Proklik na ucelené vysvětlení jak a kdy a proč funguje JODID DRASELNÝ antiviroticky a abtibioticky a proč může fungovat i při SARS-CoV-2
- Protože článek obsahuje velmi závažný a důležitý obsah, snažím se šířit tyto informace lékařům již takto, aby mohli zvážit podání kalium iodati již nyní. Jedná se o levnou, dostupnou, netoxickou a staletí ozkoušenou látku, která by mohla způsobit zásadní změnu v současné situaci !
- Pro zachování serióznosti je však nutno zdůraznit, že byť mi KI rychle a silně pomohlo od respirační infekce a že i když v in vitro testech bylo prokázáno, že jod umí být na sliznicích virucidní i antibiotický, že dále i když bylo prokázáno, že po požití kalium iodati se od určité dávky v sekretech dýchacích cest vylučuje jód v koncentracích, které byly již prokázány jako virucidní v pokusech in vitro, tak stále ještě chybí studie, které by přesně zdokumentovaly jeho účinky při klinickém použití.
- Takže k tomu, aby se smělo kalium iodati veřejně oficiálně doporučit k terapii, je nejprve nutné provést klinickou studii, která by prokázala jeho účinky. Tedy ideálně ještě proti placebu.
- Nyní jsem ve fázi, kdy sama o sobě financovat a zajistit provedení takové studie není v mé moci ani možnostech
- Nemám dost financí
- Nepracuji na pracovišti, kde by něco takového bylo proveditelné (není kontakt s čerstvě infikovanými pacienty COVID-19)
- Toto vše vytvářím a zveřejňuji ve snaze vzbudit o toto téma zájem a najít pro toto něke nějakou podporu, protože se opravdu domnívám, že by to mohl být ohromný přínos v boji s touto pandemií - a v budoucnu třeba i jinými infekcemi, protože defacto desinfekční účinky jódu jsou univerzální
Prof. MUDr. Richard Rokyta, DrSc.
- Přijal článek (nejdelší verze zpracování) do redkce časopisu Československá fyziologie. Publikován bude v prosinci 2020.
MUDr. Václav Holeček - biochemie, Plzeň
- Jodid funguje jako antioxidant: 2I- - 2e- = I2. Ztráta elektronů je oxidace, zisk elektronů, v tomto případě ho získají volné radikály, je redukce.
- Volné radikály dostanou elekrony do páru a přestanou být volnými radikály a přestanou mít schopnost poškodit lipoperoxidací buněčné membrány a tím se virus přestane dostávat do plicních buněk. Tedy jodid působí skutečně antioxidačně a proti oxidačnímu stresu, který vytváří Covid-19.
- Tím se mu vyrazí z rukou zbraň, jak napadnout plíce i další orgány. Tuto teorii hlásám bezvýsledně už od března tr. Na stejném principu funguje glutathion, vitaminy C a D a další antioxidanty. Teoreticky je to správné a mělo by to fungovat. Dék za e-mail.
- Vašek Holeček
- Moje představa je pořád v tom, že hlavní zbraní koronaviru jsou volné radikály. Kalium jodid je antioxidant: 2KI - 2e- = I2 + 2K+. Tyto elektrony udělají z nepárových elektronů pár a tím zruší volné radikály. Vzniklý jód navíc je viruscidní. Tím se omezí lipoperoxidace. která dělá díry do buněčných membrán v plicích (i jinde) a umožní virům dostat se do plic. Podobně by účinkoval selen, naopak vitaminy C a D3 by působily jen antioxidačně, glutathion navíc chrání imunitní buňky a často bývá kontaminován selenem. Navíc glutathion je intracelulárně, kde vzniká většina volných radikálů a kde jako druhý antioxidant účinkuje thioredoxin reduktáza, což je selenoenzym.
- Vašek Holeček
- U koronarovirové infekce nejrychleji v krvi ubývá glutathion, pak vitamin D3 a kalium. Takže KI může účinkovat jako antioxidant, jako virucidní látka a do malé míry jako dodavatel kalia.
- Jinak jsme se učili ve farmakologii: „Nemáš-li co dát kalium jodát, nevíš-li co vzít vem kalium jodid.“
- S pozdravem V. Holeček
- Jsou to docela dobré nápady. Osmolalitu lze vypočítat při znalosti složení roztoku, případně bych ji mohl sám změřit. Osmometr je ve FN i u Mulačů. Ten jod se z jodidu uvolní oxidací.
- Ještě poznámka. U oxidačního stresu nejrychleji se vyčerpá hladina glutathionu, pak vitaminu D a klesá významně i kalium.
- Vašek Holeček
- Terapeuticky účinný (virocidní) není kalium jodid, ale molekula jódu. Kdybyste někdy pracovala s KI jako substancí jako já, tak byste věděla, že je sice dobře rozpustný a dobře disociuje, ale současně reaguje se vším možným. Princip účinku je až v tom, když se uvolní molekuly jódu. To se nemusí dít krkolomně přes laktoperoxidázu a peroxid vodíku, ale účinkem volných radikálů. Ty jsou produkovány COVIDem -19 a tedy se uvolní jódu jen takové množství, které odpovídá množství volných radikálů. Základem je rovnice 2 KI – 2e- = I2 + 2K+. Volné radikály, které – jak je dlouho známo- poškozují lipidy lipoperoxidací, (per)oxidují bílkoviny, s cukry vytváří AGE-látky, působí mutace DNA i RNA atd. To vše vede k poškození buněčných membrán nejen v plicích, ale i v dalších orgánech, takže virus se dostane do buňky, kde ve usídlí v cytoplasmě , ale i v buněčném jádru. Tam má příznivé podmínky k velice rychlému množení, buňka se rozpadá a uvolněný virus infikuje další buňky. Rovněž volné radikály z okolí kradou elektrony, čímž postižené molekuly se stávají novými volnými radikály. Samozřejmě hůř na tom jsou lidi, kteří mají toho viru hodně (moc volných radikálů) nebo různé stavy, při kterých jsou silně zvýšené volné radikály (např. diabetes, renální insuficience, nádory, obezita, neurodegenerativní choroby, bolest apod.). Tedy principiálně je třeba co nejrychleji po infekci zlikvidovat viry např. jódem, selenem atd. než se dostanou asi nejdříve do plic. Proti oxidačnímu stresu účinkují antioxidanty a tedy staří lidé (obvykle nad 60 let) už jich mají málo (sám to mohu potvrdit na základě četných pokusů, které jsme prováděli řadu let!) snadněji onemocní. Při infekci COVID je nejprve spotřebován antioxidant glutathion, pak vitamin D, dále kalium aj. Děti mají vysokou hladinu melatoninu (hodně spí) a infekce u nich probíhá lehce. Lehké případy lze vysvětlit vysokou antioxidační kapacitou (tu jsme taky měřili u spousty lidí). Zřejmě taky nedoceňujete rychlost účinku volných radikálů (superoxid má poločas trvání 10 na 6 sekundy, volný hydroxylový radikál 10 na 9 sekundy, nebezpečný je singletový kyslík) apod.). Do toho zapadá i imunita ať už vrozená či získaná, ale to je jiná kapitola. O tom, jak celý proces probíhá v horních cestách dýchacích jsem napsal kapitolu do USA monografie „Free Radicals in ENT Pathology“. Nevím, zda jsem Vás přesvědčil, že nelze volné radikály z terapie vyloučit, nelze ani podcenit výživu, ale historicky je třeba uvážit, že volné radikály existují zde od stvoření Země (dusíkové), později kyslíkové a tedy se montují od všeho. Jedovatý kyslík vyžadoval miliony let k tomu, než ho tvorstvo se naučilo využívat a zneškodňovat.
- Vašek Holeček
MUDr. Milan Smilka - anesteziolog
- Dekuji za námety. Dali ste mi ideu, zkusim nekoho kontaktovat, dám vám vedet. Zaujala ste ma s tým KJ.
- Domnievam sa, že prednostné použitie Acylpyrinu ako antipyretika prvej voľby ACP môže pôsobiť preventívne proti najzávažnejšej komplikácii infekcie Covidom 19 a to trombózy pľúcnych ciev a iných orgánov. Tým by sa pravdepodobne znížilo množstvo pacientov vyžadujúcich hospitalizáciu, prípadne nutnosť invazívnej pľúcnej ventilácie. Zároveň doporučujem profylaktické použitie Acylpyrinu u rizikových osôb i po prekonaní klinických príznakov virózy. (
Prof. MUDr. Jiří Homolka, DrSc.
- Vážená kolegyně, když jsme před léty začínal na klinice jako mladý lékař, předepisovat jsem našim nemocným jako expektorans KJ sirup, který fungoval dobře.
- U našich nemocných s covidovou pneumonií podáváme pokud jsou v těžkém stavu remdesivir, jako expekterans většinou erdostein. Od podávání KJ sirupu jsme opustili.
- S pozdravem
- Prof. MUDr. Jiří Homolka, DrSc.
Farmakolog na telefonu
- S jodpovidonem bych byl v systemove aplikaci opatrny, snad mozna na vyplach ust a dutin (konvickou pri velmi nizke koncentraci) to ale muzete docilit jodovanou soli (pokud se vi obsah jodu)
- Sprej nebo vyplach ust kalii iodati je podle me to nejlepsi co se da udelat, da se samozrejme pridat do nebulizeru nebo jak navrhujete do petlakoveho dychani jako mlha, paradoxne by mela stacit aplikace jedinne davky neb opravdu pomoci syrupu s KI
- Za zminku stoji i Kaloba z pelargonie Pelargonium sidoides, ma vyborne antibakterialni a antiviroticke ucinky (nerikam ze proti Covid) ale proti respiracnim ano
- Za zminku take stoji amantadin Viregit K , blokace Cl napetovych kanalu viru Covid
- Léčivou látkou je povidonum iodinatum
- 100 mg v 1 ml vodného roztoku (odpovídá 10% roztoku)
- Dalšími složkami jsou
- Glycerol 85%,
- Nonoxinol 9,
- kyselina citronová,
- Hydrogenfosforečnan sodný,
- čištěná voda,
- Roztok hydroxidu sodného (pro úpravu pH)
- Roztok se ředí těsně před použitím - nějakou dobu v lednici by to snad vydrželo (?)
- Stříkací i kapací lahvičky do nosu se dají v lékárné koupit i prázdné
- Po vyvaření by se doma daly používat i opakovaně
- Preparation of 0.5% solution of PVP-I from commercially available solution:
- Povidone Iodine IP 10% v/w in purified water IP
- Q.s.: Use 1 ml of PVP-I in 20 ml of sterile water/purified water
- 1 dílek Betadiny na 20 dílků sterilní vody
- 1 ml vodného roztoku ~ 20 kapek
- 1 kapka = cca 0,05 ml
- 1 kapka 10% Betadine bude obsahovat cca 5 mg povidonum iodinatum
- 1 kapka 10% Betadine na 1 ml sterilní vody = % 0,5 roztok povidonum iodinatum
- Asi 20 kapek 10% Betadine na 20 ml sterilní vody = % 0,5 roztok
- Intranasal povidone-iodine:
- A 15-second treatment with an experimental povidone-iodine nasal antiseptic solution
- Appears to inactivate SARS-CoV-2
- JAMA OtolaryngologyHead & Neck Surgery
- Effect was seen with povidone-iodine concentrations as low as 0.5%
- Skin formulations could be toxic if administered intranasally
- Antiseptic should not be used in
- Pregnant women,
- Patients with thyroid disease
- Those undergoing radioactive iodine therapy
- Transnasal viral inactivation
- may prevent person-to-person spread of SARS-CoV-2
- may also diminish the severity of disease in patients
- By limiting spread and decreasing viral load delivered to the lungs
- Povidone-iodine nasal irrigation
- May be beneficial for the population at large as an adjunct to mask usage as a means of virus mitigation.
- Randomized trials are under way.
- Antiseptics, such as povidone-iodine (PVP-I), are now routinely employed and will play a greater role in the future of healthcare.
- Due to its ability to protect both patients and healthcare providers alike, PVP-I utilization
- Oral and nasal solutions
- Should be considered as an additional and expansive step in the standard precautions algorithm.
- COVID-19 eye findings
- Cases of conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis have been reported
- Similar to other viruses that are found in tears
- Such as adenovirus, herpes simplex virus, influenza, and SARS-CoV
- SARS-CoV-2 has been identified in ocular secretions
- Poor correlation between active COVID-19 and its presence in tears
- ACE2 and transmembrane serine protease 2 on the ocular surface
- It is possible to transmit through ocular exposure
- Levels of ACE2 are highest in nasal goblet and ciliated cells
- Upper airway may be preferentially infected early in the disease
- Making these cells a potential reservoir for SARS-CoV-2 infection
- SARS-CoV-2 is an enveloped virus
- Its release does not require cell lysis
- The virus can exploit existing secretory pathways in the upper respiratory tract
- To induce low-level infection that generates virus-laden droplets and aerosols in patients with no overt pathology
- Povidone-iodine (PVP-I)
- Broad-spectrum antiseptic with no known resistance
- Listed by the World Health Organization as an essential medicine
- Available in both developed and developing nations alike
- PVP-I products have a long history of utility because of strong
- Antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties
- Harnessed potency of the halogen, iodine
- PVP-I is broadly virucidal
- Nasal/oral formulation has been shown to rapidly deactivate SARS-CoV-2 in vitro
- PVP-I has been used safely in the
- Nasal cavity,
- Sinuses,
- Orally to treat a variety of conditions
- Dilute PVP-I sinonasal rinsing solution
- Has been shown to be a safe
- Effective ancillary therapy for recalcitrant chronic rhinosinusitis
- Oral decontamination
- PVP-I gargle and mouthwash demonstrate strong bactericidal properties
- Oral virucidal studies underscore its efficacy
- Outperforms other antiseptics such as chlorhexidine and benzalkonium chloride
- Gargling with PVP-I is common practice in Japan
- Prevention and treatment of upper respiratory tract infections caused by influenza-like illnesses and the common cold
- Gargling
- Decrease the transport of bacteria into the trachea
- PVP-I rinsing of the oropharyngeal tissues prior to intubation
- Leads to a lower rate of ventilation-associated pneumonia
- PVP-I may provide a protective oropharyngeal hygiene measure for individuals at high risk of exposure to oral and respiratory pathogens
- 1% w/w mouthwash every 2–4 hours
- 0.45% w/w “sore throat spray”
- MRSA decolonization prior to performing ophthalmic surgery
- Approach should be expanded with PVP-I
- Especially adopted when preparing patients for surgical procedures or in any other setting that may create aerosols
- All medical personnel should consider routinely using PVP-I iodine nasal and oral preparations
- To decrease asymptomatic viral shedding
- To mitigate further disease spread
- Possible to create safe, effective, and comfortable protocols with repeat dosing of PVP-I, which may decrease the risk of transmission.
- It should be accepted that one decontaminates the oral and nasal tissues prior to donning a mask
- Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM(P), is a Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine, Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine, and Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine.
- Posted on Oct 09, 2020, 12 p.m.
- A small randomized controlled trial
- Gargling with povidone-iodine clears the virus from the nose and throat within four days
- This result comes as no surprise because, for a century, doctors have known that iodine is effective, not only for bacterial and fungal infections but for viruses as well.
- 20 asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic COVID-19 patients from a Malaysian university hospital were randomly allocated into four groups:
- Group A gargled with 10 milliliters of 1% povidone-iodine for 30 seconds, three times per day
- Group B did the same with 20 milliliters of Listerine.
- Group C did the same thing, with 100 milliliters of tap water.
- Group D acted as untreated controls.
- On day 4
- 100% of those in the povidone-iodine group had cleared the virus
- 80% of those in the Listerine group
- 40% of those in the tap water group
- 20% of those in the control group had cleared the virus.
- On May 26, another study was released, providing the first direct evidence that povidone-iodine is capable of killing SARS-CoV-2
- 0.5% povidone-iodine completely inactivated the virus in 60 seconds
- Comparable to 70% alcohol
- Greater concentrations were equally effective but provided no additional benefit.
- In vitro study, testing the ability to inactivate the virus when infecting isolated cells from the kidneys of African green monkeys
- Povidone-iodine is traditionally used topically
- Study does not provide any basis to suggest it should be swallowed orally
- Might cause diarrhea or worse in large amounts
- Povidone-iodine is not for oral consumption !!!
- But Lugols and Nascent Iodine are.
- Seventeen clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis were tested
- Povidone-iodine (PVP-I) at a concentration of 0.2% killed 99.9% or more of all strains tested within 30 seconds
- All of the strains tested with PVP-I were killed almost entirely within 60 seconds
- There was no difference in bactericidal activities of PVP-I between standard strain H37Rv and MDR-TB
- Concluded that the commercially available PVP-I product is a useful antiseptic against MDR-TB similar to other M. tuberculosis.
- Iodine kills 90 percent of bacteria on the skin within 90 seconds
- its use as an antibiotic has been ignored
- Iodine exhibits activity against bacteria, molds, yeasts, protozoa, and many viruses
- Of all antiseptic preparations suitable for direct use on humans and animals and upon tissues, only iodine is capable of killing all classes of pathogens
- Gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, mycobacteria, yeasts, and protozoa.
- Most bacteria are killed within 15 to 30 seconds of contact.
- Iodine supports our immune systems in fending off invaders while it improves our immunity, so we are less susceptible to symptoms and illness.
- Someone who is iodine sufficient has a lower chance of catching MRSA in a hospital
- Superbugs like this will not thrive in a body with enough iodine
- Virus responsible for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis — the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and all other viruses
- Do not like iodine because it gets in the way of their advancement
- Early 1900s, the Encyclopedia Britannica described iodine as being “of definite value” for treatment of multiple conditions including
- “metallic poisonings, as by lead and mercury
- Asthma,
- Aneurism,
- Arteriosclerosis, angina pectoris,
- Gout,
- Goiter,
- Syphilis,
- Hemophilia,
- Bright’s disease (nephritis)
- Bronchitis”
- With “usual doses” of iodide salts ranging from
- “five to thirty grains or more” (324mg to 1,944mg )
Odpovídá českému 2-3% kalium iodati dávkování 1-4 polévkových lžic/den a tam je ještě psáno, max. 5 dní po sobě
- Though this is hundred of times higher than what is considered generally safe per today’s tolerable UL
- Dr. Gabriel Cousens states, “Historically, as early as 1911
- "people normally took between 300,000-900,000 micrograms daily without incident”
- Translating into between 300 and 900 milligrams.
- Most people today, even if they are fighting cancer
- Only have the courage to use between 50 to 100 milligrams
- Still, if you are fighting a life-threatening infection
- We should remember medical history and how iodine has been used in the past
- When we read that 30 to 60 times, these amounts have been used;
- One should consider using a gram (1,000 milligrams) or even more when it is either that or death.
Naprostý souhlas. Lepší přechodná hypothyreóza nebo korigovatelná hypertyreozní epizoda, než umřít na sepsi nebo virovou pneumonii !!! Nebo od 20 let mít chronické srdeční selhání po difuzní nekroze myocytů a covidou plící ?
- Nobel Laureate Albert Szent Györgyi, the physician who discovered Vitamin C in 1928, commented:
- “When I was a medical student, iodine in the form of universal medicine. Nobody knew what it did, but it did something and did something good.”
- Dr. Cousens concludes
- “In 1950 the Japanese had 100 times more iodine in their diet than Americans.
- In 2001
- They had 202 times more iodine than Americans and were using up to 13.8 milligrams daily instead of the average U.S. intake of 425 micrograms.
- There has been no real study, ever, about what is the optimal safe dosage of iodine.
- But, again, no one has ever died from iodine overdose or allergic reactions.”
- A preliminary technical report here showed evidence that increasing our iodine intake within safe levels
- Might be sufficient to help against covid.
- This report adds subsequently identified information that conclusively shows that raising our iodine intake within safe levels will fully supply the body with amounts that it needs to fight covid in three ways:
- On the skin before you touch your face
- In your nasal passages before you are infected
- If infected, by helping kill infected cells that are replicating the virus
- The evidence is replete in the literature, including reasons why the information is not public via the government or mainstream media.
- This paper summarizes this all and suggests grassroots action.
- Iodine is known to deactivate coronavirus very quickly at very low concentrations.
- Multiple published scientific analyses confirm that
- Best fight any coronavirus, our iodine intake needs to attain the safe upper limit specified by the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization. (FAO)
- That amount is much more than the FDA’s Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA), which is the amount we currently average.
- The FAO dose is
- Weight dependent at 30 micrograms of iodine per kiligram of body mass – 13mcg/lb.
- For a 60kg (176 lb) person the amount is 2400 micrograms = 2,4 mg
- Some pacific rim countries already use oral iodine against covid.
- Three countries there are starting tests with an iodine nasal treatment against covid
- To give medical workers extra protection.
- Iodine being one of the World Health Organization’s listed essential medicines and the CDC’s reference list of covid disinfectants
- Raise our daily iodine intake to the FAO safe upper limit (30mcg/kg)
- Most of us will have no negative side effects.
- Using Lugol’s Solution (a formulation not a particular brand)
- Specific form of iodine on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines
- Help reduce the need for social distancing and to reopen the economy, spread the word
- (1) Known to deactivate coronavirus,
- (2) Known role in relevant immune functions inside the body
- (3) Known to be safe for people to take
- (4) Broad availability at low cost
- (5) No additional FDA approval required.
- (6) And a lack of contrary evidence.
- Iodine was the only item found that met all of the criteria
- Iodine use has two parts
- Intake for use inside the body
- External for touch surfaces, skin, etc.
- Multiple published scientific analyses confirm that, to best fight any coronavirus, our iodine intake needs to attain the safe upper limit
- Specified by the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO).
- That amount is much more than the FDA’s Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)
- Which is the amount we currently average
- United States iodine RDA for adults is 150 mcg and its UL is 1100 mcg
- FAO, 2001 makes clear that the 150 mcg RDA only regards iodine requirements for thyroid function
- That same document specifies a safe upper limit for iodine intake as 30mcg/kg of weight which is higher than the United States UL for adults heavier than 80-pounds
- 1. Deactivation of covid in the nose
- By the presence of enough iodine in the nasal mucus.
- 2. Iodine in sweat to deactivate covid on skin
- Before it can enter the body.
- 3. Participation in apoptosis to kill cells infected
- With covid to stop the cells replicating the covid virus
- The above list of functions is not the full set of addition roles for iodine in the body
- Technical details regarding the full range of body’s uses of iodine are available at (Aceves, et al., 2013) and (Rychlik, 2017)
- Less technical summaries of some of those uses iodine are available at (Derry, 2009) and (Rondon, 2019)
- Reference (Aceves, et al., 2013) directly estimates that the
- Total iodine required to support all functions is least 3 mg/day for certain pathologies
- Another reference (Rychlik, 2017) that examines the iodine requirements to support all functions recommends
- “In order to maintain optimum health, adults need 2-5 mg of iodide daily.”
- Their recommendation is in line with “upper safe limit of dietary intake of iodine established by FAO (30 mcg/kg/day)
- 1. Iodine requirements for nasal mucus are
- Estimated in a publication this month (Kirk-Bayley, et al., 2020)
- Proposes nasal spray to deactivate covid on inhalation
- Their estimate is 330 mcg sprayed into the nasal passages every 6 hours (4 times per day)
- That. equates to total of 1320 mcg per day for the nasal passages.
- The body will exhale some of
- 2. Iodine requirements for sweat
- Are available in another study (MAO, et al.).
- Measured iodine loss in sweat at 37 mcg/liter of sweat
- It is a substantial amount compared to the RDA of 150 mcg, especially during covid induced fever
- 3. Iodine intake requirements for apoptosis
- Could not be found in the literature
- Requirement may be more about available iodine stores than daily intake
- (Aceves, et al., 2013) showed that apoptosis rates are limited by iodine levels
- Augmenting with 5000 mcg/day of I2 per day for several weeks
- Did significantly increase apoptosis rates
- For fighting covid, 150 mcg is insufficient
- Very strong correlation between low iodine and cancer is shown in (Kargar, et al., 2017) and similarly in (Rondon, 2019)
- Traditional Japanese iodine intake has been 1000 to 3000 mcg
- They are among the longest lived as a group in the world
- With much lower cancer rates than in the United States. (Zava, et al., 2011)
- FDA UL of 1100 mcg is not sufficient, but it is better than the RDA of 150mcg
Fischer at. all 2011 prokázali, že aby se do plicních sekretů dostalo dost iodu, tak je potřeba, aby se jeho hladiny v krvi zvýšily z nanomolární koncentrace na mikromolární a účinnou p.o. dávku prokázali jako 130 mg - která vedla k dostatené virucidní koncetraci jódu v sekretech dýchacích cest. Ale na rozdíl od autora této studie nedoporučuje dodržovat denní příjem zvýšený. Mne připadá strategie s pohotovstním podáním vyšší dávky jodu v případě infekce a akutní potřeby lepší - pravděpodobně bezpečnější než jeho trvale vyšší užívání. Nicméně údaje o příjmu jódu ve vztahu k nádorům aj. jsou velmi zajímavé.
- It has been known for a long time that iodine has unique germicide properties
- During the Asian flu in 1957
- Mandl’s paint
- Seemed to prevent the development of influenza
- Untreated group 14% developed influenza
- Mandl's group only 2.8%
- In already developed influenza, starting iodine after three days of illness
- Reduced the number of cases significantly compared to the control group
- Effect being clear after only two days of treatment
- Pathophysiological research shows that iodine
- Could support the innate immune system in fighting both bacterial and viral infections
- 2013 it was shown in newborn lambs inoculated with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
- Iodine treatment resulted in less lung lesions and less pulmonary expression of RSV antigen
- In 3-week-old lambs it was demonstrated that iodine supplementation
- Reduced the severity of RSV-infection
- epidemiological data show that in the current COVID-19 pandemic the Japanese, known for their high iodine intake
- Have a very low number of COVID-19 deaths compared to other countries
- Despite the fact that
- Japan has the eldest population of the world
- National lockdown has thus far been one of mild measures
Už mne napadlo, zda tam lidé kvůli oné jaderné katastrofě třeba ještě někde donedávna neužívali nebo ještě někde neužívají jód i preventivně - jen neumím japonsky, abych si to mohla dohledat...
- Pathophysiological, clinical and epidemiological data, we hypothesize that
- Iodine is a crucial element in the optimal functioning of the innate immune system
- Could be the magic bullet for fighting the COVID-19 pandemic
- In both a curative and preventive way
- Prevention might be reached easily because of
- Very limited side effects
- Fast uptake by oral supplementation
- Iodine deficiency is estimated to affect one third of the world population at the moment.
- High death rates, the high costs of healthcare and the enormous economic consequences of the current pandemic situation
- It is important to conduct studies as soon as possible
- Especially because this possible new treatment is simple, inexpensive and safe.
ANO, ANO, ANO !!! To je přesně to, co už více než 14 dní píšu různým lékařům a istitucím v ČR !
Potřebujeme rychlý klinický test !! Já jsem na sobě jód už vyzkoušela a efekt s úlevou od všech respiračních symptomů se dostavil již an ne po pár hodinách !!!
"Když nevíš co dáti, dej kalium iodati."
- Staří lékaři budou vědět. Staré antitusikum v novém světle poznání není zdaleka jenom antitusikum !!!
- Pokud se podá farmakologická dávka jódu - asi 1000 x vyšší než běžně doporučovaná při jeho nedostatku a sérové koncentrace se z nanomolárních hladin přehoupnou do mikromolárních, je jodid trnasportován do plicních sekretů, kde spolu s kyselinou hypothiokyanovou tvoří virucidní a antimikrobiálně velmi účinnou směs a to již do 2h od podání nějakých 130 mg kalium iodati v jedné dávce.
- Aby směs byla virucidní i vůči velmi urputným virům jako jsou RS viry, je potřeba, aby se v plicních sekretech sešly: hypothiokyanát, iodid a funkční laktoperoxidázy
- Dostatek SCN- je závislý na našá stravě a deficit -CN, které si tělo neumí vyrobit samo, může být limitujícím faktorem
- Lze ho doplnit podáním např. vitamínu B17 nebo i B12.
- Pak je dobré mít nějaké donory síry do transsulfatačních reakcí, které ony kyanidy za pomoci vit. B12 detoxikují za vzniku zmíněného SCN- (hypothiokyanátu), který sám o sobě již umí zabíjet lecjaké bakterie na sliznici dýchacích cest.
- Donory síry: acetylcystein, potraviny bohaté na cystein, methylsulfonylmethan - MSM, černá sůl - kala namak, koupele v Epsomské soli,...
- Donory kyanidotvorných látek jsou: vit. B12 - kyanokobalamin, thyiokyanátové sloučeniny z brokolice, česneku, cibule aj...
- V místě zánětu na sliznici, obzvláště tam, kde je pak nízké pH, vzniká velmi pohotově nejen hypothiokyanát, ale i HOI aj. reaktivní cidní sloučeniny
- Je to multipotentní robustní obranný oxidační systém proti respiračním infekcím
- Podrobně popsán mechanismus účinku vč. pokusu na dobrovolnících zde:
- Dostatek kyanidotvorných látek a síry jsou určující faktory dobrého fungování imunitního systému v sekretech dýchacích cest
- V případě nouze lze pak přidat ještě frmakologikcou dávku jódu - např. cestou kalium iodati.
- Oslabeným dětem, co měly často infekce, se kdysi píchal vitamín B12 a doporučovalo se droždí, česnek a cibule...
- Jód zvyšuje pohotovost ke zvýšenému oxidačnímu stresu
- Takže větší dávku iodu bych si plánovaně nedala jen tak pro nic za nic, dokud bych nebyla v uplné nouzi
- Pokud je podání pravděpodobné / plánované, vyplatí se nejprve dát si jako přípravu nejprve
- Nějaké sirné sloučeniny ale ne zbytečně moc
- vitamín B12
- Vitamín B17 (amygdalin)
- Na ochranu tkání selen ev. i zinek (a samozřejmě vit. D, C a omega 3 mastné kyseliny)
- Proces lokální oxidace v místě zánětu je pak jedním z mechanismů léčebného účinku laktoperoxidázové cesty spoužitím jódu
- Ale i mnoha dalších jiných účinných léků !!!
- Mikroorganismy snášejí špatně, ale lidské buňky to umí docela tolerovat a své oxidované -SH zbytky pak zase regenerovat...
- Zde se uplatňuje nitrobuněčně antioxidační thioredoxinový systém - jeden z klíčových antioxidačních enzymů - selenoproteináza
- Dále hraje roli glutathion
- V zevním prostředí také mírně glutahtion, ale více se projeví účinky např. N-acetylcysteinu nebo erdosteinu a pod., které mouhou svým antioxidančím účinkem v hlenu a sekretu prooxidační cidní účinky sloučenin jódu přímo antagonizovat.
- Pokdu nechceme podávat jódu moc k tom, abychom dosáhnuli cidního (a tedy antitisického účinku), je potřeba rozmyslet si, zda radeji ona sirná mukolytika neodložíme zatím na později - až po ústupu kašle po zaléčení cestou kalium iodati
- Pokdu se zároveň užívá velké množství sirných antioxidančních sloučenin spolu s kalium iodati, můžeme sledovat jejich vzájemné interakce na kvalitě hlenu. Příliš viskózní hlen zanamená převládající prooxidaci již existujícího hlenu a cidní účinky, příliš tekutý může znamenat nadbytek redukčních účinků.
- úzdrava z agresivní virózy = zabití všech infikovaných buněk. Průšvih je, když je jich infikováno již příliš moc a imunita stále nezareagovlaa dostatečně agresivně - antivoroticky (Th1, CD8, NK bu, inteferon gama,...). Je tedy pochopitelné, že jde o závod s virem a jeho exponenciálním množením - tedy o závod s časem.
- COVID-19 napadá srdeční buňky, neurony, další klíčové tkáně, které špatně regenerují. Prevence chronických následků spočívá v co nejčasnějším podání virucidní látky i v případě lehkého průběhu. Prostě není na co čekat.
- Za absolutní chybu považuji podseknout si ze strachu z cytokinové bouře imunitu něčím hned na začátku.
- S velkým otazníkem také koukám na očkování proti chřipce behěm epidemie virové infekce v běhu - stimualce tvorby protilátek - tedy podpora Th2 imunity může na x týdnů oslabit onu tak potřebnou Th1 imunitu.
- Podání kalium iodati při zjištění pozitivity nebo při prvních projevech respirační infekce s podezřením na COVID-19 považuji za velmi racionální krok, který může do pár hodin velmi účinně vir zničit a ochránit zbytek těla
- Není na co čekat, protože kalium iodati, jak jsem popsala výše, funguje dobře jenom na sliznicích - jakmile se vir ze sliznic dostane na orgány těla, není o co stát
- Při COVID-19, když se to pak ev. úplně zvrtne a místo interferonu stoupjaí "náhradní" cytokiny typu IL-6 aj. a vzniká cytokinová bouře a velké poškození oxidačním stresem
- Můj současný stav tedy je, že kalium iodati mám doma v lednici, všem dávám vit. D, C, Selen, tu a tam vit. B17, B12 a rybího tuku,betaglukanů a když někdo začne kašlat nebo jdu někam, kde mi hrozí inekce skoro jistě, tak podám jednu dávku kalium iodati ev. ještě podpořím Isoprinosinem...
- A ve chvíli, kdy mám pocit, že mi něco sedí na sliznicích a chtělo by to jít na hlasivky nebo proskaovat v plicích nebo jinde, dávám hned maximální dávky derivátů rutinu - Detralex, Venoruton, Aescin... aj.
- Tento postup se mi osvědčil již několikrát jako dobrý základ, který vyřeší problém ihned v začátku nebo dřív než vznikne
- Kalium iodati je však ta nejdůležitější léčivá cidní složka, vše ostatní okolo jsou jenom takové podpůrné doplňky
- Ale pouze dle doporučení lékaře samozřejmě !!! (lze se tím i otrávit - a při otravě mohou fatálně otéct plíce)
- Kontraindikace podání jódu: Alergie na jód, záněty štítné žlázy, Amiodaron v medikaci ev. v nedávné době, Duhringova herpetiformní dermatitida, urtikariální veskulitida, a jeden vzácný druh myopatie
- Pokud jste COVID-19 pozitivní, můžete zkusit poprosit svého lékaře o předpis
- Ale neručím za to, s jakou pochodíte, tak se na mne nezlobte
Detailní vysvětlení souvislostí zde
- Domnívám se, že toto je cesta, jak se té pandemie zbavit, protože jód je levný, dostupný a bezpečný
- Jenom je potřeba získat klinická data u COVID-19+ pacientů a přesvěčit o tom ostatní lékaře a zavést to plošně
Podrobnosti citované práce zde:
- Need an effective protocol for health workers against SARS CoV-2
- Povidone-iodine (PVP-I) has effective virucidal activity by those receptors inhibition and direct kill the virus by membrane disruption
- PVP-I gargle, nasal spray and eye drop in case of accidental exposure is well tolerated easy use and has 2-3 hours contamination protection properties
- So, uses gargle and nasal spray every 3 hours during shifting duty of health care provider which will cover the total protection and reduced social contamination.
- Povidone Iodine is Polymer Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP-I) well tolerated
- Strong anti-viral effect against SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and recent SARS-CoV-2
- Like RBCs and type II alveolar cells (AT2) of lung, this CD147 also present in
- Tear and ocular tissues, like conjunctiva, corneal epithelium, endothelium, keratocytes, and retinal pigment epithelium
- But ACE 2 receptor absent in such healthy ocular tissues
- Some shorts of upper respiratory tract infection due to binding of SARS CoV-2 with CD147 in ocular tissues
- Then drain into nasal cavity via nasolacrimal duct
- Study demonstrate virus found in tear/conjunctival specimen is 1.949% of total COVID19 patients
- In China almost 31.6% of patients with COVID-19 had ocular involvement
- 91.7% of the patients with COVID-19-related conjunctivitis tested positive on a nasopharyngeal swab
- Inhibitory effect of PVP-I on
- Hemaggulitinin(HA) protein mediated ACE2
- Transmission decline the cross infection
- Lipid bi-layer envelop The beta-coronaviruses contain several Hemagglutinin Esterase (HE) protein
- As fifth structural protein
- Abundant ACE2 receptor is identified in oral tissues especially in
- Epithelial cells of tongue,
- Type II alveolar cells (AT2) of lung
- Esophagus upper,
- Stratified epithelial cells,
- Heart, lungs, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract
- Lymphocytes of oral cavity
- Salivary glands which is an early target for SARS-CoV-2
- Prophylactic mouth rinse/gargle and nasal spray
- Inactivate the heamaggulitin esterase activity
- Enhance absorption of ACE2 as receptor of host cell infection
- Topical povidone iodine along with dexamethasone
- Was found to be very effective in rabbit adenoviral conjunctivitis
- In clinical settings, PVP-I (1% and 5%) already showed clinical benefit in cases of adenoviral conjunctivitis
- 1% topical PVP-I (eye drop) on stat dose has prophylactic or preventive role of during accidental ocular exposure to SARS CoV-2
- Few well-designed studies have established the efficacy of PVP-I eye drops in viral conjunctivitis
- Burning and irritation is a significant side effect of the drug
- Can be effectively reduced by diluting 1 mL of 5% PVP-I with 4 mL of BAK containing lubricant drops
- This formulation will ensure patient comfort
- Will have the advantage of dual antiviral action with BAK and PVP-I
- PVP- I (1%) was effectively reducing the infectivity of both SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV in a invitro studies
- SARS-CoV for one minute
- 15-second for MERS-CoV
- Viral infectivity to below detectable level
- Dilution in aqueous solution PVP-I complex releases free iodine
- Which oxidizes fatty acid of viral cell wall
- Deactivates cytosolic enzymes of respiratory chain
- Inhibits the inflammation of host tissue
- Suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients
- 0·5% PVP-I solution (0·55 mg/mL available iodine) be applied to the oral, oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal mucosa
- 1 mL of 5% PVP I with 4 mL of BAK containing lubricant drops stat dose
- During accidental eye exposure or contact decrease the risk for contamination at remarkable level
- 0.2% povidone iodine may reduce the risk of ventilator pneumonia
- 0.5% PVP-I gargle once or twice a day up to six-months
- Showed no alteration in thyroid hormone levels (serum T3/T4 and free T4) but small increase in TSH levels within normal range
- Pediatric patient below 6 years not recommended
- 6 years or above may use single episode of PVP-I if mandatory
- It would be very cost effective defending front line health workers
- live clinical trial of USA, UK, Japan, New Zealand
- Every health worker,
- COVID-19 patient,
- Suspected patient with family
- Any nursing personnel
- will be protected from risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission
- By using prepared saline diluted 0.4% to 0.23 % gargle and nasal spray (1:1.5 dilution of 1% and 1:30 for 10% PVP-I)
- Two spray in each nasal cavity and feel it in throat
- hold it for 30 seconds
- followed by gargle for 30 seconds and should avoid eat or drink till 30 minutes
- Person who staying or related to COVID-19 patient including asymptomatic COVID-19 patients or has transmission risk
- All should continue the PVP-I gargle and nasal spray in every 3 hour or 4 times a day
- There is evidence of 0.4% to 0.23%
- Has no side effect even continuous use of 3 month to 2 years
- More over, gag reflex and unconscious cases may be recommended 0.4%-0.5% throat spray
- Topical oronasal treatment with povidone-iodine (PVP-I), better known as Betadine™ (Avrio Health, LP)
- May be an effective method to immediately reduce the viral load of the upper aerodigestive tract and thus decrease the risk of inadvertent virus transmission.
- Eggers et al. reported that a 1% PVP-I gargle for 15 s reduced
- Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (MERS-CoV) titer by greater than 99.99%
- 2018, Eggers again demonstrated that both Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 1 (SARS-CoV-1) and MERS-CoV
- could be rapidly inactivated by PVP-I in concentrations as low as 0.23% applied for 15 s
- Other authors have reported similar viricidal effects on
- Influenza,
- Rotavirus,
- Ebola,
- HIV,
- Adenovirus,
- Polyomavirus,
- Hepatitis A
- Klebsiella pneumonia
- Streptococcus pneumonia
- Nagatake et al. reported
- 50 % reduction in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Hemophilus influenza in 23 adults with chronic respiratory conditions by PVP-I gargling four times daily
- Shiraishi et al. reported a significant decrease in absence rate due to
- Common cold
- Influenza in a middle school where the use of PVP-I gargle was encouraged
- Ogata et al. compared bacterial levels in the oropharynx at intubation and at the tip of the endotracheal tube after extubating
- Among patients using PVP-I gargle or tap water gargle
- The bacterial levels in the oropharynx at intubation were markedly lower in the PVP-I gargle group
- Tap water gargle patients had higher levels of bacterial colonization of the endotracheal tube tip
- 26.1% of tap water gargle patients versus none in the PVP-I gargle group for level 3 or 4 bacterial colonization
- Oral PVP-I gargle formulations are currently available in many countries, including
- Japan and Canada
- Rare cases of aspiration pneumonitis as well as thyroid dysfunction
- Have been reported as side effects to povidone-iodine
- Cases of anaphylaxis, contact dermatitis and edema after exposure
- Have also been reported
- Ingestion in high concentrations or quantities may lead to
- Acute kidney injury and/or liver toxicity
- PVP-I in low concentrations
- Has not been known to stain teeth
- Topical oro-nasal PVP-I prophylaxis
- Should not be considered in patients with iodine allergy
- Or those undergoing radioiodine treatment
- Study of PVP-I oral gargle for cancer-associated oral mucositis
- no mucosal irritation was reported
- PVP-I is ciliotoxic in concentrations of 5% and 10%
- Proposed prophylactic treatment
- Prior to the induction of anesthesia, each patient self-administers PVP-I as follows:
- 15 ml 1% PVP-I as a swish and spit for 30 s
- After general anesthesia has been induced,
- 1% PVP-I solution is applied to oral cavity, oropharynx, hypopharynx and laryngopharynx surfaces
- For all transoral procedures or other procedures that cross these mucosal surfaces
- 10–20 ml 1% PVP-solution is placed into the nasal cavity (for any transnasal procedure).
- Mucosal contact of the PVP-I solution is maintained for 30 s.
- Povidone-iodine (PVP-I) is an antiseptic that has primarily been used for the prevention or management of wound infections for over 150 years.
- Its antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties and its safety have been well-documented.
- This article reviews the studies that
- Have assessed the antiviral efficacy of PVP-I
- Its potential use as a prophylactic on the oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal mucosa of
- Healthcare workers,
- COVID-19 patients,
- Community as an additional measure to help abate the pandemic.
- Iodine has been recognized as an effective bactericidal agent since the 1800s.
- Povidone iodine (iodine with the water-soluble polymer polyvinylpyrrolidone, PVP-I)
- Discovered in 1955 at the Industrial Toxicology Laboratories in Philadelphia by H. A. Shelanski and M. V. Shelanski.
- Developed so as to find an alternative form of antimicrobial iodine complex that was less toxic than tincture of iodine
- The onset of antimicrobial action of PVP-I starts when
- Free iodine dissociates from the polymer complex
- The free form of iodine rapidly penetrates microbes disrupting proteins and oxidising nucleic acid structures
- Resulting ultimately in microbial death
- PVP-I antibacterial activity is enhanced by
- Dilution of the usually available 10% w/w cutaneous solution
- From 1:2 dilution up to a 1:100 dilution (0,1%)
- With a reduction in activity occurring beyond 1:100
- PVP-I has higher virucidal activity than other commonly used antiseptic agents including:
- Chlorhexidine
- Benzalkonium chloride
- PVP-I has been shown to be
- Active in-vitro against the coronaviruses that have caused epidemics of SARS and MERS
- PVP-I against MERS-CoV
- Lowest concentration of PVP-I to be effective was 1% when used for 30 s under “dirty” conditions
- Leading to a reduction of viral activity of 99.99%
- But not effective at 0,1%
- In subsequent in-vitro work by Eggers et al.
- lowest concentration tested and effective against coronaviruses was 0,23%
- Kariwa et al. showed that in vitro treatment of SARS-CoV with various preparations of PVP-I for 2 min
- Reduced the viral activity to untraceable levels
- lowest concentration throat spray (Isodine Nodo Fresh®) of 0.23% was used in Japan
- In many orthopaedic and ophthalmic surgeries PVP-I is used
- As preoperative agent for Decolonization of Nasal Staphylococcus aureus and many infections
- In many ophthalmic surgeries, different dilutions of PVP-I are used for avoiding contamination and it is well tolerated
- Oropharynx and nasopharynx are the target sites of novel coronavirus
- Saliva contains a high viral load of COVID 19 with up to 1.2 × 10na 8 infective copies/per ml
- Even a few microliters of saliva contamination of surfaces or instruments
- May carry many thousands of infectious viral particles
- Asymptomatic, the viral shedding initial phase of COVID 19 is highly infectious
- Povidone Iodine (PVP-I) has better antiviral activity than other antiseptics in SARS –CoV and MERS-Cov
- We propose the use of 0.5% PVP-I as gargles and nasal drops
- As a prerequisite for patients attending ENT Out-Patient department and health care workers attending these patients.
- Kontraindikace - vyloučení ze studie:
- Patients with history of allergy to PVP-I
- All forms of thyroid disease
- On radioactive iodine treatment
- lithium therapy
- Known pregnancy
- Renal failure
- Dermatitis
- The protocol can be used in children as a single application for Nose, Throat examination after excluding allergy.
- Hospital setting, we propose
- Application of 0·5% PVP-I solution (0·55 mg/mL available iodine)
- As gargles onto the oral, oropharyngeal mucosa and as nasal drops onto nasal and nasopharyngeal mucosa of patients
- Application of 0.5% PVP-I can be used for
- Oral surgery, ENT examination and treatment, endo-tracheal intubation, endoscopy and bronchoscopy as a preoperative preparation.
- Preparation of 0.5% solution of PVP-I from commercially available solution:
- Povidone Iodine IP 10% v/w in purified water IP q.s.: Use 1 ml of PVP-I in 20 ml of sterile water/purified water.
- Povidone Iodine IP 5% v/w in purified water IP q.s.: Use 1 ml of PVP-I in 10 ml of sterile water/purified water.
- Povidone Iodine IP 7.5% v/w in purified water IP q.s.: Use 1 ml of PVP-I in 15 ml of sterile water/purified water.
- Povidone Iodine IP 2.5% v/w in purified water IP q.s.: Use 1 ml of PVP-I in 5 ml of sterile water/purified water.
- For all patients/healthcare professionals:
- 0·5% PVP-I solution is administered in a dose of 4–5 drops into each nostril 10 min prior to examination
- For endoscopic procedure, nasal pack with PVP is used and prior nasal douching 2 times prior day.
- Conscious patients and healthcare professionals:
- 10 ml of the 0,5% PVP-I solution is then introduced into the oral cavity and used as a mouthwash
- Care is taken to ensure the solution is distributed throughout the oral cavity for 30 s
- And then gently gargled or held at the back of the throat for another 30 s before spitting out.
- Patients hospitalised for confirmed/suspected COVID 19 and the involved healthcare workers:
- Steps 1 & 2 should be undertaken every 6 h for patients
- Up to four times per day for healthcare workers (maximal frequency two hourly)
- For healthcare workers
- Prior to contact with the patients
- If repeated contact is occurring, steps 1 and 2 are at a frequency up to 4 times in a day or repeated every 2–3 h
- Endoscopy and bronchoscopy and any other action to be carried out close to or in the mouth or nose:
- The patient should undergo steps 1 & 2 prior to examination or treatment.
- Healthcare workers conducting the procedure or in close proximity should perform steps 1 & 2 prior to contact with the patient and if multiple patients are being seen, repeat every 2–3 h, up to 4 times a day
- Dosages are the same as above, but are single exposures for patients.
- No allergy was reported by any of the patients and health care workers.
- PVP-I is being extensively used worldwide as a handwashing agent usually
- 7·5% solution containing foaming agents
- 10% pre-procedural skin antisepsis, oral surgery
- 5% ophthalmic surgery
- Commercially available in the Far East as a 1% w/v mouthwash for use every 2–4 h
- 0·5% versus 0·23% will be effective to allow for dilution due to saliva
- As the exact effective concentration of PVP-I in the presence of mucins and saliva is not known.
- intranasal topical application of 0.08% solution of iodine
- For the treatment of recalcitrant chronic rhinosinusitis has been described by the St. Paul's Sinus Centre team in Vancouver
- Application did not cause any significant effect on thyroid function, mucociliary clearance or olfaction
- There is absolutely no harm in repurposing 0,5% PVP-I
- False negative test creates a pseudo feeling of security amongst the health care workers.
- We do accept that direct testing and demonstration of the virucidal activity of PVP I against SARS-CoV-2 has not been yet documented.
- However, the experience gained from the previous studies showing in vitro virucidal action of PVP-I in SARS COV and MERS
- We propose to use it for reduction of SAR-CoV-2 viral load in the oral cavity
- To prevent COVID 19 transmission in the suggested manner
- A risk free time of 20 min following the use of PVP-I should be sufficient for examination and short procedures.
- The question of total iodine exposure seems well within previously recorded safe limits in those without contraindications to its use
Od pročtení této studie přemýšlím o tom, že by mohlo být stejně zajímavé a ještě lepší vymyslet jodový roztok do inhalace, aby se topicky podáváný jod dostal i dolních cest dýchacích - například, když už je kašel !
I lokální použití jódu může mít velký význam. Takže pokdu se někdo bojí dát si kalium iodati kvůli vysokým dávkám jódu, další cestou je použití iodu lokálně na sliznice, kde bude také několik hodin dělat, co má, protože je to hlavně o tom, jak ho dostat na sliznici - budˇsekrecí z kreve při jeho velkých dávkách a nebo kapkama, klokátním a sprayem. Od této chvíle se mi hodní hlavou, jak by se dalo zařídit, aby se roztok s jodem dal aplikovat v inhalaci / nebulizaci !!! Aby se zkrátka dostal dolů do dýchacích cest, když už je virus pak i tam a dělá kašel !!! Je to cesta, jak SARS-CoV-2 rychle deaktivovat - za předpokladu, že máme na sliznici i dost SCN- (lze doplnit požitím vit. B17)
Preprocedural Use of Povidone-Iodine Mouthwash during Dental Procedures in the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Eisha Imran, Zohaib Khurshid?, Adam Ahmed M. Al Qadhi, Ahmed Adel A. Al-Quraini, Khaloud Tariq
- Další rewiew, kde všude byl PVP prokázán jako účinný ke klokátní, dsinfekci úst před ORL zákrokem, nebo v nosních kapkách !
Coronavirus prevention: Iodine nasal wash and two other methods that can kill coronavirus, as per reports
- A recent study suggests that using iodine solution can help in effectively
- 0.5 %, 1.25 % and 2.5 %
- Even the solution with the lowest concentration of iodine was able to completely deactivate the virus within 15 seconds
Již se to doporučuje pacientům ! Super! Proč ještě ne v ČR?
- no effective treatment or preventive strategy for COVID-19 exists.
- WHO has suggested there is uncertainty concerning feasibility of antibody-based protection againstSARS-CoV-2.
- Enhancement of innate immunity seems like a natural option to investigate
- Iodide has recently been found to enhance antiviral defenses of the respiratory mucosa as
- Effectiveness inhuman is as of yet unproven
- Included in WHO Model List of Essential Medicines, iodide is known to be relatively safe.
- While iodide supplementation is an unproven idea
- it might be helpful in the context of COVID-19 pandemic.
- Given the relatively low toxicity and low cost of production,
- a randomized controlled trial of supplemental iodide would be feasible
- Preliminary information suggested low percentage of population had produced antibodies, providing little sign of “herd immunity”.
- Antibody-basedherd immunity “may not solve the problem of governments”
- It could also mean that vaccinations may be unfeasible or un-reliable
- Vaccinations are usuallyspecific to a single virus, even a single strain, requiring yearly redevelopment and revaccinations.
- A morepractical approach would be broad spectrum, effective against several different, not only strains but typesof viruses and even other pathogens such as bacteria
- With COVID-19, we would need to find solutions applicable to even the poorest and the most remote populations
- This presents an exciting opportunity:
- What would be the most minimalist solution to general health, including resistance to infections and cancers?
- This question leads us towards innateimmunity
- Nutritional trace element deficiencies are known to influence innate immunity.
- April 17th, 2020 the executive director of WHO Health Emergencies Programme Michael J. Ryannoted WHO
- Is not sure whether SARS-CoV-2 infection produces neutralizing antibodies that provideimmunity against reinfection.
Iodide and hypoiodite in the respiratory system
- Iodide (I–) acts as a protective antioxidant in various tissues inthe body
- It is oxidized by the peroxidase/H2O2system to hypoiodite
- Is a potent oxidant for microorganisms
- Iodide effectively scavenges reactive oxygen species (ROS) in human blood cells
- I–is present in saliva, stomach, intestines, kidneys, thyroid, ovaries, placenta, mammary glands, airway epithelium
- Fischer et. al. 2011 demonstrated the ability of I–to inhibit viral infections by encapsidated and enveloped respiratory virus particles
- Single oral doseof 130 mg potassium iodide was shown to accumulate in upper airway secretions in virucidal concentrations within 2 hours
- It was suggested that the delivery of I–to the airway mucosa may augment innate antiviral immunity.
- In cultured cells, with added lactoperoxidase enzyme, this mechanism demonstrated robust activity against the two viruses tested,
- Adenovirus is anonenveloped, protein-encapsidated double-stranded DNA virus
- RSV is an enveloped negative-sense single-stranded RNA virus
- SARS-CoV-2 is an enveloped positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus
- Mechanism is effective against two different types of viruses
- It is likely effective against SARS-CoV-2
- Innate oxidative antiviral system present in airways is nonspecific, broad spectrum mechanism applicable to multiple viruses
- Lactoperoxidase is assumed to bepresent in the airways of most people
- But it might not be present uniformly in respiratory tract andnasal passages
- Slightly acidic airway surface liquid provided the best virucidal result
- Another group studied the mechanism in lamb model and stated that
- High-dose iodide supplementationcan be used in vivo to lessen RSV disease severity
- Through the augmentation of mucosal oxidative defenses
- Another research group studied the mechanism’s variability in inactivating various influenza strains in a cell-free system
- In vitro study on immunomodulatory effects of iodide on human immune cells
- Optimally iodide saturated cells could enhance the immune system and improve clearance of infections
- But current reference level is primarily set to prevent goiter formation
Iodine, thyroid and safety
- Iodine’s antioxidant and apoptotic effects in various tissues
- Immunomodulatory effects on human immune cells
- Unrelated to thyroid hormone synthesis
- Depend on the iodide specific mechanism
- Using a saturated solution of potassium iodide (SSKI) as an expectorant used for decades
- Suggested doses varied between 1-3,5 g/day
- Relative safety of large doses of potassium iodide (KI) has also been demonstrated in dermatology
- Continuous doses of 1-6 g/day of potassium iodide are common
- Significant side effects have been uncommon
- Molecular iodine I2
- Safety of chronic administration of 3 mg/day has been shown
- Iodide has potential for thyroid suppression
- Changes in thyroid hormone indicators are usually transient
Patients with a functional thyroid
- Chronic excess intake of iodine has no effect on thyroid hormone levels
- Acute excess transiently raises TSH
- The effect disappears in 1-2 weeks
- Levels of freeT4 and free T3
- May slightly decline for a few days but normalize later.
Procházka růžovým sadem v porovnání s travlými následky po COVIDu-19 v podobě proběhlé myokarditidy a chronické plicní fibrózy !!! Nepodat jednorozově jód při infekci COVID-19 ze strachu o dočasné vychýlení TSH a fT4 a riskovat tím progresi viru a následné trvalé selhání plic a srdce, je trestuhodná neschopnost vyhodnocení skutečných rizik !
Patients with thyroid nodules
- Chronic excess of iodine may cause a risk of hyperthyreosis
Jak je to s jednorázovým podáním pár dávek jodu nezbytně nutných k zahubení viru - nevím, zda nutně musí vést k hypertyreoze. I tak mi těžký průběh COVID-19 připadá jako ta horší volba. Jediné, co by mohlo být hodně blbě - podat jód jen tak někomu, kdo má možná nádor štítnice a tato terapie by mu zablokovala efekt terapie nádoru radiojódem !!! Prostě suspektní uzlíky nejasné etiologie, to ať rozhodne někdo jiný.
- Iodine-containing antiarrhythmic medication
- Has been shown to often cause permanent harm
- Not due to its iodine content but to amiodarone itself
Iodine and cancers
- Different chemical forms of iodine have slightly different effects on the body
- Potassium iodide is indicated for general iodine deficiency and skin cancer
- Molecular iodine (I2) is indicated for thyroid, breast and prostate cancers
- Recent randomized controlled trial using iodine as adjunctive treatment for breast cancer
- Showed significant benefit
- Twenty times higher dietary reference intake of iodine
- Has been proposed as prophylaxis of breastcancer
- Iodine deficiency exposes individuals to toxic bromide and fluoride accumulation
Ty dělají pak zánět ve štínici i slinivce a vedou k zánětům a selhání orgánů a jejich sekrece... Jsou mnohem více prooxidativnější než celý jodid, který si tělo umí lépe regulovat.
COVID-19 pandemic
- Has exposed limitations of current medical practices
- To resolve the pandemic in developing countries, simple, affordable, available approaches
- To enhance innate immunity
- May be more desirable than difficult-to-produce, unaffordable designer molecules
YES, YES, YES !!!!
- Overly specific pharmaceuticals and vaccines are a subop-timal solution
- Correctable underlying deficiencies in innate immune response should be addressed first
- Suboptimal iodine status may be one of these correctable deficiencies
- Optimal dosing remains to beinvestigated.
- In severe forms of disease
- High doses may be needed in order to obtain optimal antiviral effect in the airways
- National reserves of potassium iodide exist for the entire populations of most nations
- For prophylactic treatment of radioiodine fallout in the event of nuclear emergencies
- Using these reserves to address COVID-19 would be a simple, affordable, immediate option, independent of possible issues with antibody-based approaches
YES, YES, YES !!! Určitě máme také nějaké státní zásoby jódu !!!
- COVID-19 prevention with iodide is currently an unproven idea, it might prove helpful
- A randomized controlled trial of supplemental iodide would be feasible
- EID (200 mcg iodine/ml) after exposure for 60 and 90 seconds was compared to controls.
- In both cases, the viral titre was reduced by 99% (LRV 2.0)
- The 1:1 dilution of EID with virus reduced SARS-CoV-2 virus from 31,623 cell culture infectious dose 50% (CCCID50) to 316 CCID50 within 90 seconds.
- Substantial reductions in LRV by Iodine-V in EID confirmed the activity of EID against SARSCoV-2 in vitro
- Demonstrating that Iodine-V in EID is effective at inactivating the virus in vitro
- Therefore suggesting its potential application intranasally to reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission from known or suspected COVID-19 patients.
- What is the minimum contact time of povidone-iodine (PVP-I) nasal antiseptic
- For inactivation of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in vitro ?
- 0.5% after 15 seconds of contact
- Log reduction value of greater than 3 log10 of the 50% cell culture infectious dose of the virus.
- Intranasal PVP-I rapidly inactivates SARS-CoV-2
- May play an adjunctive role in mitigating viral transmission beyond personal protective equipment.
- Povidone-iodine nasal antiseptics at concentrations (0.5%, 1.25%, and 2.5%) completely inactivated SARS-CoV-2 within 15 seconds of contact
- Ethanol, 70%, positive control did not completely inactivate SARS-CoV-2 after 15 seconds of contact
- Nasal PVP-I irrigations should additionally be considered for use by health care professionals for prophylaxis.
- Oral mucosa decontaminated with PVP-I remains sterilized for up to 4 hours
- Although this has not yet been proven in nasal mucosa
- At concentrations of 1.25%, iodine absorption is negligible
- Simple, nonbuffered, slightly acidic, complexed PVP-I solutions would further limit any transmucosal absorption of molecular iodine
- Providing only a minimal theoretical risk of iodine absorption
- Thyroid function testing should be considered when PVP-I is regularly administered to patients for more than 3 months.
- Use of intranasal PVP-I is contraindicated in patients with
- An allergy to iodine,
- Patients who are pregnant,
- Patients with active thyroid disease,
- Patients undergoing radioactive iodine therapy
Betadine produkty a návody při COVID-19
- Resistant strains of the Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacterium have spread around the world.
- World may soon run out of drugs to treat gonorrhea, some doctors have turned to
- “Mechanical interventions included genital installation of large quantities of iodine solution instilled by urethral or vaginal catheters.”
- Even the World Health Organization recommends using a 2.5 percent, water based povidone iodine solution
- For all neonates for topical ocular prophylaxis for the prevention of gonococcal and chlamydial ophthalmia neonatorum immediately after birth.
- Book from 1886, “Materia Medica And Therapeutics Inorganic Substances“, by Charles D. F. Phillips
- For syphilis there can now be no question that the drug has curative powers of its own, independent of mercurial action;
- They are evidenced especially in the later, or tertiary stages of constitutional syphilis, when either the mucous membranes are affected, as in deep ulceration of the fauces, or the bones are attacked with periostitis or nodes, or the skin suffers with rupial or lupoid eruption, or the brain-membranes are thickened, or gummatous deposits are formed in any of the viscera.
- By causing the absorption of deposits and thickenings in various parts of the body, iodides cure, at the same time, many secondary and dependent symptoms, such as nocturnal pains, neuralgia, paralysis, dullness of sense or intellect, and convulsive paroxysms.
- The dose of iodide of potash is a matter of much importance, and need be limited only by the susceptibility or idiosyncrasy of the patient, and the progress of the disease;
- It may vary from 1 or 2 gr. up to 60 gr., two or three times daily
Wow! To je megadávka !!! A tady se lékaři kácí v panice z nějakých 5g/5 dní, které mohou ochránit před fatální virovou pneumonií !!!
- The best results have sometimes been obtained from heroic doses, when ordinary ones have failed.
- Elliotson gave 30 to 60 gr., or more, for a dose (Lancet, 1832)
- Ricord commonly prescribed the same amount.
- Sir A. Cooper, Drys-dale, Pollock, and others
- Have given instances of the value of such quantities (British Medical Journal and Lancet 1867-68)
- Dr. Buzzard
- Has pointed out the importance of large doses, especially in syphilitic affections of the nervous system (Lancet, 1873)
- Dr. Paul B. Beeson had some very interesting things to write about iodine and its use for the treatment of syphilis.
- “Early in this century potassium iodide was regarded as “one of the most important drugs in the Pharmacopoeia.”
- Although now displaced by many new therapeutic agents, an extensive body of clinical experience remains, showing that this simple compound can exert impressive effects on certain kinds of pathologic processes.
- The element iodine was discovered in 1811, and this soon led to trial of iodides in the treatment of many disorders.
- The variety of diseases for which iodine was prescribed in the early years is
- Astonishing—paralysis, chorea, scrofula, lacrimal fistula, deafness, distortions of the spine,
- Hip-joint disease, syphilis, acute inflammation, gout, gangrene, dropsy, carbuncles,
- Whitlow, chilblains, burns, scalds, lupus, croup, catarrh, asthma, ulcers
- Bronchitis—to mention only a few.”
- “Within twenty years of the discovery of iodine, the potassium salt was being used with good effect in treatment of tertiary syphilis.
- Toward the end of the century, Osier’s textbook of medicine had this to say:
- In the treatment of the visceral lesions of syphilis, iodide of potassium is of equal or even greater value than mercury.
- Under its use ulcers rapidly heal, granulomatous tumors melt away.”
Malaria and tuberculosis
- June 1, 1905 we see an article printed in the New York Times
- Successful use of iodine for consumption/tuberculosis
- Drug-resistant tuberculosis is also spreading with the rate of TB patients infected with the drug-resistant strain topped 20 percent in some countries, the highest ever recorded, with rates expected to soar even higher.
- According to the WHO, outbreaks of drug-resistant tuberculosis are showing up all over the world and threaten to touch off a worldwide epidemic of virtually incurable tuberculosis.
- Seventeen clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis were tested.
- Povidone-iodine (PVP-I) at a concentration of 0.2% killed 99.9% or more of all strains tested within 30s.
- All of the strains tested with PVP-I were killed almost completely within 60s.
- There was no difference in bactericidal activities of PVP-I between standard strain H37Rv and MDR-TB.
- It was concluded that the commercially available PVP-I product is a useful antiseptic against MDR-TB similar to other M. tuberculosis.
- Iodine was known by many medical doctors in the 19th century as an empirical remedy, a real “heroic remedy”
- A true present from the science of medicine to humanity.
- Povidone-iodine is an antiseptic suitable for use on the skin and mucosa with potent virucidal activity, particularly against coronaviruses.
- It is marketed for oro-nasopharyngeal decolonization.
- 24 patients with positive nasopharyngeal SARS-CoV-2 carriage will be randomized (1:1) in an experimental group (benefiting from povidone iodine decolonization) or a control group.
- Patients in the experimental group will be asked to
- gargle with a 1% povidone-iodine solution
- Spray their nose with the same antiseptic solution,
- Finally applied 10% povidone-iodine cream in each nostril
- All four times a day for five days
- Patients will be followed for 7 days to evaluate the efficacy and safety of povidone iodine decolonization.
- To provide a coronavirus inactivating agent that is easy to handle and excellent in effect.
- A coronavirus inactivating agent in which are dissolved in a solvent:
- Iodine
- Cyclodextrin
- An iodine dissolution aid may be included
- An iodine-cyclodextrin inclusion product may be formed in the agent
- It has strong anti-coronavirus activity and can protect and prevent viral infections in humans and animals
- The present invention relates to a disinfectant having anti-coronavirus activity, comprising iodine and cyclodextrin.
- Disinfectant, a drug having an action by causing
- Catechins are blended with a disinfectant mainly composed of alcohols (Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. 9-110615)
- Amount of catechins is 100 to 1000 ppm, such as the disinfection of hands, fingers, etc.
- That require cleaning such as medical workers, foods, and manufacture of medical products, and instruments
- Method for disinfecting water using iodine species is also disclosed (Japanese Patent Publication No. 2000-516142)
- Iodine preparation that acts as an antibacterial, antifungal, disinfecting, and preservative for iodine
- A compound in which iodine is included in beta-cyclodextrin has been developed and used in various applications
- Patent Document 1 discloses a disinfectant using an iodine-cyclodextrin inclusion product
- Patent Document 2 discloses that iodine beta-cyclodextrin inclusion product is dissolved in polyhydric alcohol in an amount of 7 to 10 mg / ml.
- A gargle composition characterized in that it contains a fungicide comprising
- JP-A-9-110615 Special table 2000-516142 JP-A-51-88625 Japanese Patent Publication No. 61-4810
- There are few preventive drugs and therapeutic drugs used for coronavirus diseases such as SARS coronavirus in a short time
- It is not sufficient to prevent infection promptly
- no therapeutic drug has been found for SARS, and the SARS epidemic is a concern
- It is expected to prevent coronavirus infection and provide rapid recovery of areas infected with coronavirus.
- Present invention provides a coronas virus inactivating agent that can be used easily and has excellent efficacy.
- Solution containing iodine and cyclodextrin
- Has an excellent anti-coronas virus effect against coronavirus
- Solution obtained by dissolving iodine and cyclodextrin together with an iodine dissolution aid is stable
- Has excellent storage stability and is easy to handle during use.
- Infectivity of Coronas virus can be eliminated in a small amount in a short time
- Iodine and cyclodextrin are stably dissolved in a solvent
- Effective iodine acts efficiently
- An anti-coronavirus effect can be exerted in a short time and in a small amount
- iodine concentration is 0.01 to 1.5 molar
- More preferably 0.02 to 1.0 molar
- If the concentration is less than 0.01 molar
- The effective iodine concentration becomes too low, and the anti-coronavirus effect may be reduced
- When the molar concentration exceeds 1.5
- Iodine concentration may be high
- Stability of iodine may decrease
- Iodine concentration when the iodine-cyclodextrin inclusion product is dissolved in the solvent
- Is converted by the iodine concentration contained in the iodine-cyclodextrin inclusion product.
- Cyclodextrin density | concentration is 0.5-1.5 mol with respect to 1 mol of iodine
- More preferably, it is 0.5-1.0 mol
- When iodine and cyclodextrin are dissolved in a solvent, a so-called iodine-cyclodextrin inclusion product is formed
- But the inclusion inclusion-forming ability is excellent within the above range
- Iodine dissolution aid may further be contained in a range of 0.01 to 2 mol concentration
- More preferably 0.02 to 1.5 mol concentration
- Particularly preferably 0.03 to 0.4 mol concentration
- Iodine dissolves in water and polyhydric alcohol
- Iodine can also be dissolved in polyhydric alcohol without adding an iodine dissolution aid
- Iodine dissolution aid improves the solubility of iodine and improves the stability of the resulting coronavirus inactivating agent
- Concentration of iodine dissolution aid is less than 0.01 molar
- Solubility of iodine may be reduced
- Solubility and stability of the coronavirus inactivating agent are further improved even if the concentration exceeds 2 molar
- It is less favorable and disadvantageous.
- Iodine that can be used in the coronavirus inactivating agent of the present invention
- Is not particularly limited
- Commercially available products can be used as they are
- Potassium iodide and potassium dichromate are distilled by heating or iodide
- Obtained by synthesis such as by:
- Oxidizing potassium solution with copper sulfate solution
- Electrolyzing iodide present in ash baked with seaweed,
- Oxidized by adding manganese (IV) oxide and sulfuric acid, or chlorine
- Iodate contained in chili nitrate or spa is
- Reduced with sodium bisulfite
- Precipitated in the form of copper (I) iodide using sodium bisulfite and copper sulfate
- Oxidation with manganese (IV) oxide and sulfuric acid or iron (III) oxide and sulfuric acid;
- Shuman reaction,
- A reaction of mixing 1 equivalent of iodate ion and 5 equivalent of iodine ion and causing oxidation-reduction reaction to obtain 3 moles of iodine molecules, or 1 mole of potassium iodate and 5 moles of potassium iodide
- Obtained by mixing with an appropriate inorganic acid or organic acid and generated in the reaction system;
- Obtained by simply adding an appropriate inorganic acid or organic acid to an aqueous solution of iodine ion such as potassium iodide.
- You may use the iodine manufactured according to the well-known method, such as a thing.
- The cyclodextrin is not particularly limited
- Commercially available product may be used as it is
- Or may be produced by a known method such as
- Causing amylase derived from Bacillus macerans to act on starch
- “cyclodextrin” means: alpha-, beta-, and gamma-cyclodextrin composed of 6, 7 and 8 cyclic alpha- (1 › 4) linked D-glucopyranose units
- Chemical modifications such as methyl, propyl, monoacetyl, triacetyl, and monochlorotriazinyl are also included.
- Specific examples of commercially available cyclodextrins used in the present invention include
- Alpha-cyclodextrin commercially available as
- CAVAMAX W6 and CAVAMAX W6 Pharma (both manufactured by Wacker Chemicals East Asia Co., Ltd.);
- CAVAMAX W7 and CAVAMAX W7 PHARMA ?-cyclodextrin marketed as (all manufactured by Wacker Chemicals East Asia Co.);
- Gamma-cyclodextrin marketed as CAVAMAX W8, CAVAMAX W8 Food and CAVAMAX W8 Pharma (all manufactured by Wacker Chemicals East Asia Co., Ltd.)
- Dextrin; methyl-beta-cyclodextrin commercially available as CAVASOL W7 M, CAVASOL W7 M Pharma and CAVASOL W7 M TL (all manufactured by Wacker Chemicals East Asia Co., Ltd.);
- CAVASOL W7 HP and CAVASOL W7 HP Pharma (both As Wacker Chemicals East Asia Co., Ltd.)
- Hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin; monoacetyl-beta-cyclodextrin marketed as CAVASOL W7 A (both manufactured by Wacker Chemicals East Asia Co., Ltd.);
- CAVASOL W7 TA (all manufactured by Wacker Chemicals East Asia Co., Ltd.)
- Trichloro-beta-cyclodextrin commercially available as CAVASOL W7 MCT (both manufactured by Wacker Chemicals East Asia Co., Ltd.)
- Beta-cyclodextrin and gamma-cyclodextrin
- Are approved as food additives
- Chemical modifications thereof are preferably used in consideration of safety and the like
- Most preferably used as a dextrin.
- Inclusion product of iodine-cyclodextrin may be prepared from the above-mentioned iodine and cyclodextrin
- By the method described in, for example, JP-A Nos. 51-88625 and 2002-193719.
- The iodine solubilizer used to dissolve iodine in water is
- Hydrochloric acid, hydrobromic acid, hydroiodic acid, sodium iodide,
- Potassium iodide, magnesium iodide, calcium iodide, barium iodide
- Sodium chloride, potassium chloride, magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, barium chloride,
- Sodium bromide, potassium bromide, magnesium bromide, calcium bromide, barium bromide and the like.
- Of these, sodium iodide or potassium iodide is preferably used
- In terms of excellent solubility of iodine.
- The iodine dissolution aid may be used alone or in the form of a mixture of two or more but is preferably used alone.
- Moreover, you may use a commercial item, for example
- Inclusion body of beta-cyclodextrin and iodine (the product name "BCDI-20" (product containing effective iodine amount 20 mass%) made by Nichiho Chemical Co., Ltd.))
- Powder of methyl beta-cyclodextrin and iodine clathrate (manufactured by Niho Chemical Co., Ltd., product name “MCDI-12” (product containing 12% by mass of effective iodine))
- Product name “MCDI-6” An aqueous solution such as (a product containing an effective iodine amount of 6% by mass) can also be used.
- The iodine-cyclodextrin inclusion product is a compound in which iodine (I 2 ) is included in cyclodextrin.
- Examples of the solvent used for the coronavirus inactivating agent of the present invention include
- water,
- Alcohols having 1 to 4 carbon atoms such as methanol, ethanol, and butanol;
- Ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, glycerin, polyethylene glycol, butylene glycol, and pentanediol.
- Polyhydric alcohols having 2 to 6 carbon atoms such as hexamethylene glycol; and other N-methylpyrrolidone
- Which can be preferably used
- Particular, one kind of a polyhydric alcohol having 2 to 6 carbon atoms such as ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, glycerin, polyethylene glycol, butylene glycol, pentanediol, hexamethylene glycol, or a mixture of two or more kinds is used.
- It is preferable to use propylene glycol.
- Excellent in the solubility of iodine
- Excellent in the stability of the iodine-cyclodextrin inclusion product formed.
- Supplementing an iodine dissolution aid such as KI in the solution can prevent the release of such iodine
- Stabilize the inclusion product of iodine-beta-cyclodextrin
- This is presumably because supplementing the iodine dissolution aid increases the ratio of KI / I 2 contained in the inclusion product of iodine-beta-cyclodextrin to 1, thereby suppressing the release of iodine even in the solution
- The coronavirus inactivating agent of the present invention can contain an appropriate amount of a fragrance, a sweetener, an emulsifier, and a humectant.
- Can be used as it is as a disinfectant for coronavirus
- Agent of the present invention is effective also in:
- Human coronavirus (HCo-V) 229E,
- Swine infectious gastroenteritis virus (TGEV),
- Swine epidemic Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV),
- Porcine respiratory coronavirus (Porcine respiratory coronavirus: PRCoV),
- Swine infectious gastroenteritis virus (Swin Transis gastrovirus)
- Feline coronavirus ( Feline Coronavirus (FECoV),
- Feline Infectious Peritonitis Virus (FIPV)
- Bovine Coronavirus (BCoV),
- Human Coronavirus HCoV (Human CoronaviusH)
- Porcine hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus (HEV)
- Rat coronavirus (RCV):
- Chicken infectious bronchitis virus (Infectious Bronchitis virus)
- Turkey coronavirus (TCoV)
- Rabbit coronavirus (Rabbit Coronavirus) and the like.
- Agent of the present invention exerts a high anti-coronavirus effect in a short time even
- At a low concentration
- Thus is particularly effective against SARS coronavirus.
- Disinfectant of the present invention, it can be applied to infections such as
- Contact infection,
- Air infection,
- Droplet infection which are infection routes of coronavirus
- Preventing invasion from human skin, nasal mucosa, or oral cavity as the invasion route.
- Product diluted 200 to 1200 times with water at the time of use
- Is confirmed to be infected with coronavirus or infected with coronavirus
- Spray or apply in a potentially dangerous place or atmosphere
- Spray or apply to a coronavirus contaminant
- Allow a human who is at risk of infection to wear a mask impregnated with a diluent as described above
- Or a method of spraying or applying to the skin of a human or animal
- Iodine concentration is preferably 1.0 × 10 -5 to 0.02 molar concentration
- More preferably 0.5 × 10 -5 to 0.01 molar concentration at the time of use
- May be used by diluting to a concentration of 1.0 × 10 -4 to 0.005 molar
Fisher a kol. prokázali že 500 microMol bylo již efektivní
- Even at such an iodine concentration, a high anti-coronavirus effect can be exhibited
- V.s. cyclodextrin acts synergistically in addition to the contained iodine
- Effective iodine amount is simply compared
- The anti-coronavirus effect can be exerted in a small amount as compared with the conventional iodine-containing solution
Protože tam musí být ještě do reakce SCN- a laktoperoxidáza, která je na sliznic dýchacích cest !!! Jinak to není virucidní.
A je cyclodextrine aplikovatelný na sliznice nebo jenom na kůži ???
- Effective iodine amount means
- Iodine having oxidizing power, and for example, molecular I 2 or I + is applicable
- I - contained in potassium iodide (KI)
- Has no oxidizing power
- Is not contained in effective iodine
Proto je netoxický a můžeme ho pozřít a v plicních sekretech je cíleně aktivován laktopreoxidázou jenom tam, kde je to potřeba !!!
- Anti-coronavirus effect is exhibited even when the effective iodine concentration is 100 ppm.
- When an iodine-cyclodextrin inclusion product is formed in the disinfectant
- The inclusion product gradually releases iodine
- So that the effect can be expected over a long period of time
- There is little irritation to the skin and mucous membranes !!!
Example 1
- Propylene glycol (PG) 85.0 g
- Potassium iodide (KI) 0.5 g (0.003 mol)
- Were added to a 100 ml Erlenmeyer flask
- With a common rubbing stopper to dissolve KI.
- After 10.0 g of iodine / beta-cyclodextrin inclusion product (BCDI-20; product containing 18.8% by mass of effective iodine) was added and dissolved,
- PG was added to make 100.0 g.
- The effective iodine amount of the solution was 1.88% by mass.
- This is designated as coronas virus inactivating agent 1.
Example 2
- To a 300 ml Erlenmeyer flask equipped with a common rubbing stopper,
- 163.7 g of water and
- 21.2 g (0.128 mol) of KI were added to dissolve KI.
- To this, 16.2 g (0.064 mol) of iodine (I 2 ) was added and dissolved,
- Then 78.2 g (0.064 mol) of methyl beta-cyclodextrin was added, and
- Iodine / methyl beta-cyclodextrin inclusion was added.
- It was set as the chemical solution aqueous solution.
- The effective iodine amount of the solution was 5.8% by mass.
- This is designated as coronas virus inactivating agent 2.
Example 3
- Common rubbing stoppered 100ml Erlenmeyer flask,
- PG84.2g,
- KI0.682g (4.11 mmol),
- I 2 0.950 g (3.74 mmol) and
- Beta- cyclodextrin 3.51g of (3.10 mmol)
- Sequentially after each component was dissolved,
- PG was added to make a total of 95.0 g.
- The effective iodine amount of the solution was 1.0% by mass.
- This is designated as coronas virus inactivating agent 3.
Výsledky různých testů in vitro viz detailní popis vynázelu
Takový nějaký náš modifikovaný jodglycerin... Trochu mne zklamalo, že se víc nezabýval tolerancí organismu a možnostmi apliakce na sliznice a ev. p.o. podáním.
- Preprint and has not been peer-reviewed. It reports new medical research that has yet to be evaluated and so should not be used to guide clinical practice.
- Gargling had been reported to have significant roles in the prevention and treatment of respiratory tract infections.
- Pilot, open labeled, randomized, parallel study compared the effect of 30 seconds, 3 times/day gargling using
- 1% povidone-iodine (PVP-I)
- Essential oils
- Tap water
- On SARS-CoV-2 viral clearance among COVID-19 patients in a tertiary hospital in Kuala Lumpur
- Progress was monitored by day 4, 6 and 12 PCR (Ct value), gargling and symptoms diary as well as clinical observations
- Five confirmed Stage 1 COVID-19 patients were recruited for each arm
- Age range was from 22 to 56 years old. The majority were males.
- Two respondents had co-morbidities, which were asthma and obesity.
- Viral clearance was achieved at day 6 in:
- 100% - 1% PVP-I
- 80% - essential oils
- 20% - tap water
- 0% - control group
- Preliminary study showed that gargling with 1% PVP-I and essential oils
- Show great potential to be part of the treatment and management of Stage 1 COVID-19
- Larger studies are required
- Study was registered in (NCT04410159)
- We suggest the protocol is considered for routine use during the care of COVID-19 patients
- Particularly before any procedure that involves the upper aerodigestive tract, including
- Intubation,
- Nasal and oral procedures,
- Endoscopy and bronchoscopy
- In all patients during the pandemic regardless of COVID-19 status, due to the reported significant rates of asymptomatic infection
- The total iodine exposure proposed is well within previously recorded safe limits in those without contraindications to its use.
- The intervention is inexpensive, low risk and potentially easy to deploy at scale globally.
- There is little to lose and potentially much to gain.