vit. D
- B9 - kyselina listová - folát
- U 25% pac. s Cronovhou chorobou je deficit [5]
- Res. v prox. č. tenk. střeva
- Nechybí u syndromu přerůstání bakterií [5]
- Sulfasalazin a metotrexát mohou působit deficit [5]
- Prevence osteoporozy
- selen
Další rozsáhlý seznam tipů, jak snížit úroveň zánětu ve střevě zde
Prozánětlivé prvky stravy
V akutní fái zánětu ne
- Omezení vlákniny nerozpustné
- Slupičky !!
- Celuloza
- Slupky zeleniny a ovoce
- Luštěniny - slupičky
- Oříšky a semena na hrubo také omezit
- Mechanické dráždění
- 0 aditiv v potravinách
- 0 uzenin
- Max. jenom šunka kvalitní bez chemie, glutamátu a braviv
- 0 alkoholu
- 0 tučných mas
- 0 nadýmavých pokrmů
- V zánětu působí bolest
- 0 jížky
- žádné nesmysly v podobě přepálených škrobů a lepku nebo dokonce s tukem
- 0 brambor
- Solanin také zhoršuje hoejní střevní sliznice
- Ryže ok
- 0 burizony
- Pufované škroby jsou kancerogenní a zcela jistě nepřispějí k hojení zánětu ve střevě
- 0 rajčat
- Tomatin zvyšuje střevní propustnost
- 0 konzerv
- 0 jídla z plastu
- 0 celozrnných pečiv a kynutých těst
- 0 plísňové sýry
- 0 káva
- Potřebují ho do sebe dostat, ale může podpororvat růst patogenních baterií a zhoršovat zánět
- Zhoršuje zánět
- Aditiva !!
- Růst bakterií, zhoršení zánětu
- Rafinované cukry
- Vztah i s častějším výskytem zubního kazu u pac. s Crohnovou chorobou [5]
- Zvýšení střevní propustnosti a zánětu
- Pšenice, ječmen, žito
- Nesouhlasím s autory publikace [5] že tato strava je vhodná, protože může zvyšovat střevní propustnost i u zdravých lidí a zpomalovat hojení střeva
Živočišné tuky
- Spíše méně
- Zhoršuje Crohnovu chorobu
Dextran sodium sulfate
- Ztužené tuky
Kravské mléko
- Nebývá tolerováno
Biologická léčba
- Adalimumab (Humira)
- Certolizumab pegol (Cimzia)
- Infliximab (Remicade)
- Anti-TNF-alpha [2]
- Infliximab-dyyb (Inflectra) [2]
- Anti alpha-4 integrin
- Natalizumab (Tysabri)
- Vedolizumab (Entyvio) [2]
Chirurgická terapie
- Komplikace
- Akutní či chronická obstrukce
- Krvácení
- Toxické megakolon
- Fulminantní kolitida
- Perforační peritonitida
- Píštěle
- Abscesy
Prováděné výkony
- Resekce s anastomózami nebo stomiemi,
- Co nejmenšího rozsahu
- Riziko nutnosti opakovaných resekcí při recidivách
- Nutnost zachovat alespoň 60 cm tenkého střeva
- Segmentární resekce tenkého a tlustého střeva,
- Ileocekální resekce s ileo-acendentoanastomózou,
- Pravostranná hemikolektomie s ileo-transversoanastomózou,
- Subtotální kolektomie s ileo-rektoanastomózou,
- Proktokolektomie s ileostomií,
- Abdominoperineální amputace s kolostomií,
- Strikturoplastiky a balónkové dilatace stenóz,
- Spíše než resekcím se dává přednost strikturoplastikám
- Drainage abscesů,
- Fistulotomie,
- Anastomosy end–to–end
- Nevytvářet pouch
- Stomie u akutních stavů
- Nejde-li rekonstruovat oblast rekta
- Není-li rektum postiženo, je výhodnější jej ponechat i při trvalé ileostomii
- šetření nervových pánevních pletení
- Sexuální funkce
- Nutnost opakovaných kontrol rekta
[5] Výživa u pacientů s idiopatickým střevním zánětem, Pavel Kohout a kol., Jessenius Maxdorf, ISBN 80-7345-023-2, 2004
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